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Let's see your layouts


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I've posted pics of mine on here before, in a different thread. Not much to look at, yet, just track on bare boards, with some structures scattered, whicle I make sure it looks right. (It doesn't) and it all works (so far it does).

I was intending to re-post them, but it looks as though I'll have to re-take them first, as the originals have quietly vanished into the computer black hole!

Found them on photobucket -




if that works.


It looks good 2e0

Blimey, you got some stock mate   ;o)  And some space!!! 


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/media/tinymce_upload/DSC00267_copy.jpgHi Buz

Your layout is well thought out and as Roger says plenty of detail.

It is also very tidy, above and below the layout  ;o)

Well done


Not guilty its about 97% C J Freezer planned the plan suprisingly being expanded into the space I had avalable

allowing the adition of a passing loop and extra siding at loco.

The layout being reasonably tidy underneath is all down to the domestic authorities she found the mini wheely bins that all the usefull bits are kept in underneath handy but out of the way and tidy. 

The mess on the transformer controler table is all me ;-(

My favorite detail  set piece is Fred and Bert siting by the fire drum having a cuppa OK its a bit gimmiky given the glowing drum but I like it.

Still needs the Boss looking at his watch and the bosses office but I will get there.

The facia boards will eventualy be painted a very borng grey colour to focus attention on whats on top

I think its easy to guess which bit of railway modeling I like best and like to thimk I am good at ;-)

regards John


Hi Buz

I like it John.

You say... Still needs the Boss looking at his watch and the bosses office.  You are not the boss then   LOL


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1 March, so I thought I would do a spot of gardening!!!


I had been seeing to the plants for about quarter of an hour and my wife told me it looked like it was going to snow, five minutes later it was snowing... welcome to Spring in the UK!!!


Not to worry my gardening is a little different  :scratchhead:


Lets have some layout updates and let the weather do what it wants.




The above image now includes.....

Seating - Metcalfe models

People - Hornby & B*mann I think

Flower tubs - made from off cuts of Metcalfe models

Foam Flocking - in the flower boxes and hanging over the sides

JJT - Rose Vines cut into smaller pieces

ebay from China - topiary shrubs (£2.67 for 30, various colours - postage Free)




The above image shows the station (low profile) and the platform with the items mentioned above. Platform lights on.




The above image shows the station and island platform with the lights off.

This station has been renamed - Lakeside - due to the fishing lake near by.

Station names printed and glued to cardboard. Totem legs are bamboo sticks painted black enamel. Bamboo sticks from Lakeland's big bag for £1.65




The above image shows the station and island platform viewed over the fishing lake.


The up-stand behind the low relief station will be hand painted later (similar to the opposite side which is complete)


Probably the most expensive item in the above was the Bachmann people, everything else cost very little or was made from scraps and bits of item I had.


All in a nice warm bedroom... and it is still snowing hard outside. I think I prefer this type of gardening, weeds don't grow and shrubs don't need regular cutting. Better weather will be coming soon.   :sungum:


Hope you like it




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No 'Domestic Goddess' to say you can't put that there! P:J. She passed on three and a bit years ago, so I've got two walls of the bedroom, with a cantilevered overhang on the 'spare' side of the double bed!

The idea is - there is a 'preserved' line (the outside loop) connected to a branch line (inner), so I can run anything I fancy anywhere, without caring whether it is 'genuine!'

The 'preserved' line is based in/on the old shunting yard of a coal mine, hence the flat-top buildings.

You can't really see it on the pic, but there is a link across from one circuit to the other, so 'visiting tours' can be reversed or driven onto the preserved line (and exit the other way) For more variety.

The overscale yellow heli is a charity toy from the NorthWest Air Ambulance.


The pile of boxes at the back (looking left) are all short-runs of coal wagons, obtained from a local to me mining museum, one guy of the staff searches old documents and photo's looking for private owner liveries of mines in this area, and has them made up by that Welsh company.

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Hi 2e0


It looks good to me mate. I can see there is so much you can do to vary each day. Brilliant.


It was sad to read your message regarding your wife, I didn't know, I won't say any more, other than you must have some wonderful memories, they will always be with you, domestic goddess and much more I am sure.


You have put a lot of thought into your layout, I let my eye follow the track round, I find that interesting it helps me see what thought a person has put in to their layout. But, as my eyes follow the track they keep breaking the sequence as I see train after train... fantastic layout, fantastic collection, well done, Enjoy! ;o)



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First of all, an explanation.  


I realise to the members who have spent an awful lot of time, adding detail to their layouts, that my layout is very boring, with no detail, apart from a few cars from the 1960's.  But that is the way I like it.  


I was at a local model Railway exhibition at the weekend and I can spend ages looking and admiring someone elses layout but for my own, I prefer to concentrate on the running of trains.  It is a DCC layout, without a wiring bus.  The power is connected to just one place on the layout and that is the bottom Right Straight on the outer loop, from an Elite Controller.  I also have RailMaster, Pro version.


I am in the process of adding Solenoid Point Motors (Hornby R8014) to all 28 points and the diagram below indicates how I intend to wire them up.  All Motors will all be mounted directly under the points in small pockets routed out of the underside of the board.  The board is made up of an 8' x 4' sheet of Sundeala board, glued to the top of an 8'x 4' sheet of 3/4" ply.


The Point Motors will be controlled using 4 off ESU Switchpilot Decoders.  I have labelled the diagram with my proposed connections.  The designations of the labels are as follows:  D1/1* means that this Motor will be connected to Decoder number 1, Port number 1 and the star indicates that it is one of a pair to the same Port.  Likewise D1/4 means that this Motor because it is not followed by a star will be connected to Decoder number 1, port 4 on its own.  I have designed it such that each of my 4 Decoders has one of its Ports that is connected to just one Point.


Comments are invited, in particular against my wiring proposal.  All wiring will be contained in that thin plastic trunking under the layout.



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We will forget the funny forigne language you are speaking ;-)

if your layout is boring then you built the wrong one,.remember rule 1 my layout I will do it my way rule 2 if you don't like it refer to rule one and so on it goes.

When it comes to wiring you say without a main bus well I am strictly DC which is more forgiving of power fluctuations and I have a main bus for my track with multiple feeds to the track.

it is my understanding the same should be done with DCC to make sure the digital information gets where its needed one dodgy fish plate and you have a problem multiple feeds will help overcome that problem before it happens

Relying on a single track feed very bad idea.

regards John

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I'm not sure about these 'centre-tapped' sidings. It seems a terrible waste of space, as half of each cannot be occupied, or the stock in the other end cannot be extracted without a lot of messing about and swapping things around - or is that what you want, a shunting puzzle with a continuous run round the outside?

And as stated, for this complex a layout, a bus is a must!

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... We will forget the funny forigne language you are speaking ;-) ...

Hello John

Not sure I understand your comment about forigne (I assume you mean foreign) language and I was not trying to invite comments about my single power feed.  The only reason I mentioned it, was to confirm that it is possible on a DCC layout with a reasonably large number of points, sidings, passing loops and a turntable.  I am not sure that relying on a single track feed is a bad idea.  It works incredibly well, so why change or complicate it even further.  It also shows the total flexibility of a DCC layout, that can have any number of Loco's anywhere on the layout but all instantly available to be called up and run.


I was more interested in comments about my grouping of Decoder Ports


Incidentally, there was no need to copy my entire posting, (including the picture) in your reply.

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I'm not sure about these 'centre-tapped' sidings ...

I currently tend to use the centre sidings just as short end to end runs which work very well when controlled by a program from RailMaster because it means I can run 8 Loco's (4 in the sidings and 4 on the loops) entirely independentally of each other.  

If I felt I needed a Bus I would have installed one but this layout works very well without one.  Quite surprising as the DCC signal needs to pass through 16 sets of points to reach the long siding in the very centre of the layout.

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I am glad you invited comments


How can you say a layout like yours is boring?


I think it is a great layout and well thought out.


A layout should be what we want, what suits us, no one has a right to down that. Some like scenery and modelling (me for one), some just want to run trains (you)  ;o)


For me I have to have stations for my routes, you are happy without them or could do low relief on an upstand if you want to. 


Great layout, well done. We (I) look forward to some pictures in time



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For some reason spell checker doesn't work on the Hormby forum.

There are three ways to do a job the right way the wrong way and the railway (I am a railway employee)

The "railway" usualy means a belt and braces aproach to a job I can't coment much on the DCC equipment grouping, but passed expierience has taught me that a ring main with multi feeds to the track is the best way to deal with the track feed. 

Given that with DCC this also carries the digital information which would be upset with dodgy track joints I would have said the main bus was a vital link that needs to be installed.

To make sure that the trains run properly, any risk that could stop trains running is not worth taking particularly when train running is the prime interest.


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For some reason spell checker doesn't work on the Hormby forum.
There are three ways to do a job the right way the wrong way and the railway (I am a railway employee)
The "railway" usualy means a belt and braces aproach to a job I can't coment much on the DCC equipment grouping, but passed expierience has taught me that a ring main with multi feeds to the track is the best way to deal with the track feed. 
Given that with DCC this also carries the digital information which would be upset with dodgy track joints I would have said the main bus was a vital link that needs to be installed.
To make sure that the trains run properly, any risk that could stop trains running is not worth taking particularly when train running is the prime interest.

Just on this one. Is it ok to run 2 analogue controllers on the 1 track layout?


As for layouts overall. I'm currently chopping and changing my 6 x 4 layout on a daily basis trying to find the best setup for the trains I have (Pendolino and Javelin 395). The length of the Pendolino is being an issue for how I want the layout so thinking of upping the setup to 8 x 4 (Though have not discussed this with the wife yet. Not sure she'd be keen on loosing more space in the spare room lol).

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Hi all

The other station on my layout the whole thing.occupies not much more space than a credit card.

Note the luxurious passenger accommodation and fully air conditioned signal box :-0

The scene still needs a milk churn or two, trains cross here signs on the crossing as yet have not been able to find any iether signs or sign art work for them.

This scene is actualy loosely based on what was once a real station

The shelter is a slightly modified and painted Hornby fog mans shelter from the accessories pack




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Hi N0ddie

If you can try and avoid the traditional 6X4 or 8X4  island layout as they require more space to get right round them.

if the domestic Authorities will allow it go for a around the room wide shelf design

that way storage space and railway can occupy the same space without to much conflict

you can reach over the whole layout.

There are many books around that explian track planning and the mystic art of wiring layouts.

Covering both traditional DC and DCC wiring make the DC or DCC descision now as changing later could get expencive and would be very annoying. also check internet for information and opinions on both systems and choose which suits your needs the best

But there is a DC system called cab control that uses multiple controlers to control a single line railway that has been divided into block sections it would take a while to explain. But it allows more than one train to be running on a single line 

if your running live OH lines you have a common rail and the wire CTT is on one controler and the track CTT on a differrent one.  Watch what you are doing we don't want any head on crashes between an electric suburban service and diesel powered freighter with live OH wires it is possible to do that depending on how it's.wired

From your post looks like you will be building in the house this puts the obligation to have nice neatly finished bench work even if the room will be closed up when you have guest's for tea.

Just remember  the argument that if you are building a model railway the domestic authority will no where you are and what your up to. It can be a usefull argument in favor of  a model railway to present.

regards John

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Noddie - two controllers on one analogue track - that's a big NO.

You would just have a short-circuit between the two. What you could do, if you have a complex sidings arrangement, is to have insulated rail joiners just after the point leading into the sidings, then one controller could run the circuit, and the other would work the siding.

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You could try saying I'll have to buy an 8 x 4ft sheet anyhow and its a shame to cut it and what would I do with the bit I had left.....

Use the left over  bit for the branch line extension :-)

regards John

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Here is my little layout  "Hawkins Halt" which has Hornby 040 chassis motors fitted into Grandpa's Little Train.

Out this weekend on The Grand Central Railway Quorn Station.

Gives the Little ones something else than Thomas to see.


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Hi rodney hodge

Now you should know that excuse just won't work

Built it for the childeren is the oldest excuse in the book ;-)

Very nice effort by the way the little ones should love it.

If I have the right Quorn don't forget the obligitory coffee pot picture :-)

regards John

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here's my two layouts don't have the room for a big layout so I built two small one's also have a hornby live steam layout with N gauge on the upper level but thats in the garage and it gets to cold in there so I don't really use it anymore 


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