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Let's see your layouts


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I have given up counting how many I have in my collection.


I have now fixed the noisy Bachmann Jinty, as you would expect with a new model it was totally devoid of oil. They either soak them in oil or do not bother!


I still keep the old Hornby open can Pannier, it is DCC fitted (Running on DC) circa 2007 and although not an accurate model I think it looks nice. 😀

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Very nice definition and colour rendering with the Polaroid Cube Plus. Also NO visible shake - did you use post-filming anti-shake smoothing or does the Polaroid have good stabilisation built in ?  I also agree with the comments elsewhere on the SQ camera. It really is a load of rubbish and mine will be relegated to a deserted siding (or better, the Salvation Army for some little boy to play with !)

Lastly, what wagon or loco did you use for the onboard filming ?   It certainly was nice and stable.  I am not at all satisfied with my own efforts at onboard video so would be grateful for your comments. Kind regards. Jimbo

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The Polariod Cube footage is straight from the camera no adjustments are made, there is onboard stabilisation which you cannot switch off. I purchased mine when Argos sold them on eBay for £50 about a month ago. I use a flat truck and the Cube holds itself on with the onboard magnet. The battery last about 70-80 mins and they supply a 4GB MicroSD card. See the video below.



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Many thanks, HFM. That was very informative. A really excellent video. The backscenes on your layout also give a feeling of spaciousness with the perspective of faraway hills. I have not seen any like them in my local shop. Are they currently available and which manufacturer ? (Please forgive me for pumping you for information. But I realise I still have a very long way to go to get my layout up to an acceptable standard 🤔 ).

The Polaroid Cube is great and I have already decided to get one. (have a magnet already ! 😀)

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The backscenes are made by Gaugemaster and as you say give a depth to the layout. They are available from most model shops or direct from Gaugemaster. They are also much larger than some back scenes so give better coverage. No problem in asking questions that is what the hobby is about.


You do not need a magnet for the Cube it has its own powerful one on the bottom.

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I have had a serious tidy up in the train room although you may not agree.

I bought a couple of those 6ft folding catering tables for my work areas. PC and paperwork on one with my workbench and dross on the other. It seems to work well. 






It was only after looking at the photos I spotted a Class 56 had taken a nose dive into the turntable pit. That must have happened when I had my ‘all locos’ runaway last week.


The red and yellow dots round the track are where my bus droppers attach. One day I will get round to putting some ground cover over the boards and attempt to coordinate the odd scenic bits into something resembling a layout. In the meantime it serves the purpose of somewhere to reliably run several locos at once.


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I have changed my roundy roundy layout for an end to end (as per image attached). It exists only on paper at the moment as the boards have only just been built but no track has been laid (I have broken my glasses). It is 10' x 2' - the red dashes show the break in the middle so I can store it away. R-



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Sorry about that .


This is what I meant. They come with a cover plate to hide the screws that clips into the hypoteneuse side.


I have hidden the previous posts to avoid confusion.



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After years of wanting a layout but only being able to use a temporary 8x4 chipboard i have finally negogiated use of the conservatory. Not ideal but the ceiling has blinds for the summer and it has central heating connected radiators for the winter. 

The baseboards were finished today so now i have no excuses but to get on and build.

The baseboards are from White Rose in Yorkshire apart from a small L shaped section that my neighbour constructed for me as he is a carpenter. Each board can be separated and the legs removed/media/tinymce_upload/66a55240ba72d6f05268c3a94d41ea21.JPG so the idea is i build a layout that can be taken apart if we ever move !!!

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There isn't a hinged section, i just go under. Hopefully i'm young enough to be able to do this for a few more decades. 

The original plan (6 years ago) was to build a Thomas layout for my boys. I've spent years buying the Thomas Hornby Skaledale buildings which are now really expensive as they stopped making them. 

So the plan is to still use these, the stations will be Thomas named - Dryaw, Waterton & Maithwaite. With a custom built Knapford dependng on space. I would like to model it so if you looked at a station, for instance Dryaw, behind it there will be an edge of an airfield and a nissan hut so you could relate it back to the books. It will be generic 1950s countryside so i can run my steam locos and the stations will be lengthend to accomodate the rolling stock (except Maithwaite). There are a couple of scenes i would like to recreate such as a shot with a watermill and bridge and also houses along a canal. 

I really hope i can contain myself and not have too much track as i enjoy modelling the scenary and watching trains go round. The plan is to have main running lines and an area with sidings for storage but to try and keep it fairly simple. I want to resist the urge to fill all the space with track but to also have enough sidings. 

I have thought about having a two separate levels. The lower level being DCC and the higher level being Analogue but I've not convinced myself of this yet.

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I have spent part of the weekend removing one track from my mainline station.  I had previously made the mistake of trying to fit in as much track as possible, resulting in a very narrow island platform which looked unrealistic (probably a scale 10 foot wide) which looked decidedly dangerous for passengers when express trains came thundering through the station.


The platform is now much wider and I am pleased with the appearance.  I now need to make a building for it – probably a modification of the Superquick model.  I also need to alter the footbridge which is based on the old Airfix model.  The steps down from the bridge to the island platform are very close to one edge.  They were originally in the middle of the old platform, which shows just how narrow it was.  I’m also going to add lighting to the new platform, and also upgrade the other platforms in time.


Old platform:


New platform:



You can see how the steps down from the footbridge are far too near the left hand edge.  I like the gentle curve on the platform, which I had to measure very carefully to avoid fouling by some of my longer coaches and locos.

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