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Topcat and P-Henny

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The forum overall is being reviewed in attempt to make navigation easier as at present the 'breadcrumb' trail is incomplete making reverse navigation by selection of step back along the route impossible.

Also if you have selected 'Unread content' by any link this currently shows all 3 forums' content. It is hoped to be able to limit this to a chosen forum once past the 'All Brands' page.

Once you are in a brand forum then selecting Forum (next to Gallery on the red banner) keeps you within that brand forum, with the tick box filter.

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It’s going to need a hell of a review, to be much use to me, and judging by those who have already voted with their feet, others feel the same. I wonder what Chris, would have made of it.

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Posted (edited)

I never have a problem with navigation. I always have the forum view in front of me with the forum check list to the right. These are always unchecked except for the one I am viewing. I am always in the brand forum because it keeps me logged in. Works fine for me and I am not interested in any of the rest of the view search options.

Edited by Brew Man
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Yes the navigation changed a little, but it really hasn't been a problem and certainly should be no reason to stop visiting and contributing to the forum.   It's not difficult 🙂 

I just sit on the "Unread Content" list and pick-and-choose what I wish to read. Simple. 

Edited by ntpntpntp
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The new search function is STELLAR!

With the recent video releases about the Coronation Coaches, I simply dialed "coronation coaches" (including quotes) into the search boxes and out the thread popped.  Several months old, no issues at all finding it. Very different from the previous interation of the forum, wherein search was useless.

I had occasion to look up the "cattle waggon" and the "alternate livestock" waggon.  They popped right out as well.

From me, that rates a well done.  It actually functions to return desired results!



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It’s one of those cases that it is worth persevering and it becomes easier. There have been a few alterations to bits and pieces that have improved things and I am sure more will come as promised. It’s a bit like not driving a new car because reverse is in a different place 🤣

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  • 2 weeks later...

Paul’s last post was on 5 Feb on the New Platform topic in this forum prior to its release. Although Rob summarised the features to be included as the Mods were already playing with (trialing) it.

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@P-Henny and @Topcat1707821625 are still listed as members, noting that there are many topcats including @topcat and the original member of that name has been lumbered with an auto-suffix.

Those worried about any member can send them a personal message direct from the forum and dependant upon their settings they will see it in their forum mailbox and/or their regular email inbox.

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