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What have you done to your layout today?

South Coast Flyer

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That classic real life problem of a points failure hit my layout today, with the train losing power after the frog. I'm not sure exactly what went wrong, but I'd never been particularly happy with that section anyway. I'd not laid the track very well and you'd sometimes see trains bounce going through it like it was uneven. I'd not found I was even using the junction between tracks there that much. So, bit the bullet, lifted the ballast, cleaned the board and replaced a junction and several straights with some Peco flexi. Failed and unused junction removed and along with it several sections of track joins. So far everything seems to be working again.

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Very productive day, cleaned all the building dust off the layout and whilst I was at it, gave the track a good clean with a piece of hardboard. I noticed that whilst rubbing the board round the track there were a couple of instances where the board ‘caught’ on the track - this happened where set track curves met flex track straights, on inspection there was a small lip on the join where one track was a fraction of a millimetre higher than the other side and I suspect is the cause of occasional stalling of locos at that point, running in the opposite direction is fine (going from higher side to lower) - happy to have solved that particular irritation!

Also had chance to run and check Falcon after being returned from the paramedics in Margate, and again she is running very well - great customer support at Hornbythumbsup

Also managed to run an auto calibration on all 4 of my locos and for the first time get all of them running on the layout at the same timegrinning


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I’m still in the planning stages of my layout but today I was playing around to see how many locos could sit on the track with the PSU from the DCC set and it couldn’t handle my four locos at once. So I’m thinking I may well go for something similar to the track pack layout for now as you can only accommodate a few locos at once. I’m not really getting going with my layout due to indecision but I’d like to be doing something even if it is considered a bit basic so the track pack layout seems a good option (I may add straights to make it longer though).

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That looks good moawkward, is it going to be a shelf layout or a modular loop? It seems as though having a box gives so much more realism as opposed to seeing a whole table at once. Looking forward to see what you do!



A bit of both I think. I'm constrained for space (hence TT!) so it'll mostly be a shelf layout back and forth with two portable fiddle yards but I was thinking today that it would be relatively easy to get a piece of MDF, reinforce with some timber to make it the same height, with a cut out in so that the shelf can be dropped in to connect to a twin track loop so the trains can go round and round occasionally and it can otherwise live under a bed or wherever.



If I had a longer wall the fiddleyards could be permanently connected but this will do for now since I don't have much time for modelling as it is. I got a lot done in my week off though.



Today I built the Peco bufferstops and started on the Signal Box. It's not the same as the real life example but it'll do for now until I have time/patience to customise it. Need to get some paints ordered to finish it off.






I also just managed to win an eBay auction for a Hornby Select DCC unit. I know they're not the best but I think for my uses (1-2 locos at a time, turning Function 28 on and then basically using it the same way as an analogue controller) it'll do fine. Just need to see what firmware it has and whether it needs sending to Hornby or not. If it does the job it'll at least have saved me spending £200 on a Digitrax Zephr and I'll be able to spend some of that on getting a YouChoos sound decoder for the class 08 now that they've published their guide showing it needs relatively little modification to fit.









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It’s nice doing it the way you are that you’ll have the choice of adding either a portable loop or a fiddle yard as appropriate. I’m still looking at what space can be obtained in the spare bedroom, I might be able to have a small loop with a shelf station on the end that could float above a desk.

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I'll be able to spend some of that on getting a YouChoos sound decoder for the class 08 now that they've published their guide showing it needs relatively little modification to fit.



I have just looked at that, a very neat install all in the body, but ouch at £154 !

That is more than the cost of the loco.

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I'll be able to spend some of that on getting a YouChoos sound decoder for the class 08 now that they've published their guide showing it needs relatively little modification to fit.

I have just looked at that, a very neat install all in the body, but ouch at £154 !
That is more than the cost of the loco.



Is that including the stay alive? I spec’d the MS500N and speaker for £130 as I’ve found Peco unifrogs make a stay alive unnecessary on my layout.



Considering a 6 pin HM7000 with sound would be around £60-70 (And a sound fitted version at least £200) if Hornby where to make one, I don’t think it’s unreasonable and means all my locos get the sound they deserve.



Hopefully Hornby’s pricing is putting some downward pressure on other manufacturers.

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Yes that included the stay alive ... if Hornby made a 6 pin sound HM decoder I imagine it would be the same price as the others around £60-70, then their stay alive is £15, but would need to go in the cab on the Class 08.

Yes hopefully Hornby will lead a price cut in the industry, Hornby decoders are great VFM when compared to other sound decoders and they have BT as well. The downside is currently they are larger than spec.

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