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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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I think I will resist the temptation. I did give some thought the other day to downsizing the collection - I have one hundred and twenty nine loco's with four more on pre-order. I think I can honestly say that of that number, one hundred have never been out of their boxes - may be for a picture to be taken, but never ever run. I am actually running out of space to store them. Some big decisions to be made soon - possiblysleepy

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My layout is a southern region end-to-end - total run of about twenty seven feet. I started collecting long (about thirteen years) before I was able to build a layout. In the early 2000's Hornby started their NRM Collection - one loco a year - of all regions - so over a few years that grew, and as most of those on the forum will know I like Merchant Navy Class loco's and with other additions the collection just grew.

If I were to run, say, Flying Scotsman or Mallard on the layout they would need the correct coaching stock - likewise with any of the other unused loco's. As Al says, we are all enthusiasts, but have different ways of purchase and application. If I had a larger room, and had been able to build a roundy layout, I would probably run a greater variety of loco's.

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I know your predicament. I run GWR and SR on a 10 foot roundy. So far I've (almost) stuck to in-region locos and stock but recently purchased an old Lima Class 08 and before that a Class 33 for hauling my Sharge track cleaner. I also have a late BR Jinty and an early BR Class H, but I bought those early on, before I'd properly settled on regions and eras. I am now having a struggle trying to resist a Class 20, a Stanier or Fairburn 4MT and an 8F. Somebody help me please. flushed

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Hi Al, I’m still not sure! My current basic setup is DC but think I’ll go DCC once this Bluetooth system arrives. To be honest I enjoy collecting them. I mainly have LMS and LNER but also have some southern/GWR locos aswell. Plus lots of diesels from the 90’s onwards. No specific theme at the moment until I can get a new house with a dedicated room!

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