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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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One Hornby MSC Sentinel.  Part of a layout (DCC) under planning/construction/development has a small goods yard which can be used as dual purpose, goods or small preservation site.  The small industrial loco's (Peckett,Sentinel,Barclays,) as well as ex BR ,03,04,06 L&Y pug make ideal power along with a couple of Brake Vans (rides) and a few Covered wagons storage. 

Could be interesting on any layout set from late 1960s to present.

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I just got a Tri-Ang Primary Clockwork set, the RP.A set with the 0-6-0 Saddle Tank and 2 red coaches.  It's in nice shape, but the loco only does a couple trips around the circle, and has trouble with both coaches.  So I'm going to clean and lubricate the gears and axles on the loco, as well as a little dot of oil where the coach axles go into the bogies (they seem to not move that freely).

I'm also awaiting my second Playcraft set, this one is the "Stratford" Goods Set (Class 29 Diesel in green and a few goods wagons).  With this, the steam Goods Set I have and also the recent purchase of a few Playcraft coaches for passenger services, I have a nice little Playcraft collection for not a lot spent!

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x1 Hornby Thomas & Friends R9749 Spencer (Limited Production)


This Spencer I bought today, is the re-rlease limited production model of 1,000 from. The colour of the locomotive is slightly different to the original 2008 R9257 Spencer. I can't wait for it to arrive. It's brand new and unopened. I hope it's alright. It will be good to own both Hornby Spencer's.



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Hi Froggie here,

Just received by mail from the UK, GWR Railcar No11 and Class 68 in DRS 'Compass' colours. Both lovely looking locos and 'wowed' the club members this afternoon. They model 'toy' trains - continental outline and at 1:87 scale to boot. (I'm only kidding regarding 'toy' as they have a nice selection of kit.) Interestingly they did say that it just looked 'better' in 00 - even though I had explained that 'our' scale is at odds with their 1:87 scale/guage track.

Downside was, as the club has moved premises, there is no running layout so I haven't yet seen either run  :((.



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2-BIL is a nice looking model. 


If you want a combination of 2 BIL /2 HAL coaches then this is an interesting read: http://www.bloodandcustard.net/esf004.html


PS never owned a Triumph but used to have a Bond Equipe (2L with O/D)!   😀 

Thanks, useful. I have to put a temporary stop to purchases until my baseboards are completed after Christmas. Here is the 2-bil./media/tinymce_upload/707284617f80d9c1c03e0a0532657304.JPG

A Bond Equipe is basically my car with a fancy fibreglass body.




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A couple of maroon MK1s that look fine but I have no idea what make they are. Bought from a local toy shop for £4.95 each so worth a gamble. BUT - a few hours later as I was making my way to a model shop to see what they were, I slipped and the coaches went up in the air and crashed to the ground. Bogies fell off, BUT they were undamaged - the bogies clipped back in !! No idea how as whilst one landed in a flower tub, the other ended up on the pavement. It was Thursday when black ice was a menace up here. 

The shop though they may have been from a magazine that gave away a free MK 1 with the first edition.

I also got for Xmas the following from the model shop

Dapol BR grain hopper

Hornby - Peterborough tar tank, pack of 3 BR ventilated vans (£25), 9 plank grey loco coal. (£5.95)  

Oxford - Layland Tiger cub Ribble. a caravan and a MK2 Jag. 





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Thanks - it was mostly embarassing and shocked a little girl who exclaimed "are you alright" and picked up some of the bits for me !! Which was good as I had not noticed some as they flew in all directions.

Thought I was good on my feet, but both feet flew forwards and I sat down with a right bang, but just a sore backside for a couple of days. I was also annoyed as I had noticed it being a bit slippery on the way to the shop the first time - yet still fell ! 

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Visit to my local model shop this morning.

Bought a book about model railway electronics by Roger Amos

And a Dapol Deltic kit that will get motorised with an old Class 37 chassis, to be held waiting for a TTS Deltic chip if it ever happens

And a Bachmann Auto-coach which the shop immediately price matched to then beat Hattons price - superb customer service.


Got to keep an eye out for a steam railmotor now.


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Not really 'new acquisitions' but I have been fitting sound to my current loco stock and this left me with a number of non sound chips going spare. I decided to have a rummage in my old stock box and have managed to resurrect a Lima 117 DMU, Hornby 47/48 with Ringfield motor and gloss finish 1501 and a Cadbury Castle. All needed some attention to get them running, probably why they were in the box in the first place, anyway fitting modern DCC chips with bemf has given them a new lease of life. 

I seem to spend more time taking things apart and trying to get them working than running locos

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