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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Hi Atom3624

Just a polite note to say the BOB / West Country Light Pacifics and Merchant Navy had electric lights fitted to both the Locomotive and Tenders and do not require oil lamps to be fitted or used. The two oil lamps you have fitted are not required.

Tony, no need to be polite!!

Thanks for the info and glad I used black tack - they can be removed relatively easily!!



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Just fitted the light bars and sound module to the Bachmann London Underground ‘S’ stock cars.  Battery operated, motion-actuated, although the sounds and lights are a bit random!  Noticed that just walking past the table they were on caused the action to begin.  Hopefully, they will settle down soon!


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If the elictric lights were as good as the ones fitted to certain Princess Coronations ie ivatts (poor and not always reliable), then oil lamps were still fitted. The Princess Coronations had theirs remove quite early in the BR peirod. 


And just to stay in the sprit of the topic bought 2 more Bachmann Mk1 SKs 

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Hi all - two recently purchased, a Hornby Golden Arrow final steam run set and the other day I picked up from a well known online auction site a Bachmann A1 Tornado in BR blue livery - very smart and runs like a dream. I know what my dear wife has bought for me for Christmas (as I bought them pending some cash from her) - four Hornby crimson and cream Mk 1 coaches.

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On 'the lamp thing', I've seen several locomotives with oil lamps on top of the electric ones, so thought perhaps same was true with WS - perhaps not.


Removed without issue - some photos with FS will appear sometime, once 'authorised'.

I've removed that RHS (to look at) disc, removed the black tack and replaced again - after the photos.


It's not an issue, and now I know I can use the black tack, it's made life a lot easier.



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A couple of Lima locos. Both in excellent boxed condition and powerful runners. Amazing how these old Lima locos keep going. (well, Rome has withstood the ravages of Time pretty well/media/tinymce_upload/a075b03d71a1e2aa0989c2ffd0a02630.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/34f9317c8fc973c8a2e82373b17222bd.JPG, hasn't it ! ).     A "Western Enterprise" in Desert Sand and a Class 20 "Alice" in Hunslet-Barclay livery.

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If you've arranged simply to return it, and are 'happy' that way then fair enough, but it sounds like it's one of 2 things, assuming the wheels are clean, and there are no shorts - state the obvious ...

1. Pick-ups;

2. Broken wire(s).



As it was brand new I sent it back and got the replacement today which runs beutifully.

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I just got this one. I already have a couple but this is in much better condition so it looks like the others will be off as soon as I get round to it! Not sure if the BR transfers are original, I thought these had the unicycling ferret on them but then it has mk3 couplings and the chassis seems original. There is also no crack around the screw hole which most of these locos have. 

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Continuing on from the lack of accessory / detail kit with Winston Churchill, certain detail parts are coming from an aftermarket supplier, as mentioned by Caiptean, but I found that the lower chassis kit for the WC / BoB contains the brake pull rods and is available!


Arrived today and will try to install - not certain of fit but should be fine.


Agreed, they are fiddly and easily removed in general locomotive handling if not careful, but they do complete the appearance, together with the front steps and cylinder draincocks.



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This, but a weathered version. To go with my Network Rail Yellow Class 37 and matching yellow ballast aggregate wagons, all weathered too.




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