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Xmas sale


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Hello Yelrow

You aren't missing a thing.

A retailer will often associate a slower moving item with a holiday.

That is, the reason for the sale is that Hornby has noticed these two sets are leaving the warehouse just a bit slower than expected. They looked around, and decided to associate the sets with Christmas. This sale actually has little to do with Christmas.

If it moves product, Hornby reduces inventory. Sure, the profit margin may be a bit smaller, but some money is better than no money with dead inventory in the warehouse.

Do not expect there to be a Christmas Miracle and you will not be disappointed. There is little motivation on Hornby's part to discount pre-orders. Any Hornby production cost savings will be pocketed to offset the less than stellar performance of these two sets.


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I expect a lot of people started their railway modelling days with a Flying Scotsman set - probably bought as a gift at Christmas. Is this current loco DCC Ready?

I bought mine (R1039) back in 2003 - it was the set with four coaches, the R8011 Trackmat and Track Packs A & B - it cost £129.00 and came from a Christmas offer in the Sunday Express Colour Supplement. I bought all the other Track Packs (C,D and E), and they are all still sitting in the cupboard twenty years later unopened.

I expect the range on sale to be expanded upon as we get nearer to Black Friday (November 24th).

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I would be extremely surprised if, even at Railroad specification, the loco in this set is not DCC ready as virtually all locos larger than small tank engines have had a socket fitted for some time now. Granted there is nothing in the online details stating that it is DCC ready but the accuracy of all too much of Hornby's online information is questionable. Their Amazon listing does confirm DCC compatibility and the catalogue entry shows both 'DCC ready' and '8 pin connection' blue squares.

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Generally Railroad locos have the DCC socket in the loco, it saves them the cost of the 4 way connector to the tender. The thing that gets me though is saving a DCC socket (if they do) is not going to put much of a dent in that big debt they have accumulated, they don't make enough all is does is wind up the Customer. Now in the field I come from yes it might.

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As I said before, the Red Rover clearly stated it is fitted with 8pin DCC ready, BUT, the Scotsman has no mention and I learned some time ago at great expense that if it doesn't say it in the tech specs, then it doesn't have it. Has anybody bothered to contact Hornby and ask them?

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I'm at a loss here chaps. I initially responded to Ausie Fred re: time Hornby responds to emails. Then I responded to BB's comment about telephoning instead. The point I was making was that it apparently takes a great deal longer for Hornby to respond to emails from those in the UK than it does from those in Australia.

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