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Two more Peco BR wagons thanks to Cheltenham models

I just put my 6 on the layout, (had them for a while but not got round to doing anything on Millwood). I don't think I will get anymore, they don't connect as well as the Hornby ones, and TBH the goods yard is a bit overfull. I may decommission the tankers as I am not fond of the tiny tankers, maybe they'll do some larger era 3/4 ones later ?
Having just spent 3 hours getting Falcon to run as she should have out of the box, I didn't feel like fettling wagons too ! laughing



Tankers already decommissioned here 😁 Peco wagons are great runners (compared to the aforementioned tankers) and gently converting to hunts magnetic couplings is worth the dexterity.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Falcon and Night Hawk, both with sound fitted and a couple of maroon Mk1's. The bonus points had been staring me in the face for far too long :).

Just need to place the board into its' new location (once I'm 100% sure there are no further leaks from the roof) and start laying track again.

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Not TT but trying to decide which scale I want to model in going forward (due a variety of factors) so I bought an old Lima set for not a lot of money. Surprisingly some of the coaches aren't that much less detailed than the TT Mk1, considering the difference in age and cost! Plastic wheels and non-flush glazing though.




The round metal buffers are an aftermarket addition. The class 52 they came with doesn't have any.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Recieved my coal loads from a member here and ebay seller. They come as 2 pieces, the load itself which has a coarse or a fine coal effect and a spacer so you can have a full or partly full load. They fit perfectly the Hornby and Peco wagons and the price is very good. They are also very light so the loco can still pull long trains. A must buy in my opinion.thumbsupforum_image_65ac11f4ef651.thumb.png.828faafc88b4f6cbdb042eea8b6f68c8.pngforum_image_65ac11fa17b8a.thumb.png.dadab8ba8acf15e0e641964632a40909.pngforum_image_65ac1200d1dfe.thumb.png.dac1241c5f5f744ce10b31ff7d5ffe5a.png

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@moawkward - I would be interested to know how you are getting on in your decision between TT and other scales as I am still unsure myself. It feels like crunch time approaches with more products due this year!

@david_watts1 - Those coal loads do look good. It looks like they don’t sort out the slight bend in the wagon sides on the Peco wagons though? Not that it is too obvious as TT is quite small.

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Adam, looks like they have sold out for now, They were low the other day when I looked, I don’t have any open mineral wagons yet… hopefully Greg will do a load for the 21T when arrives… have a few on pre order!

Search ‘TT:120 wagon loads’ brought it up for me when they were available.

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Very kind indeed of David to post his photos of the coal loads. To answer taunmarc, no, they do not ‘straighten’ the slight bow in the Peco wagons. To do so would have meant a very tight fit, and make them too difficult to remove. I was rather overwhelmed by the orders that came in I confess, my poor wee 3d printer was going flat out for a week!

I’m also thankful to RallyMatt for his suggestion re the 21T wagons when they’re out. Will check and see if the load can be adapted, don’t see why not in theory.

Am currently eagerly awaiting the arrival of a TTA…!

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@moawkward - I would be interested to know how you are getting on in your decision between TT and other scales as I am still unsure myself. It feels like crunch time approaches with more products due this year!



I decided to stick with TT. Practical reasons mostly - as I’m short on space and already have a significant investment in rolling stock. Whilst I’m sure I could’ve sold what I have (at a loss no doubt) and enjoyed buying up a collection of used and new OO stock, refitting old Limas with new motors and wiring DCC sockets etc, my layout options would’ve been limited to the point most of it would never get to run as it should. It would also no doubt end up more expensive - I put together a comparison between what I spent so far on TT with OO and N gauge new and used prices and it was basically a wash, except with TT the models are new and guaranteed. I’d already written off N gauge as too fiddly having been there before briefly with Japanese outline a few years ago.



Current plan is to finish my roundy round layout and then embark on a more prototypical end to end layout to learn more DCC skills and try out automation and block control etc. By which point I’ll hopefully have my preorders of sufficient BR blue stock as well as new preorders placed for whatever is announced in April.



I think TT would’ve had a far harder time if the initial range and what’s been released to date was limited. The fact that we’ve got so much in basically 1 year shows me the scale has legs. We just need some more competition from other manufacturers. More wagons from Peco for a start.

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@moawkward Thank you for that thorough reasoning towards TT. It brought up a few issues I face that I hadn’t even got around to considering yet.

One factor I keep coming back to is the TT community is actually really nice compared to some others.

Thanks again, I think it’s TT for the win. I don’t fancy fixing up any more old locos and when you mentioned the idea of doing the round layout first and then applying those skills later to a bigger layout that makes a lot of sense.

I better order me some Peco wagons then as I haven’t seen them in person yet!

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Got these today from ms models and pleasantly surprised they came fully built. I have primed them ready for painting at some point.


Also getting prepared for grassing with the arrival of these bits.


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