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Negativity in the hobby

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I watched the latest Shedmouth Junction monthly update (No.3) yesterday and was impressed with Martin's take on negativity in the hobby from some people on Youtube who seem to delight in things going wrong.

I had a train set as a child but have come back to the hobby in my late 50's, so was completely unaware of the negativity and "rivet counting" aspect of a past-time.

I have been stunned by how much negativity people have for TT120 and can't really fathom out why the scale is set upon as it seems to be. 

The community here, restores my belief in positivity towards the hobby and the scale.  if Martin at Shedmouth are talking about it, then perhaps things may change.

I have aded the link here to look at ( moderators - hope that is okay.  He does not mention anyone by name or single any Youtubers out)



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I watched and commented on this, @GMD Greg did too. Of course now with social media these things can become a thing when in the past they would never have been given oxygen. It’s quite bizarre that what is a gentle, relaxing and fun hobby has become for some at least a battle ground of egos. Not only are there some individuals initiating the negativity but there seems a sheep mentality that means others join in. Certainly regarding TT:120, almost all of the negative spouting is based on highly inaccurate information and the opinion of someone who isn’t very bright but is trying to make money out of you without giving you anything in return. 

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Posted (edited)

Unfortunately this happens in all walks of life and for us there are various factors.

Some see it as a threat to 00/N sales, along with, some thinking that money spent developing a new scale takes money away from "their" scale.

Along with that you also get some TT 3mm people resenting it thinking it will take modellers away, which, it has done with me but it is all due to beautiful looking and running models. 3mm is a builders scale with nothing rtr but for me I did a lot of building locos but now prefer 120 (and still build models in this scale) which has "annoyed" some 3mm people to a degree.

Also, some people have had a few issues with TT 120 and not happy. But, a new car, new TV etc can all have problems but those people criticise too much when it is not needed, there are many, many, many satisfied 120 modellers.

Just build, enjoy and ignore the others.


Edited by Silver Fox 17
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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Silver Fox 17 said:

Unfortunately this happens in all walks of life and for us there are various factors.

Some see it as a threat to 00/N sales, along with, some thinking that money spent developing a new scale takes money away from "their" scale.

Along with that you also get some TT 3mm people resenting it thinking it will take modellers away, which, it has done with me but it is all due to beautiful looking and running models. 3mm is a builders scale with nothing rtr but for me I did a lot of building locos but now prefer 120 (and still build models in this scale) which has "annoyed" some to a degree.

Also, some people have had a few issues with TT 120 and not happy. But, a new car, new TV etc can all have problems but those people criticise too much when it is not needed, there are many, many, many satisfied 120 modellers.

Just build, enjoy and ignore the others.


Oh I will ignore them. we are all "early adopters" of the scale from Hornby.  There will be ups and downs but what makes me positive about TT120 is the clear committment from Hornby to see this become eatablished.  There are then the many supporting providers of TT120 scale accessories and I am sure there will be more to come, including other loco and rolling stock manufactures.  i was just very taken with Martin's video and it struck a chord.  when i come accross a youtuber being unreasonably negative//nasty, i don't watch their channels.

Edited by Stephen-1260829
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Thanks for highlighting this Stephen. Martin's stuff is extremely watchable, and I feel that he (along with his daughter) capture something of the sheer fun of trains that we all likely remember from our youth. 

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On 30/05/2024 at 11:37, Stephen-1260829 said:

I watched the latest Shedmouth Junction monthly update (No.3) yesterday and was impressed with Martin's take on negativity in the hobby from some people on Youtube who seem to delight in things going wrong.

I had a train set as a child but have come back to the hobby in my late 50's, so was completely unaware of the negativity and "rivet counting" aspect of a past-time.

I have been stunned by how much negativity people have for TT120 and can't really fathom out why the scale is set upon as it seems to be. 

The community here, restores my belief in positivity towards the hobby and the scale.  if Martin at Shedmouth are talking about it, then perhaps things may change.

I have aded the link here to look at ( moderators - hope that is okay.  He does not mention anyone by name or single any Youtubers out)



I too had a train set as a child, and like you am in my late 50's and have come back to the hobby this year.  It was TT120 that bought me back!  I'm amazed at how much things have developed in the last 50 years and am loving this rediscovered hobby and TT120 specifically.  Long may it continue! (See my thread - Sanctuary Junction)

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1 hour ago, Charlie 66 said:

I too had a train set as a child, and like you am in my late 50's and have come back to the hobby this year.  It was TT120 that bought me back!  I'm amazed at how much things have developed in the last 50 years and am loving this rediscovered hobby and TT120 specifically.  Long may it continue! (See my thread - Sanctuary Junction)


1 hour ago, Charlie 66 said:

I too had a train set as a child, and like you am in my late 50's and have come back to the hobby this year.  It was TT120 that bought me back!  I'm amazed at how much things have developed in the last 50 years and am loving this rediscovered hobby and TT120 specifically.  Long may it continue! (See my thread - Sanctuary Junction)


1 hour ago, Charlie 66 said:

I too had a train set as a child, and like you am in my late 50's and have come back to the hobby this year.  It was TT120 that bought me back!  I'm amazed at how much things have developed in the last 50 years and am loving this rediscovered hobby and TT120 specifically.  Long may it continue! (See my thread - Sanctuary Junction)

You and I are on the same journey Charlie does your layout have a "Cult' following ??? 🙂 

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2 minutes ago, Stephen-1260829 said:



You and I are on the same journey Charlie does your layout have a "Cult' following ??? 🙂 

Hih Carlie,  having had a look back at Sanctuary Junction just now, I do remember looking at it earlier on.  the layout is looking very good.  I like the retaining walls.  i need to think about some retaining walls for my build.

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19 hours ago, Stephen-1260829 said:

Hih Carlie,  having had a look back at Sanctuary Junction just now, I do remember looking at it earlier on.  the layout is looking very good.  I like the retaining walls.  i need to think about some retaining walls for my build.

Thanks, I'm learning as I go and have already made a few mistakes but that's part of the process.  Thankfully there's a vast amount of help available these days, including from this forum.  I'll also strongly recommend subscribing to PeachyTT120 on YouTube (if you haven't already) He's very knowledgeable and happy to share his tips and techniques.

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5 hours ago, Charlie 66 said:

Thanks, I'm learning as I go and have already made a few mistakes but that's part of the process.  Thankfully there's a vast amount of help available these days, including from this forum.  I'll also strongly recommend subscribing to PeachyTT120 on YouTube (if you haven't already) He's very knowledgeable and happy to share his tips and techniques.

Hi Charlie,  already subscribed to PeachyTT120 and several others (High fell, MacTrains, Hollybush Railways, Dave's TT120, Dodges TT120, let's Mke Tracks) trying to absorb all the comings & goings of these channels and their experience and tryng to work out what I am going to do.

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Generally I find the TT120 Facebook community very welcoming. There are experts and new comers and a lack of sanctimoniousness from those who know more. Very nice to see because that is what model railways is all about. Having fun and relaxing!

Mac Trains @GMD did a nice little video the other day about how to deal with negativity. Just ignore it and go play with some trains! 

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I also never understood why some people have to complain about things that other people like.

Yes, the new Hornby TT range is perhaps a bit overpriced and there are some quality issues but i love the scale and i'm very happy with my trains so far.

Fingers crossed that new British TT models keeps on coming in the future. 

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TBH I think the prices for most things TT120 are pretty reasonable when compared to the latest releases in Hornby 00.

About the one thing that are  (or can be) cheaper in 00 is wagons, Dapol ones are usually around £10-15 at the discounted retailers, but other makes are in line with the TT120 stuff, or a bit more in a good few cases. Despite recent-ish price rises, I still think most TT120 stuff is fairly priced.

I don't think there are any more quality issues than any other scale or brand either.

Just my tuppence worth 🙂



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Customers vote with their wallets and TT:120 is outselling….well let’s just say it’s doing very well 😁 (No model railway manufacturers were harmed in the making of this post) 

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I'm not in TT120, but absolutely do not begrudge you lads your fun.  

The simple fact is that certain youTube reviewers are fountains of negativity.  This negativity attracts attention and views, which is what they want, as this generates income for them. The negativity encourages others to be negative, in comments and in forums.  

Here is my solution for those negative Nancy youTube reviewers¹. Unsubscribe.  Ignore.  Tune out.  They can post their negativity all they like.  It is irrelevant to me.  

When encountering a negative comment, either ignore it or challenge the basis.  Most negative Nancy's cannot take it when you go negative on THEM.  Example, they say "Hornby is too expensive".  Response: "It is a pity you cannot afford the hobby.  Maybe you should consider something within your budget, something you can afford"

Just crack on having fun.  Soon enough, their voices fade into obscurity.


¹there was going to be a footnote identifying a name, but in the end, you can fill in the name of the reviewer you think negative 

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I think TT120 is great, it is however very frustrating when you pay £168 for a model that goes faulty after a few hours.

I do find it amusing that two of the main TT120 negative YouTubers seem to have turn on each other.

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One's barely a reviewer, AFAIK never bought a single TT120 model, used only online content, the other complained about the lack of progress a month before the HST's were released, and measure the succes of TT120 solely based on input from his own subscribers, 12% of which did have an interest in it. Not bad if the whole train model market did the same! 

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Posted (edited)

As Marshall McLuhan wrote, the medium is the message. Perhaps in this case "becomes the message". YouTube tribal warfare. Meanwhile, we have layouts to build. 😁

Edited by dBerriff
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Now with at least a dozen or so of us “TT120 YouTubers” regularly putting out various forms of content, thankfully we really don’t have to bother with the negative nancies… 😝

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I think it's all due to the polarities of these new magnetic couplings we are all using, I am positive that's is where the negatives are coming from, so when push comes to shove, it's up to us to turn it around.. 🙄🚂🚃🚃😹

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Like the old adage about famous people being flattered to be ‘done’ by tv impersonators *(insert your generation’s favoured version Yarwood, Bremner, Enfield, Magowan, Culshaw, Coogan, Brydon) perhaps the success of Hornby’s TT venture brings this because of some unwritten rule about knocking those in the spotlight. Ying and Yang. Can’t have good without bad, night without day, etcetera 

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I think some may come from fustration and thats where my negativity originates when I have had loco issues. However I went away and came back to TT:120 thanks to the positivity of some YouTubers such as @Peachy , et al.

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Professionally, I come from the quality assurance/manufacturing sector (Defence/Medical).  Yes - all the models should be working correctly.  to do this the designers and manufacturers should in my opinion over engineer the models. But how far should this go?

The thing that I try to keep in mind is the newness of the scale and the manufacturing set up.  I have a class 50 on pre-order (Hopefully to be delivered by Rails of Sheffield soon) and I am 80%- 90%) expecting to have to send it back to Hornby with the drive shaft issue.  However, I have confidence that if I have the misfortune of having a model with the drive shaft issue, that Hornby customer services will be able to fix it and that in the long run all will be good.

When Henry Ford put the model T into production there were is one stand out quote and one event that I keep in mind:

1. Henry Ford quote - “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” in this context, no one was clamouring for 1:120th scale model railways but Hornby have been bold and looking to create a practical alternative to 00.  This is what hooked me into it.  My first true trainset was the HST 125 (2 power cars and one coach) not inspiring but - TT120 has given me a 125 with two power cars and six coaches.  The detail is exquisite, some mechanical issues (Couplers) but fixable.

2. After several years of Model T production - There were fewer and fewer mechanical issues. once this settled down, Henry Ford had engineers go to the scrap yards and identify all the parts that were still working efficently.  This indicated the over engineered components and they could work on reducing the build costs making production and vehicle costs cheaper.  In this context, the Hornby designers have (in my opinion) determined what should work but they don't have the operational history and used experience to fully understand the balance.

They are caught between extensive pre-production testing and getting the scale, product and interest in the product out to the public.

To those feeling frustrated, I understand and say judge Hornby on how they react to the problems/issues, not the issues themselves.  If Hornby deny or take too long to resolve the problems, or takes several attempts at  fixes then the issue is much more significant (in my opinion).

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