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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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I believe 4482 "Golden Eagle" was the only A4 that Hornby has made in LNER Apple Green, cat no R313 in 1990.


This livery was applied only to a handful of A4s namely 4482, 4483, 4484, 4485, 4486, 4487, 4493, 4494, and 4495 when new, but all received the standard Garter Blue within two to three years. 

Wow! In your second paragraph, do you mean in real life as a working steam locomotive, or that Hornby changed there mind and changed the colour?

Nine real LNER A4s were painted in apple green. 

4482, Golden Eagle

4483, Kingfisher

4484, Falcon

4485, Kestrel

4486, Merlin

4487, Sea Eagle

4493, Woodcock

4494, Osprey

4495 Golden Fleece


Only Golden Eagle has been made in LNER green by Hornby but may also have been made in other liveries.

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Will you not miss OO Gauge? I think I would, if I decided to change gauge. O Gauge is certainly remarkble in it's level of deatil, but so are some of the OO Gauge models. The biggest probably is with O Gauge is the cost of the models and how much space it all takes, so the same board containing a O Gauge will have less running space, than the same size boardhaving OO Gauge track on it. I am sure you know that already, Brian.


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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Just received another 'win'.


Hard back - in case there were soft backed - versions of O.S. Nock's encycopaedia volumes 1, 2 and 3 - British Locomotives of the 20th Century.

Volume 1 - 1900 - 1930  -  very interesting period obviously.

Volume 2 - 1930 - 1960  -  extremely interesting - 'halcylon years', through the war, then into nationalisation and 'dieselisation'.

Volume 3 - 1960 - 'Present' - obviously a lot has happened since printed so hardly current - printed in 1985.


Typical super-detailed O.S. Nock!


Great reference material.



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Rapido Trains Guy Arab IV ,New Look'  bus, with lights, lovely model. Bought the model as a visitor to my LT layout (when it gets built!!)  Shame they don't produce a London Transport RT or RM, but you never know....


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I have posted a summary of LNER A4 liveries I compiled some time ago for my own amusement in a seperate thread.


WtD I shall miss your contributions here, but look forward to your O gauge deliberations on the other Forum.


My own fine scale O gauge activity is generally confined to the club test track although I have ambitions for a small portable shunting layout. My main O gauge activity is the garden railway where on fine days I can run coarse scale three rail Hornby tinplate, and modern ACE and on less fine days some clockwork  Hornby tinplate . I await the replica 1920 Hornby No 1 in LNWR livery with anticipation!

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A book!  From the Geoff Plumb Collection - British Railways in the 1960's - Southern Region - £25.00 reduced to £9.00 at my local garden centre!  All pictures are in colour - a very nice book.


Big decision - not as drastic as WTD's, but I have cancelled all of my pre-orders - there were six.  I have been collecting loco's since about 2000, and at a guess I would say I have about one hundred and forty - give or take.  I currently have ten on my layout Wykeham - with a couple of tank loco's (Beattie Well Tank and an Class 02) that need to come back onto the layout. My list of loco's runs to five sheets of A4 single line spacing. Most will never see the light of day - except when they arrive, I check there ok.  I can still buy a loco if I really like it, but as I get a little older I felt "do I need cupboards full of mint, boxed loco's"?  Wykeham will continue to evolve, but my stock list "may" not. This decision has nothing to do with cost.  

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WtD, Are you going to go DCC with your gauge O ? The sound option in that scale is brilliant, and I have had all mine fitted (apart from the two I scratch built many years ago, and of course  my garden railway fleet).


I have both the pannier and 08 and they are really good. 

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Hi Brian (WtD) I didn't mean to be 'that personal' to request where you're going to locate your layout, more just asking if it were 'country', 'industrial' and even if there was a particular place / location it was modelled on, like St. Ives, Cornwall for example ...


Nice to give yourself a fresh start on something from time-to-time.

Your regular pleasantries will be missed!!



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FINAL new addition - 45593 Kolhapur.

For some reason, I always get the spelling incorrect.






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Excellent and interesting aircraft there Brian - particularly the Harrier.


EE 10001 - do you also have 10000 for the double head?


B17 - nice loco, shame about the name - I am a Scouser don't forget!!


Just received a relatively bargain-priced superb condition Bachmann Jubilee Kolhapur - 45593 - in the 'as preserved BR livery' ... it's been in LMS Crimson Lake recently as well.


Previous owner had removed the sound card but left the speaker so it's DCC ready but no longer chipped.

Photos have been posted, but like those from last Thursday of the Class 58, they'll probably get lost ...


This follows on my 'initiative' of any steam locomotive purchase has to be of a Heritage locomotive replica - I still have some exceptions, but I like them too much - like the Bachmann 4MT I'd purchased before I'd made that decision - superb locomotive.



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