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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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Hi BB, layout and details look great.


One thought.

Is it possible to tone down, and perhaps 'yellow' the lighting in the bus?



Hi Al

It would be possible, but it was a pig to fit in the first place. The bus virtually fell apart once I took it apart. It nearly ended up in the bin. I'll have another look at it in the new year. It really ought to have the head and tail lights working - not to difficult a job, but I think the downstairs would need some of the seating removed so that I could fit a couple of small light boxes. I might buy another bus and do some major surgery on it. At the moment the wires from the two LED's just go through the base of the bus, through the road, and are soldered to the bus wires that supply the buildings, street lights and taxi lamps. 

The exisitng bus lights can easily be "yellowed" with a coat of Tamiya yellow lacquer.


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Hi BB, having fitted a few lighting kits to locomotives, I can empathise there!


Main addition in our household, Lego City 'train set'.

This is the younger lad's present - with an extra carriage and trailing car - comes with power car and 2 carriages only.

Extra track added as well.





Capable of quite a fair turn of speed, with traction tyres, but each carriage gives a quite substantial drag, so they manage to stay on the track.



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Picked up a Bachmann Class 108 two car DMU today from my local model shop Great Eastern Models in Norwich, same price as the box shifters.

Running in nicely on DC, but buzzing a bit with R7229 controller.

Just need Hornby to make a suitable TTS for it.

In the meantime it will get a pair of Lenz Golds from my gash box.





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Just like I remember her 45 years ago!

Great hill climber as well - used to have Super4 track climbing up to chair seat level!!

Only my Blue Pullman was better, with her knurled wheels!


I'd be shot at dawn for some of the things I did to these 'collectors items' when 'I were a lad' !!


Moving on ...




Jeff is in the building - OK, a Bachmann Virgin 'Jeff Tracy Class 57/3 57 306.


Good locomotive and a bit of fun at the same time!





Nameplates pre-mounted by the previous owner.

Only shows up a very slight mis-alignment with the camera zoomed in.

All working perfectly using my 9V battery test, at work - 1/2 day of course!

Will get a full check over, lube and grease, then gentle running both ways, before detailing the #1 end.



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Class 108 DMU.

. . . gave it the once over after running in, check tighten things and a relube. Getting the fairly big Lenz Golds into place was a bit of a struggle, as they have a large plastic plug on the harness and the sockets are tucked away in tight places.


Tomget the body off you have to drop the front bogie (single pivot screw), then remove a securing screw, before unclipping the body at lifting awy front end first. It was a bit of a struggle. Unfortunately I didn’t have any people or I would have filled a few of the seats. Maybe fit them later when Hornby gets its TTS act together and does a DMU retro kit and I have to lift the tops off again.


The trailer car has a dedicated slot in the toilet compartment for a decoder but the notch for the harness was too small and right next to a long upright brass contact for the lights, so a new bigger slot had to be made in the other corner. A bit of double sided tape secured the decoder but the socket is in a tight spot between the rear sets, making a direct plug decoder impossible.


The power car was easier but the decoder ‘home’ is a ‘just the right size’ tray in the metal chassis, albeit a painted tray. That was lined with insulating tape just in case and the decoder secured with double sided tape with an insulating layer of sellotape lightly applied over the top. Again the socket is in a tight spot right at the back end between two brass contacts for the roof lighting. Folding the harness up tidy was another struggle.


With the decoders fitted it took a lot of throttle to get the thing running at a reasonable pace and top speed was fairly realistic for the type, but it ran nice and quiet on DCC. F0 puts the directional lights on as well as the destination board lights and oddly the cabin interior lights, which are dismally dim. Exterior lighting is nice, subdued but nice. F1 & 2 didn’t do anything. I was expecting the cabin lights to be on F1.


Overall I am very impressed with the model.



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Could not resist another Wrenn R! 0 6 0T tank. It's a blue livery Esso tank (only 336 made), slightly rare. I got my North Thames Gas yellow livered R! working (only 600 made). I need to start looking for the Siver body Shell R1 tank as my next buy.

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It's a nice model indeed.

Always take care of the heart taking over the purse strings - there's always an offer 'just around the corner'.


Disappointing that a major Yorkshire outlet is selling one for substantially more than Locomotion ...


As Tornado has had a repaint, I've just purchased a 'new' Brunswick Green one ...

They're typically selling north of £100 used, up to £140.

Mine cost £85.


It does have the old / early logo, which I can remove and replace ... making close to identical with the latest iteration ... which will change in a few years' time anyway, so perhaps best leave ... 


I have a few old tenders I'll experiment with first.



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Tri-ang Hornby R348 Giraffe Car Set. I've been looking for this for years, and finally found one on eBay.

Very good condition, with not a single mark on the model, which came complete with all parts. And it matches perfectly with my Transcontinental loco, which my lovely Nan bought for me when I was 15 years old, 51 years ago.


I am ridiculously, and childishly, excited!

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I found a Class 66 TTS decoder lurking in my spares box, so I just had to pop along to ‘click and collect’ this from my local model shop Great Eastern Models in Norwich. Box shifters price too.

... Seeing as The Black Cats was my local footie team as a lad.

It doesn’t come with lights so I shall give it a run to make sure it is OK before taking the tools to it.



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  • 1 month later...

A Hornby Princess Royal class, R3711, "Princess Marie Louise" running in on the Rolling Road powered by a PP9 battery prior to installing an X9659 4 pin decoder wired to an 8 pin plug (just a temporary measure). A beautiful model.......HB


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I had purchased a Hornby Lord Nelson, but had had a few issues.

Despite verifying everything, the motor overheats within 2-3 minutes' running - hopeless.

Reading threads available within the web, I'm not the 1st to have problems with it's motor.

Having said that, I liked the locomotive, a lot, but encountered a problem with the body - self-inflicted.

I decided to purchase a 'spare' body available within Ebay surprisingly - no chassis (aka motor), then had a brain%art and decided it looks much nicer 'as preserved', and have completely repainted and decorated the locomotive (courtesy of some superb transfers and etched plates by Fox) as a Southern Railway malachite green 850.

Still not happy with the motor, not finding one, I've just 'won' a 'new TTS removed' (Rails did this) BR Lord Nelson for a substantial reduction in list price - so I'll have 2!!

For the former, frightened of losing the transfers, and not wanting to spray and fog the paint, I've purchased some Humbrol acrylic lacquer which I'll brush on.

I'll 'test' somewhere less obvious 1st.

If successful, I'll continue with the rest! This is to seal in the transfers as well.


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Just acquired R3695 NCB Peckett B2 Ryhope Colliery from Hereford Models as they have a few new old stock models still in stock. I was surprised to find they had a few left as they were very popular when originally launched and I can see why its a lovely looking model in the NCB lined blue.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Picked up the blue Merchant Navy which is first class and a seven car Scotrail HST set, the power cars are stunning as usual but the mk 3’s with the nem couplings not so good as Hornby have used the cam system which in my opinion has always been very poor, couplings should be on the end of the bogies. Another gripe is the power cars roofs are gloss black whereas the coaches are Matt black. Still a beautiful site running at speed around my layout.

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