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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Stirling single:

Thanks LCDR, here are the pictures. I hope the modeller who built it sees this and provides us with commentary about his work. I will be changing the driving wheels with Gibson's since the model strangely retains the Kitmaster plastic parts.


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Maybe he kept the plastic wheels because off getting the correct size/number of spokes for the drivers. Also no chance of shorts with the sanding pipes. If they come in contact with the wheels. 


Quick Look it seems the wheels are available. 

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LFX1S Level crossing with sound and speaker




The price was £20, I purchased the additional lights 'LED1 Submin LED pack for Level Crossing Barriers' at £5 so that I could include lights on both sides of the crossing. (Both are wired to the same decoder)


When activated the sound begins, this can be continuous or run for 7 seconds, I have set it to sound for 7 seconds. The amber lights at either side come on, then the two red lights each side flash alternatively until cancelled.


I must admit I find it very impressive. At a later date I will probably look to get the barrier to work but I have a lot more work on the layout first.


The sound and lights for the crossing are controlled through RailMaster and was very easy to set up.

I have included 3 images (on 2 pages) but they do not show the light on as it is impossible to catch these with a still picture.




Programming into RM was easy, the lights and sound can be actived manually or in a route program.

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R2899XS Class 60 Hundred of Hoo. Absolutely nothing to do with pre-nationalisation but guaranteed to pull a CMX track cleaner.



Non-Hornby, besides a growing collection of N-gauge, an LMS G2 as new.



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I'm currently going through a box of items I've gotten from someone via a US O Gauge forum, the items consisting of all Triang/Hornby or Hornby.  One of those items is a still in box (may never have been run) Midlander set from 1968 (still has track power connector and locomotive crew figures sealed in plastic bags).

Other items include some blood and custard BR coaches still in Triang boxes and had never been put to track (that will soon change for a few of them; one or two I'll keep in boxes since they look so gorgeous!)

I'll post pics as I get them sorted out!

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 Just orfered a blue box City GWR 3700 Class 'Killarney' in plain Great Western Green. I really wanted a Bulldog for my 1920s stopping trains but when I found this had been based at Shrewsbury, just a few stops up the line from where I am modelling I just had to get it.


Should look just the part with a mixed bag of long clerestories and Collett 57' my need to change transfers on the coaches though to GWR aove coat of arms.

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Hi choralc (or any one else with this model)


can you do me a big favour and measure the coal rails on the tender, I need the  length,height, number of bars and upright spaing. Also are they only on one side. My second hand version of 9449 had them missing and I need to fabricate some new ones.



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 Arrived today, delvered by a really nice lady courier, a SE&CR 'Terrier' from Hornby. Nice little model, only critisism is that it is an A1X and the real thing was an A1 whuich has a different style of smokebox, shorter with wingplates, . However you don't notice if you don't look too hard! Good to have something more in SE&CR livery - more please!!

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