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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Just bought 3 ICI methanol tankers to compliment 4 I already have. That makes a nice train of 7 with two barrier wagons and a guards brake van. I love tanker wagons and sadly parted with about 15 HD metal ones some time ago. Has anyone built the ex Aifix/Dapol tankers recently as I am considering getting a set?

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 I have built a lot of the Airfix 22 ton tankers over the years although recently I have tended to butcher them to make other vehicles (six weedkiller water wagons and an anchor mounted class B being the most recent.). They are not difficult to build but would benefit from brass axle bearings (Romford), pin-point axle metal wheels and a little bit of ballast weight.

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From memory my Dapol kit came with plastic and metal wheelsets.

It was still a lightweight though and I filled the tank with some old nuts that were exactly the right hex  size to fit the inside diameter of the tank.

Its a poor runner even so so stays parked up in the oiler yard area.

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Some HMRS LMS Methfix transfers to back-date my original G2A. I ordered these by mistake thinking they were pressfix. But rather than try to send them back I bought a bottle of meths and am quite pleased with the result.


I had damaged the tender coal rails so had o replace them, when spraying the coal rails the masking tape fell off and I oversprayed the tender so had to repaint that. I also damaged the cab grab rails and broke the whistle off so hd to repaint the cab and relace the whistle. The latter being Hornby from an old 101 body! 


As I bet my usual acrylic varnish will bloom, I'll probably use one of my rare Humbrol Enmel sprays if the weather is OK tomorrow - err later today!


Oh just notied the tender is wrong!



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My latest acquisition -  A3 Minoru looking lovely in BR green.  It is the first locodrive A3 I have owned and it runs as beautifully as it looks.



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Two slim dvd motors from Finland for my old gutless and troublesome Class 56 - you will run nicely if I have to spend the kids inheritance to do it.

A pair of motor bogies for my Atlas Feltham tram.

A GM shuttle unit to make it go back and forth after I have motorised it.

Two RM dvds @ a fiver each.

And a full refund of the Council Tax I was bullied into paying whilst I argued my case that my UK abode should not be subject to such a charge.

Waiting for delivery of a device that turns my PC into an oscilloscope.

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