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Just as answered above by other members really... but just to be polite and answer your question specifically...

I bought The Elite when it first appeared on the market way back and used it successfully while trying out my loco's etc and starting to plan my new one. Then Elink arrived and I thought it was better for me so I could use it with one of my laptops.

This is where I am at so far... the Elite MAY get an airing to be used along with the Elink but it depends upon how my layout is finally done. I may use Elink for points etc but it is probably unikely. I am more likely to keep the Elite and use it just in case the Elink goes down and it needs some loving treatment from the Elink doctors!! So, to get my 'fix' of trains I will still have something to control them. I also have a Select from a Pendolino set but that was tested and put away and hasn't seen daylight for some time!

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I thank you sincerely for your kind words and am only glad to help. As was stated earlier there are those who post little or not at all but who can still be helped by just reading these posts.

I have been in situation in the past, as most on here I suspect, before PC's and computers - and obviously from that, forums - were around and advice was sought for numerous things and now they are all here we are grateful for the help anonymous, or unseen, friends can offer.

When some join in they post little but are soon hooked and can't post enough... just for a giggle look at some of our longer established members with several thousand posts! No matter your level of interest there is someone to help...

Thank you again... :-)

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Don't be disheartened because the computer runs a tad slow at times or just crashes when using a program like RM... the issue may lie with a thousand other things going on inside the PC you know. As long as a system restart is done and it sorts it then that's OK. If the problem persists don't automatically assume RM is at fault.

BTW... when doing a Ctrl/Alt/Del sequence don't always restart the PC/laptop. It isn't necessary most of the time. If a driver gets locked up for example and doesn't respond then do that sequence above but then just end the task you are doing under the Applications tab by highlighting it first if more than one application is running. You can also end a process under the Processes tab but you need to be a little more savvy here. Look for the RM or Railmaster.exe process and highlight it then click End Process. Then simply restart RM... you may also want to unplug and reconnect the Elite or Elink after ending the process so Windows grabs the driver for RM properly.

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well... Seems to be sorted at last !


The problem seemed to be that RM was trying to talk to the Internet at various stages and for whatever reason couldn't so it hung up waiting for an Internet connection.

The RM guy was on to my laptop for a good while and finally confirming that my AV and Firewall were not blocking he program we decided to switch off the wifi on the laptop And restart RN without Internet access. This apparently stops RM looking! Upshot was that RM ran trains for 2 hours and configured a couple of new ones without even a hiccup!! More playing later in the week...


So, thanks to whoever at RM had the patience to sort me out. I'm obliged.

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Good to hear things are mobile again... enjoy...

What I failed to pick up on is your wireless signal issue you may have. If you are a bit of a way from the house in a garage you may lose the signal from time to time because it will be weekened by several factors. These can be as follows: Fluorescent lighting, metal in walls, infra red signals, remote controls, other wireless users on your channel (but not connected) and many more. You could solve your signal strength by adding a wireless booster or repeater to your network. This would be placed between the router and your laptop/PC and this will give a much better signal from the original access point to the client (router to PC). If you go for one make sure it is a mains operated unit mounted in a space less likely to suffer from the above problem factors. Try to avoid those that are wall socket type that just sit in a socket and cannot be moved around. The more antennae you have the better on the unit... two or three recommended.

Hope that helps...

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I would second what AC just said about wi-fi repeaters. I installed one last week after me and the railway got banished to the garage and my signal strength went from 1 bar to 4 out of 5!

I didn't realise that RM tries to use the internet other than at startup when it searches for any software updates. Think I'll switch off wi-fi when I'm out there now while I'm playing trains.

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That's fair enough. Personally, I just can't see the need for an Elink if you already have an Elite. I like to have the extra control available on the Elite in conjunction with RailMaster. By the way, I also have a select put away somewhere. Wasn't there talk a while ago that they where going to make RailMaster compatible with the Select?

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Not aware of any intention to make Select compatible but you can use a Select as a walkabout unit with just the addition of a special network (not a standard one) cable.  You do not use the Power Supply Unit, the Select then gets it's power from Elite.

I agree about your use of Elite.  It is my favoured solution as well.

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No reason at all if you are using RM unless you have more than 100 locos.   But if you are using Elite and not RM, you don't have a screen with all of your locos on it, so people use 4 digits from their loco running numbers as an easy way to remember the ID. 

Then people in the habit of doing this often continue even if they get RM. 

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I agree with you totally, Fishy. I sometimes want to run my trains direct from my Elite for a change and the 4 digit IDs certainly help. I obviously then have to carry these over to RM. You have to have a standard system for setting these up, though, for ease of recognition. I have just a couple which either won't work with 4 digits or clash with an existing loco's 4 digit ID even. Put it like this, I have slightly less DCC locos than bars of gold.

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Hi John

I thought that in the past I had both a 2 digit and a 4 digit address allocated to one of my Sapphire equipped locos and I could pick either to run it on. Dodgy memory says it was to do with whether long address was enabled via the Elite menus or not, but it was a long time ago and I'm not convinced it is even possible. I could even be talking through Fishy's hat because logic says if you add the long address you will overwrite the short one or vice versa.

But say you had long addressing enabled and gave it say 9999 as its ID then disabled long addressing what would it respond to without a reset or writing a new short address.

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Hi, Raf, my comment wae added as it seemed a pity not to use select as hand held. I know nothing about the elite, so if it needs 4 numbers, fine. I have a select, so loco numbers remain the same, and children have something to twiddle, just by changing a couple of wires. I dont think i could remember the numbers, if i had 4 digit addresses, and need 93 more locos, before i need 3 numbers. I have no idea about the answer to your final para, but am sure, he with the corked hat, will know. john

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RAF, as long as page 3 ?. finally got my 1.56 updates last night, having worked out there was a dash between rail, and master, in the address. Only thing that appears to have changed for those who cannot afford pro plus, is the speed of connection to elink. Vast improvement. Have set up a second monitor to get round size of screen problem, with locos, and schematic, having set the local tv dealer the task of finding special cable with DVI, one end, and HDMI, the other. Works a treat. Could not shut down laptop sdreen, without spare keyboard, so blocked off with cardboard, to avoid, seeing double. Just returned from french Car boot, where i picked up 5 new curved points with motors for 5 euros each(approx ) £4, very content, john

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