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RDS, its only the DC thats on the table tennis table, i have the DCC, 8x4, on another table. Hornby Support, where can i find a list of the other 49, enhancements, as i would like to go through them, to my advantage. Tony, that increase in elink connection, is well worth having. When we have a list of the other 49, we can explore. How do you categorise a  more advanced railway modeller, purely financial ?????. john

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Hi John

I will just do what I am doing John then wait for the next state pension rise. The country can only have a pittance as the country cannot afford it but, Politian's can have 9%!

Having said that, no matter how much we have or have not got we cannot take it with us.

I don't drink, we don't smoke, we never go abroad on holiday, we may have a few days away now and then but other than that we just go to our daughters in Poole and she puts us up. We do the same when she comes up here with the grandchildren.

So we have our hobbies, mine are the most expensive, my wife says!  But we enjoy time together and times when she is crafting and I am training. I like that, I am still training.  ;-)

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WTD, my season ticket to work was 3800 a year, out of taxed income equating to roughly 5k needed to earn just to get to work. Take off NI and less income tax and I am slightly better off than being at work! As you say, over 40 years with the same firm and a good pension scheme mean that I can afford to play trains! 

Having said that, I will persevere wih RM and Elink because I can not really afford to mothball it and use something else! Apart from that, I do think it's the way to go and points are so easy to control with it! 

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Retirement is definitely the best job I ever had, much better off financially relative to when I was working and lumbered with mortgage, loans, etc. Being outwith the UK tax system and lodged with the Cyprus tax system also helps. 

...that is if you ignore the fact the kids need to be bailed out every other month, but can still afford to buy things they don't need.

I'm forced to holiday in UK during schhol holidays to look after the grand-kids and do all the DIY jobs the kids can't find time or money to do. No trips to exotic locations, although I did see a nice 84 day round the world venture advertised for only GBP30,000 each for a cabin with a window and a balcony.

Some would say 'bigger fool me', but I still have my trains.

Sorry but I seem to have drifted off the OP again.

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John, go to page 2 of this forum and have another look at the thread "it's here - 1.56" and on the first page you'll find a complete listing of the changes made in 1.56 and ProPack. You can of course find this in the file Release Notes in your RM folder on your laptop.  

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