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I am off work today so decided to have another look at the Jouef BB9200. The motor problem was solved immediately as the mounting bracket for the D6100 just pinged off and there is a plastic protrusion that sits between the two lugs on the French chassis. After cleaning up all contacts on the bogie it all works perfectly. I just need to find one of my ’playworn’ D6100s with Peco couplings and swap the bogies over. 


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WtD you're right.


It's a lovely locomotive, with 'extra detail' now - thanks for the idea.


I automatically think of that on 'the big stuff' but this one slipped the net.


Driver's actually on a small platform - was too low initially so that was a bit of fathing around - that's the 2nd attempt. 1st was too high.



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Work looks very good.

The lining looks a little 'fuzzy'. Is that just the photograph, or actual? You mention it'll receive a coat afterwards - this should remove that I presume.


On my table - work - was the Dapol Class 68 I'd just received. Despite all of the detail, body is a simply gentle prise with the fingers in 4 points clip-on affair.

This permitted me access to the DCC chip, and to replace it with the also-received with the locomotive blanking plate.

I had ordered another 21-pin plate not knowing the locomotive actually came with one, but that will do for another day.

Fit is typically very tight, but with 'gentle persuasion' of a plastic pen top, I could remove it - one side, other side ... and off it came. The blanking plate went on just as easily, and firmly.


Hopefully no 'dramas' on a simple test this evening.



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Got home.

Tested the 68 ... and ... with the blanking plate works perfectly - beautifully smooth as is expected of this superb model, but ....

Only lights-up - alternating lead white / trailing red - at the No.1 end.


With fond memories of the Hornby 56, I nearly started tapping the body, suspecting bad contacts ... WRONG.


This loco has dip-switches - FIVE of them!!


Once I figured that one out, it was 100% perfect - VERY HAPPY with this locomotive.

Now to await the Accurascale Mk.5 coaches and for Hornby to make the 800 as an 802/2 TPE.



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I reckon the coaches will be a little brighter with a bit more gloss, but paint fades, even UV resistant wraps fade and/or discolour over time .... 


Should be good. Definitely colourful!!


Imagine if they had wraps around in the mid- to late-thirties (before '39 of course) !!



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That reminds me of the wallpaper advert, where a steam loco was wallpapered!


I think it was 5110, the black five on the Severn Valley Railway...


It may have been an advertisement for wallpaper paste....I think that another ad had someone stuck to a board wearing a boiler suit, and the board being lifted up by a helicopter... 😮

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I thought it was the Flying Scotsman wasn't it?


Perhaps there were a couple.


Certainly there was a probably Polycell advert with somebody wallpapered to a locomotive ... veguely remember it, as Hornby was bringing out the FS.


Just checked, it was a Black 5, and done by Solvite.


Back to the Class 68, I've just weighed it on the electronic kitchen scales, properly zeroed first.

I thought it felt heavy, but it's just registered 695g !!

I've not added anything, and I obviously don't need to.



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A good question atom3624. The early Tri-ang locos with transfer lining tend to show the carrier film.  I have replicated this by not removing the new transfer carrier film. A couple of thin coats of Humbrol Satin Cote seals the transfers to protect them and keep the "fuzzy" effect, thus replicating the original.  It's not an easy effect to replicate.

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A good question atom3624. The early Tri-ang locos with transfer lining tend to show the carrier film.  I have replicated this by not removing the new transfer carrier film. A couple of thin coats of Humbrol Satin Cote seals the transfers to protect them and keep the "fuzzy" effect, thus replicating the original.  It's not an easy effect to replicate.

I actually remember this. I thought it might not have been deliberate. Good effort then!!



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What do you use to clean your loco's? Margaret-Richmond. 


Can you use white spirit? I've used that on my kit bult loco's to clean them. And was told it dosent affect the motors...well not yet but need to let it dry 

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  • 2 months later...

My conversion of my Class 50s.... I already had Defiance and Hercules/Neptune modelled in 2018 livery but had to have the new GBRf versions too. So, 2 more auction site locos and GBRf Defiance starting to take shape, with Hercules/Warspite to follow.. All need the buffer beam detailing completing




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  • 2 weeks later...

Modifying a LWB tender to the increased capacity as pulled by British India Line in preservation. Originally I though the SWB was the right one (Background) but then realised it was the longer wheel base modified.....Had to cut the top off a spare tender top to use to extend the bunker top of the regular LWB tender. Joined, filled and painted so far.... Resprayed above the lining - pretty close, so will see if I can live with it.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday I took the first of my sratch built Gauge O contractors wagons out for a run on the club test track. I have completed five so far, and they did a number of circuits round the test track behind my Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST. Despite their short wheelbase and dumb buffers they went round without any problem, AND I managed to propel them through a reverse curve into the passing loop. It was the first time I have run the Manning Wardle as well, it was my first DCC sound fitted I have taken to the club. It sounded great with a brisk 'chuff' and a squeaky little whistle. 


I have completed five wagons and nearly finished a sixth. I will probably build two more for a full rake. 


This will be number 6, awaiting painting.


They will eventually be loaded with 'chalk' made from plaster of Paris.

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