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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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I've a bit of a dilemma now!!

I've recently had a few 'impulse' purchases of SUPERB 'as new, used' A4's.


SNG (Sir Nigel) has just arrived - 70th Anniversary version - and it's 100% perfect, as is the box.


I've always said throughout life, even if I had a Ferrari worth £25m, I'd still 'take it out of it's case' and use it on the road.


Being of 'a vintage', I'll have to open up and lightly grease and oil here and there, before breaking in, then using, but, (don't believe I'm writing this!!) it seems wrong!!


It's beyond 'mint' - really is as it left the factory.


I know it'll be on the track tonight whilst it's still out, but ... thoughts??



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Cheers Colin.


I'll have to mull on this during the day - can't resist 'having a go' but I know how they go now - quite well, VERY smooth, and look great.


Of that other option, I always like the 'smoothed' for the curiosity but for looks, the rebuilt is fantastic, with that enormous Belpaire chimney / funnel.


There's one little mark on the box, so it looks used ... I'll use it!!

Joking aside, the Jury is out on this one but what a fantastic model!!



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That's it then - you agree with 80% off my thoughts!!


It's running tonight - can't wait - only another 2 days before the lads return and track is removed again - there'll doubtless be visits and 'normal family chaos' again!!





To be honest, it had probably hardly ever been run in it's life!!

I removed the body - disconnecting the lubricator linkage first of course, removed the worm cover, greased inside - totally dry - oiled each end of the motor (brush end a little), little dab of oil everywhere on the linkages, axles, etc. ... and ... NOTHING !!


Back to the workshop, removed the worm cover, rotated the motor a little ... and it goes ... then stops ... then goes.

The motor's quite securely mounted without the worm cover 'lock' so I keep it off and run it around the track about 20 loops ... then I replace the cover to avoid the risk of skipping cogs ... and it stops again ... then goes and finally starts to keep going - no arcing or 'rough running motor sound', just reluctant.


Now after a total of perhaps 15-20 minutes' running light then with 10 'teaks' it's now running nicely.


I also reamered out the cylinder draincock mount holes slightly and glued in the draincocks, and fitted the tender vacuum pipe - so much for going light and being extra careful.


Starting to perform very well - same as the others anyway.




PS  Bulleid Pacifics are ace as well - my 2p !!  I prefer the look of the rebuilt Bulleids personally.

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Been a busy week laying rails on my revised and enlarged layout. Now has both DC and DCC loops. I have used the longest loop to test my two latest acquisitions which are pictured below. Both ran very powerfully and body-wise are like new. So very pleased with purchases./media/tinymce_upload/2830e3a09f1bdaa99a8b0150fb077cea.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/66551b85e4f4d40dae0e90af37e90a59.JPG

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60031 Golden Palaver, sorry Plover !!


It had a broken upper lamp bracket but the piece was still there. As a colleague had some superglue on the desk I thought I'd have a go - 3rd attempt - acceptable, and exaggerated with the magnification of the camera.





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Its Feast or Famine...... All my pre-orders are coming in at once, September will cost me a small fortune, 4 Diesel Electrics and a rake or two of carriages, let alone the odd pair of de-coders. I can only assume Hornby wanted to fill a container and held back the deliveries, thank you Hornby !!

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60031 Golden Palaver, sorry Plover !!





I'm really liking this Plover, Palaver, whatever!!

If it were a car, it's the one with the most 'options' - double Kylchap, lubricator, speedo, corridor tender ...

That repaired lamp mount?  Lost it somewhere when lubricating up the locomotive!! Serves me right!!

Ended up cutting what remained down, drilling a micro hole and mounted an aftermarket lamp mount, then painted black - seems OK.


Latest thing I'm doing after gluing in the PD Marsh driver and fireman is leave a couple of spots of glue on the footplate, tender coal chute and around the chute, and literally throwing some 1 mm 'coal' in the vicinity until covered, letting dry then shaking off the (70%) excess - looks good I reckon.


I'm sure most would start impeccably, but doubt many footplates would remain that way ... just a little 'spillage'.



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12x Peco/Hornby prewired railjoiners for 00 for £3.99 +99p.   Very reasonable considering the fiddling/soldering they save, not to mention the cost of 12 regular fishplates.   Now trying to locate the weaker spots on my layout as regards current supply.   Maybe running a finnicky loco around the tracks. 😛   Any better suggestions ?

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I was in Wilco buying some small drills (bodywork led size) when I spotted this 4-wire RJ11 cable.


Worth a punt at £3 to see if it would work as an Elite to Select Walkabout cable.




Yes it does work. I have made my own 4 & 6 wire cables previously but just had to check if this was the correct wire configuration and it is.


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I've broken my golden rule, and after hunting for 'best available deals' I pre-ordered a retool Duchess of Hamilton - love the streamlined Duchesses - and A4's apparently!! (that's stopped now!)


It'll be a while - some sites still stating October, others as distant as February next year!!



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