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2024 range


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An excellent showing from Hornby, this year is a consolidation/catch up year where manufacturers do a few brand new releases rather than many. Considering the very poor economic times I think Hornby has done well. A new early locomotive too that will sell by the shed load. I don't know how some of today's modellers would have survived in the 1960's and 70's with a new release every 3 or 4 years.

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I think they've done very considering the constraints they must have.

Locomotion and Black Prince will be firm favourites with many I'm sure.

A few sets sounds good. 1st radius, not sure. I suppose they must have several 10' of 1,000's of 1st radius curves around.

Long term these are the 1st things most will eliminate to ensure reliable running.


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Coming from the sunny side of the mountain (TT:120) I thought there was a some great looking models coming, something for the collectors, a good nod to preserved line modellers, steam on the mainline (nice green 47 to play back up) modern image with a lovely looking Flirt and clear indications of excellent mechanicals (2x 5pole motors) and Locomotion and era one stock. I could be tempted by a Locomotion, remember seeing it as a kid on the platform at Darlington every time we went in a train anywhere and more recently (as last Friday) at Shildon.

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There were a few releases early and mid 2023, Thane of Fife, and the CC Princess Coronation Class for examples, so I’m betting we haven’t seen all Hornby have to offer this year. I’m sure they do this to keep people interested.

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You have that exactly right DRC.

Hornby said as much, in both the Range Release video and the Q&A video.

There were heavy hints that Locomotion No.1 would be re-released as Era 1 for the 200 year anniversary of the S&DR, in Era 1 configuration. Not precise words, but heavy hints. The current version being Era 11, current day, preserved.


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I recall Simon saying 2023 would be a catch up year. So how did they do? I believe this time last year there were two hundred and ninety something models from 2020/1/2 still outstanding. It appears this figure has been reduced now to around the 200 mark. Well done by making such an impact on the backlog whilst at the same time launching TT:120, truly impressive.

But with that amount of 'outstanding promises ' to address, I humbly suggest it would be folly for Hornby to over announce new models. Personally there was not much for me to get excited about, but there will be announcements from time to time throughout the year, so who knows what could emerge as the year progresses.

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Just from the previous announcements, they have basically an entire range ready to go. Through April they're on track to ship 80 previously announced OO products. Adding more products for 2024 doesn't make sense. In the future those 80 products would have been announced during the range launch in the months before their release. Instead, they were announced in 2023.

I think this change in the way products are announced will improve product launches for both customers and Hornby. Imagine if the Class 423 and Flirt had been announced today. Class 423 would be on the way in a few weeks, and the Flirt would be arriving in April. That would be a great announcement! That's what future range launches will be like.

For what this range launch was, I think it was positive. Is it the most exciting announcement? No. But we're in the transition period. Hornby seems like it is setting itself for future success.

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There were heavy hints that Locomotion No.1 would be re-released as Era 1 for the 200 year anniversary of the S&DR, in Era 1 configuration. Not precise words, but heavy hints.



This is very interesting, but I would love to know if that is the case. The reason being that a model appealing to so many modellers will sell out quickly. This means that I have a decision to make, regarding pre-ordering the one already announced, or take a chance and wait and see - and risk missing out altogether.

Of course, part of the game, but unnecessary stress none the less.

That being said, I love what they are doing with the Railroad range. Very interesting train packs and models. I will definitely look into getting a few from that range.

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Hello HST Mainline

Your concern was mine as well. Do I gamble, and wait for the 1825 version, or take the sure thing? Did I understand the heavy hint properly, or was that simply wishful thinking on my part, reading too much into what was actually said?

In the end, after hours of deliberation and fence sitting, I decided that I the video of the model running on track was impossible to resist. I have ordered the current version.

I always treat my models with care, so if the 1825 version does come along, I will order it and sell the Era 11 version of Locomotion No.1 on. A safe, if possibly more expensive route.

Your milage may vary of course, but I had no intention of missing out on such an iconic model.


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In an effort to confirm I understood the hint properly, I went back to find that part of the conversation. Because it was such a brief exchange, I had to re-listen to everything in the video up to that point.

For the hint, listen starting at time stamp 33:08, as Hornby Head of Brand Martyn recognizes the S&DR anniversary, and potential with Locomotion No.1.

In retrospect, I think I did read too much into it. Martyn clearly has something up his sleeve. When I listened live, I thought he hinted at an 1825 version. That now appears to be just supposition on my part.

I plead guilty. 40 lashes


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Regarding saving for what you want I have always done that, I would love a brand new Bentley and am more than able to buy one to order. Then the brain kicks in and says it's not a sensible buy. I have a very nice Jaguar bought new which suits me at present. I wanted the Turbomotive so bought it and I await the Caprotti Class 5, which I will buy but nothing else so far,

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I think the biggest disappointment in this years range was the use of the 0-4-0 Thomas moulding to produce Connie, Nellie and Polly, they would have been better 3d scanning an old Tri-ang Nellie 0-4-0 and producing a new mould and more detailed chassis, with smart design they could have made the mould so it could also produce the C14 the Tri-ang Nellie is based on, thus Hornby could get two models out of one mould. However that's just my opinion, all in all it's a good range this year.

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I think the biggest disappointment in this years range was the use of the 0-4-0 Thomas moulding to produce Connie, Nellie and Polly, .....



I agree, this is the same design as the Triang-Hornby anniversary model from last year and I was quite surprised just how light and plastic the chassis is. It does work (just) though, even on DCC, but I got it free with the pre-Christmas offer, so was quite happy. The heavier Smokey Joe cast chassis for example has a much higher quality feel and suitable design for an 0-4-0 in my opinion, like the old Triangs. It performs that much better too. But at least these 2024 models are much cheaper than Smokey Joe, oh hang on, no they are the same price now thinking_face

On the positive, I've now pre-ordered Locomotion 1 after seeing it running on yesterdays release videos, so am looking forward to that thumbsup

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On the subject of the 2024 range, what's with the Platinum Jubilee new models! Wouldn't it have been more appropriate and respectful to mark her life now she has gone? More appealing too, in my opinion and then I may have been tempted. It would have been a fitting tribute to her.

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The Platinum Jubilee model is based on a DB Cargo train that was only revealed to the public in the summer of 2022. With her unfortunate passing just a few months after the locomotive's introduction, Hornby likely delayed any plans for introducing a model of the locomotive in the 2023 range launch. Now that more than a year has passed, they probably dusted off the plans they had for the train. If this were not a real life train, then I'd agree this train would be in poor taste. But seeing as this is a real livery 67007 is currently wearing, I don't see any problem with releasing it.

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The Platinum Jubilee model is based on a DB Cargo train that was only revealed to the public in the summer of 2022.....



I see the GBRf, Class 66 has a similar history.

Each to their own tastes and values wink

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The Platinum Jubilee model is based on a DB Cargo train that was only revealed to the public in the summer of 2022......

Wow, that one's gone "unavailable" already, presumably sold out. Obviously more interest in it than I thought there would be wink



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