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Locomotion - No1


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Hello Aussie Fred,

Someone at Hornby had to approve that review, else it would not be permitted.

I have submitted two questions to Hornby, using the "questions" tab next to the review.

The first question was regarding the coupling type. When that didn't get updated, I wrote directly to Hornby Head of Development, requesting clarification. In an email to me, he stated that there will be a post for the finescale chain and that there would be a magnetic adaptor to couple to Accurascale Chaldrons. The web page still has not been updated, weeks in. [There will also be a matching magnetic coupling, on a chain with a NEM plug, to install in your rolling stock with a NEM pocket]

The second question was in regards to the faithless review by "LennyC". I asked Hornby how a review could be published by a customer, when the model hasn't shipped from Hornby. Based on the number of downvotes, it is clear that the public agrees. Needless to say, that has not been responded to, as the review abides.

Hornby should delete that "review" and pay more attention to future reviews as they come in.


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Re: the fireman in the Range Release video. In that sequence, the fireman is on the right had side, but he is looking at the tank on the tender, towards the rear. In the newly released image, the fireman switches sides, but now looks to the front.

In other words, it is the exact same fireman (now with paint) with his head turned in the same direction on his torso.

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LennyC's faithless review is now removed from the Locomotion No.1 product page.

My question about the coupling was not posted. Sure, I know the answer, because I had the temerity to directly ask staff. Hornby also published the answer in Engine Shed so, yes, the question has been answered. Yet not for the next person only browing the product page.

There were some interesting details in Engine Shed about the Locomotion No.1 model. Plus, an overhead shot of the valve gear. Worth a peek!


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  • 2 months later...

Excellent news can be inferred by the latest status change.

Locomotion No.1 is now "unavailable". 

Since the expected by date has not changed, I infer that the model has 100% sold out on pre-order. 

This is wonderful news for Hornby.  They will recover all sunk costs and make the expected profit.   They chose wisely!

Further, it is good news for us.  Because strong interest is evidenced, we can expect matching rolling stock for Locomotion No.1, on the occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the S&DR.


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According to the website 478 have been sold suggesting that the batch size is approx 500?

Agreed that this sounds positive news for (hopefully) further Hornby involvement in the S&DR Bicentennial. 🤞

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Where are you seeing the number sold?  I typically look on mobile, and didn't see it there.  So I checked on a desktop view.  Hmm.  Not there either.  It may simply be that I am looking in the wrong spot.   I do not doubt the correctness of the number @LTSR_NSEI would just like to know where to see it. 




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You need to view the webpage’s html source code (also known as metadata) search within that for ‘stock-level’.  A negative value is displayed for items on preorder.

A positive value is displayed for items that are in stock - but this only indicates the amount of stock currently allocated to the website, it provides no indication of quantity held in storage.

Neither provides an accurate picture of batch size - but preorder quantity at least gives an indication of the minimum it is likely to be!

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I would say it’s highly unlikely they aim to break even on the first batch. It’s quite normal in manufacturing to recoup costs in first couple of years (several production runs in this case) and start hopefully generating ‘real profit’ later down the line. Plus the added sales boost to associated products. It’s very much a slow burn. 

Edited by Rallymatt
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  • 4 weeks later...

The Hornby webpage now states Locomotion is "available to pre-order".  I do not understand the rationale for inhibiting sales for a month.  11 Apr -> 16 May, Locomotion was "unavailable".  Are there any guesses as to Hornby's strategy?  I'd be interested to hear any speculation.



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Allocations for retailers that were cancelled/reduced? Higher production volume slot? Something like this happened with the Steamgenerator PoW too. I thought it was maybe because of Hatton’s liquidation. 
I noticed the B5 is also back in stock. Too bad for it’s problems, it would’ve been perfect under rule #1 for a visiting LMS-loco. And I am one (of the few?) who likes the lights, sad to see them cancelled on the steam-P2.

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  • RB51 changed the title to Locomotion - No1

Definition: Liquidation: converting assets into cash.  

Whilst liquidation is typically associated with bankruptcy, it is not exclusively so.  Example: Hornby liquidates old stock via price reductions. 

From an American¹ standpoint, I found the word choice acceptable and conveyed the concept Loeweitje wanted.  Hattons closed their doors and (likely) converted remaining stock into cash.  


¹Do Americans speak English?  😄

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So, if the Anglo-Saxons don’t agree, how about this poor little Belgian? 😀   I thought it was the correct term, because we have the very same word in Dutch. 
About the P2, that error was on the website for over a year I think…. Not that it is a disaster, if I find same nice working ones, I’ll install these myself in express formation. 
Apart from that, really looking forward to Locomotion, the working gear looks fantastic!

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I thought perhaps you were in the Netherlands, but did not want to assume too much.  Your name may just give the game away.  Anyway, I didn't think the word improper.  But hey, I am American.  We don't speak English, per the British 🤣

I too cannot wait for Locomotion No.1 


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