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No sound from 21pin HM7000-21TXS

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I have just installed a 21pin Hm7000 decoder into a Bachman Class 37. I have updated the decoder and installed the new profile but I'm not getting any sound from the speaker on either Bluetooth control or DCC control. Movement is fine, light control is fine, but no sound. I have tested the new speaking in a working loco and it produced sound. I have also installed different sound profile but that didn't help either.

I'm using a select to power the track.

Any thoughts before I ask for a replacement?

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Go into the Advanced CV Editor page and scroll down to the master volumes and make sure they are set to a reasonable level - say no more than 50. Also check the CVs do not need to be synched (curly arrows top of page).

Then if you can read-back those CV values from a DCC controller as a double check.

All that will be good evidence when you go back to Hornby.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Evening, so I have ordered another decoder and the same thing is happening with this one too. I can hear something but it's like the volume is turned all the way down. I have tried performing a decoder reset, under 8 on manufacturer ID.

Could it be the loco being the problem? Loco number is class 37 32-392. Any thoughts?

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Well its unlikely that two decoders bought at different times would have exactly the same fault.

Look at the variables that have not changed ie the loco and your power supply/controller.

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Ok it sounds like it isn't the decoder, I am assuming you are using the supplied loudspeaker. I have bought about 6 of these so they generally work and I have never had to play around with CVs or volumes. First thing to do is load another profile and see if that makes a difference, it doesn't matter which as you are only using it to test that the profile works. Now the other thing is those speakers are useless without a surround so have you inserted the speaker into a sound box made from the plastic spur parts supplied. Finally it could be that there is something wrong with your 21 pin socket on your loco. Unlike the 8 pin the speaker connections come out to the 21 pin connector on pins 9 and 10 (pins vertically above the missing pin), there could be a short across pins 9 and 10 which has damaged the decoder and any other decoder you fit. Finally if you have another loco with a 21 pin socket, test it on that. What I normally do is test it with a normal DCC decoder something like a LaisDCC that is cheap and if you blow it up you haven't lost much. It is a good way to check that there isn't a fault with the 21 pin socket. A good idea is to invest in a DCC decoder tester it solves all the issues of working out if it is the decoder or the loco.

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What is the common factor?

Are you using the speakers that came with the decoders or a speaker built into the loco?

Have you tried the decoders in a different loco?

Are you installing the decoder in the correct orientation?

(With 21-pin decoders it is physically possible to plug them in two orientations - but they will only function correctly in one of them. The correct orientation differs from model to model.)

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Thank you for your comments and idea's to try, I also thought the same when the second one didn't work so it can't be the decoder. This is my first 21 pin loco, the rest have been 8 pin versions and have worked perfect. I will have to buy something else with a 21 pin to test and see what happens. It shouldn't make a difference that it is a Bachmann 21 pin loco? Power supply is coming from a elite so should be plenty.

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@daryll - you can get both varieties of 21pin to 8pin adaptors (either to allow 21pin decoders to connect into 8pin locos OR to allow 8pin decoders to connect into 21pin locos.)

The one for connecting 8pin decoder into 21pin loco would allow you to check the loco with one of your other working decoders.

The one for connecting 21pin into 8pin loco would allow you to see the HM7k decoders working in your existing locos.

This would prove to you that the issue must be in the class 37 (either decoder connection or speaker.)

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Is there a possibility the speaker was connected to the power ban socket that was located on the opposite side of the 21-pins. As there are 2 sockets on the board, one on the 21-pins side (for the speaker) and one on the opposite side (power bank).



Not possible as the plugs and sockets are different sizes.

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Reading your description, you have tested the speaker in another loco but not the HM7000. I assume you haven't got another loco with a 21 pin socket. Assuming that you have connected it properly and from your posts it appears you have, then it sounds like there is a fault with the decoder.

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I must admit I find it difficult to believe it is the loco but you never know. If it wasn't a HM7000 it could be the decoder not sitting flat on the socket and the two loudspeaker pins not connecting properly, but with the HM7000 it connects via its own connector. I suppose if there is a short between pins on the 21 way socket it might cause issues. If the motor is drawing too much current it might cause issues but these locos are usually pretty good. I have used TTS on mine (rewired for 21 pin) and they work perfectly, HM7000 is supposed to have a higher current limit so should be ok.

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The 21 to 8 adapter I ordered arrived today and I have tested the decoder on a 8 pin loco and it works perfect, full sound volume like I'm used too. Popped it back onto the 21 Bachmann loco and the same problem as before works but very faint sound but will movement etc. Loco fault maybe? It's only a month old so can sent it for repairs but not sure what to say to them?


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@daryll - I would explain the issue you are experiencing:

• Multiple decoders produce virtually no sound (only a faint hint of sound is audible) when connected to this loco’s socket.

• However the decoders function perfectly in other locos.

• This appears to indicate a fault in the socket wiring or PCB - please could they test it & repair or replace as appropriate.

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