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Confirmed list of Hornby locos working and not working with HM7000 DCC Bluetooth

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An early video stated that the decoder had been tested out to 20 metres inside a metal bodied loco and out to more than 45 metres in a plastic loco.

As for size JK had compared them and in all cases except for the N18S, some of the other makes were even larger than the TXS equivalent. The auxiliary socket obstruction is noted but as the 21-pin fitting can be installed compact or rotated, I.E. header up or down, according to the spec sheet, a manufacturer could work round the obstruction by using an alternative installation.

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Well Fishmanoz as I only have one HM7000 the list would be very short. I have many TTS decoders and generally I usually bin the Hornby speaker and replace it with either one from Road and Rails or if it is a fitment inside the loco itself rather than the tender, an Ice Block speaker from YouChoos. I don't use Sugar Cube speakers as their wires are too exposed and more difficult to insulate.

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The TXS 21 pin is the same size as a ‘normal’ 21 pin decoder so there is no obvious reason why it should not fit. There is a space provided for a speaker although adding the powerbank may require some inventiveness.

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Hi Wayne-in-Oz
You are right in that I fitted the main bluetooth decoder and speaker under the PC board on the R3569 BR Class 71 Blue. I just disassembled my loco for you and created a small video showing it running with the model top off so you can see it does fit and work with the HM7000 fitted.

I have also created a video with the model loco resembled. I have also taken a few pictures as well for you. I will load them up to We Transfer and give a link but I think under the rules of the forum I need a moderator to approve the video in a we transfer link before I post it. Please can 96RAF or RogerB please give guidance for helping me share my video with Wayne.





Did this link ever get posted? If so, I can't find it. I'd like to have a look at the video as I have one of these locos & have been putting off trying to install a decoder in it.

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Apologies for missing the request to provide guidance.

The forum rules only have this to say . . .

If you are linking to external content, you should link directly to that content. It is unacceptable to use link-thru systems to mask the originating URL, and cases, where this is found to be happening, may be edited or removed as appropriate.

Unless you have a paid account with WeTransfer any link would have to be directed to each recipient and it would time out after a while.

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Thanks for the info. Much appreciated. I had already read about removing the "booster". I'm not even really sure yet if I'll put sound in it being that it's an electric loco.

Just another question as you seem quite knowledgeable about this loco. Is it fitted with cab lights? I assume it is but there doesn't seem any way to turn them on with DC.

Here is a link to a video of mine pulling a rake of Pullmans on a friend's layout, if you're interested:

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Re Ighten’s Q of fitting an Oxford Rail J27. As posted elsewhere, I have fitted the HM7000 22 pin decoder, plus power bank to mine and all works well. That said, it’s very tight in the tender: the decoder fits fine (it’s the same size as most other types) and the speaker fits under the tender weight in a recess made for a sugar cube type. NB, don’t use one of the Hornby supplied speaker boxes - the “box” in the tender takes the speaker. Volume needs to be turned up a little as it’s a bit muffled under everything else - but not too much as Hornby’s speakers are vulnerable (see other threads).

The challenge is in getting the power bank in as well. After a good deal of measuring, experimentation and head scratching, I concluded that the dummy coal load would have to be cut out. Obviously a bit scary and you may be OK without it, but I’ve found reliable operation benefits greatly from power bank fitting on all my locos. The coal load in OR’s J27 is minimal and sits low inside a narrow recess (a pity, as that’s what denies space inside the tender). But carefully cutting the coal out enables the power bank to be squeezed into the opened recess. It’s then a simple matter of making a cover to go over with coal stuck on it: using real stuff adds to the grimy appearance that was a J27’s habitual style!

I love my long, slow moving freight trains and the J27 is great chugging, squealing and clanking around my layout via HM7000 with a long rake of mixed coal wagons.

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For the mods - here we have a topic that is self-described as a List, and that’s how it started out.

However, it now has buried within it good descriptions of fitting HM7000 to a Hornby 71 and a J27. Any chance of pulling those out to separate topics with appropriate titles so they can be found again?

And for contributors - this is a good reason for not hijacking threads, rather start your own with the right title in the first place. Not a criticism, rather an easy way of improving the value of the forum for everyone.

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And for contributors - this is a good reason for not hijacking threads, rather start your own with the right title in the first place. Not a criticism, rather an easy way of improving the value of the forum for everyone.



Well, if you could PM other members on this clunky old forum from the dark ages, that wouldn’t be as much of a problem!

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However, it now has buried within it good descriptions of fitting HM7000 to a Hornby 71 and a J27. Any chance of pulling those out to separate topics with appropriate titles so they can be found again?

Unfortunately not as simple as it seems Fishy. Each separate post content would have to be copied and pasted across to a new thread by one of us so it would go under our nickname with credit to the original poster. We used to be able to set up a new blank post then move each errant post element across intact as was but not any more.

Maybe the new forum planned for years end will have more bells and whistles.

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One potential answer to the size problem if you are not too particular, is to fit the decoder in a trailing wagon. The Hornby vent van already has a socket etc. No motor needed. I have tried this with standard decoders but not the HM7000. You just use the loco address.

You could then make one decoder serve several locos of similar types (we are not all wealthy). If the sound download time isn't too long, you could change files, although that is rather tedious.

With a bit of adaptation I exect you could fit various superstructures.

Room for a big speaker.

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