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I went on Saturday poliss. I was a bit disappointed. To me there seemed to be a lack of 4mm layouts. Plenty of narrow gauge. The layouts that were there were up to the normal high standard.


I know they're not to everybodys taste but I do like to


see a few tail chasers especially for the youngsters to watch.


Far too many layouts work to a timetable. That might be OK in a club or at home but there is nothing worse than standing at a layout with nothing moving. Might just as well not bother with


the railway and just model a village.



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I was wearing Lynx, but didn't have a rucksack. :-)


This was my first visit to the Warley, I went on Saturday. On the whole I enjoyed the show, just found it a bit overwhelming and too crowded which made it difficult to see and appreciate what was


there. I did think the Liverpool Lime Street was fantastic when I was able to get through the crowd to see it.


What I didn't like was the time spent queing for the car park, in fact it took longer to get off the M42 and get onto the car park than it


did for me to travel from North Staffordshire. Far too many other events on at the NEC to make the day pleasurable. Sadly it's an event that I will not be going to in the future.

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Too many rucksacks at Warley? While I was in the Warley my other half went to the Festive Gift Fair, she couldn't get around for people with shopping baskets on wheels and plastic bins on wheels to stuff their purchases in. Apparently "Santas on sticks"


were very popular. Perhaps we could make a case for "People with rucksacks on sticks" for the next Warley, at least we would be able to get to see the layouts.

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I remember going with my wife a few years ago. Unfortunately we were a bit absent-minded and forgot exactly where we had parked the car. About 1 hour after exiting the NEC we found it. The search even defied my wife's usually very accute navigational and


memory skills. I shan't go with her again!

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I went on Saturday, enjoyed the day, some excellent layouts, and super selection of trade stands. There seemed to be a fresh selection of layouts compared to last year.

I travelled by train, convenient except that the train was packed solid, very uncomfortable.



rather have a few rucksacks to contend with than those ankle buster trolleys that plague other shows (gardening shows especially). Yes, I did have a small racksack, but I try to be be considerate, taking it off when trying to get near the front (at the very


busy Bman stand for example). Hornby seemed to have their stand better designed than some of the competition, plenty to see, but less of a crush.

I did notice a few BO gauge exhibitors, but no more than you would in the high street.

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I went on Saturday, with my 11 year old grandson. Arriving from Northampton by train and with pre-booked tickets we were in the hall by 9.20am. We went straight to the back of the hall where it was possible to see the layouts without difficulty and then


slowly worked our way to the front of the hall. Found plenty of seating this year, when needed, and thoroughly enjoyed the day. The quality of the layouts was excellent and I was able to buy what I wanted from the trade stands. We visited the Hornby stand


where my grandson purchased another £5 loco for his collection and we generally had a great time. I feel the Warley M.R.C. should be congratulated for putting on such a show each year and long may it continue.

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pbrian49 said:

I was wearing Lynx, but didn't have a rucksack. :-)

This was my first visit to the Warley, I went on Saturday. On the whole I enjoyed the show, just found it a bit overwhelming and too crowded which made it difficult

to see and appreciate what was there. I did think the Liverpool Lime Street was fantastic when I was able to get through the crowd to see it.

What I didn't like was the time spent queing for the car park, in fact it took longer to get off the M42 and

get onto the car park than it did for me to travel from North Staffordshire. Far too many other events on at the NEC to make the day pleasurable. Sadly it's an event that I will not be going to in the future.

Why not go by train? . The

station is right next door to the NEC and there are plenty of trains going there. As for busy the NEC always has other events and therefore will always be busy. May be Warley could hire the whole complex so that it is quiet?????
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trainlover23 said:

Why not go by train? . The station is right next door to the NEC and there are plenty of trains going there. As for busy the NEC always has other events and therefore will always be busy. May be Warley could hire

the whole complex so that it is quiet?????

Takes me 50 minutes by car plus 10 minute car park queue. 2 hours 20 minutes with one change by train. Don't think so.
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Tips for more space in the show and car park.

1) Drive like a madman and park your car on an angle going in and out of the space several times. This ensures following cars keep well away from you. Make sure when exiting your car that you put a crease


in the car door next to you. (especially if it's new)

2) DO NOT wash your body or hair or clean your teeth for at least 4 weeks prior to the show.

3) DO NOT use deodorant and wear the same clothes for at least 4 weeks prior.

4) Make sure you eat plenty


of baked beans for a few days before.This causes furthur aromas when required.

5) Get a massive rucksack in case you want to buy anything.

6) Get one of those digital cameras that you can hold at arms length to annoy all around you.

7) Tread on people's


toes frequently.

8) Deliberately stand in front of someone with a camera and do not move away.

9) To enjoy your own seating take boiled egg sandwiches and pickles and ensure you have filthy fingernails. Offer anyone on you bench a sandwich at the same


time as you have a mouth full of the sandwich.

10) Start a conversation of the most boring type.


All the above tips will ensure you have loads of space and a trouble free passage around any show.I got all these tips from many shows that I have attended.

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