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I renumbered all my TTA tankers. 

Using toothpaste and Sodium Bicarbonate as a paste. It’s not damaging to paint or plastics, most people have it in the house too. 
NOTE  it is an abrasive; so although it’s easy to control, ie you won’t burn through the paint below, it can leave a trace of ‘polishing’. That could be removed with a touch up of clear matt  varnish or many modellers recommend using gloss vanish on the base, apply the transfer and then matt varnish over. 
Chemical methods of removing numbers etc can have all sorts of effects on paint and plastics. The yellow of the wasp stripes on the 08 reacted very badly to a tiny amount of thinners, it looked more like I had use Nitromors! 
I would strongly recommend testing first before going all in. 
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I am building an exhibition layout. Given that track is good. What advice would you give? Need to run multiple hours without issues, or as close as I can get.

so far with testing, what fails are the couplings and it does seem to be always between the same carriages.

so far one issue every 30 min.

  • 16 replies

Post in Latest acquisition
I visited the RAF Radar Defence Museum in Neatishead, Norfolk last week …

and couldn’t resist 😂
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Post in Latest acquisition
I've recently returned from helping a family member move house and in the 'for disposal' pile what should I find but the little Airfix Starter Set of the Boulton Paul Defiant. This was one of the multitude of Airfix kits I gifted to all my family and friends one Christmas after settling on this as a theme for that year's festive gifts! I do love a theme. P.S. I also found the socks from the following year! 😂

So, my latest acquisition is now this Airfix Boulton Paul Defiant, the British aircraft with the most claimed kills per squadron at Dunkirk - 53 versus 28 for the Spitfire and 20 for the Hurricane. 

This was possibly the second model I built on my return to 'full time' scale modelling in June 2020 and which I still have gathering dust in my collection. Back then I used a brush and Humbrol enamel paints while sat at the dining room table. I'm just itching now to see what I can do with this lovely little kit from my purpose built loft workshop with acrylic pigments, clear canopy glue and an airbrush 😊
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Post in Latest acquisition
A thing of beauty at a very good price when combining the Spring Offer and some accumulated Hobby Points.


The Sir Edward Elgar is quite classy with the Pullmans. I think this will be my rail tour train. 

My first time with HM7000 and loving the realistic startups and of course the horns and lights 🙂

I have got a rake of 4 of the🤫executive Mk2F's, but I'm not supposed to know about them as they are a present.
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Post in Class 50 locomotives
Post in Class 50 locomotives
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Post in Class 50 locomotives
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Hello gang, I’ve trawled through a lot of the good, bad and ugly threads regarding the various minor issues that customers have found with some of the Hornby TT120 A1/3/4 Pacific chassis and hopefully covered all of them here in my latest YouTube video.

I think I’ve caught the main issues, but please add forum thread links to anything I might have missed.
I’ve mainly focused on bogie de-railment of course, but here’s what’s on the video;
1.      The Black tape.
2.      The spring issues.
3.      Wheel gauge/spacing.
4.      Body detail fouling.
5.      Mech/loco handling issues.
6.      Grinding motor/gears.
  • 21 replies

TGG - Trains a GoGo
Images and videos in this gallery relate to the software package TGG written by Ray Dawson and operated by an invited group of users. Also shown is associated loco detection hardware designed, built and supplied by Ed Cairns.

To learn more about TGG and the group please see this forum post 

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Post in Live steam still going
Still trying to log in and input thing like a picture so just testing 

if this has worked you should be looking at a picture of a steam engine having just watched The great steam adventure on channel 5 makes you want to get steam up yourself 

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Has anyone with their ear to the ground heard anything about release dates for the Class 50 locos?

My preorder list has now shrunk right down to six items so it’s a really exciting time to be tt modelling

  • 536 replies

TT:120 Track Plan Book
A part of the 2024 brochure that’s gone down well is the addition of some track plans and a few are mentioning a Track Plan Book. AFAIK there isn’t one specifically available to include Hornby track pieces. I’m thinking more of those with less experience who would appreciate guidance. Layout planning is quite an important process as it can dictate how well your layout works and develops. Helps get the right track pieces and hook up electrics or create isolated sections. 
Thinking ahead, what things do prospective layout builders feel they need? Size of area is a starting point, type of layout (end to end or loops) scene, country halt, TMD, main line terminus etc. There have been countless Track Plan books over the years but tastes change or not. Planning software is ok for some others like paper and pencil and make it work 😁 . What I usually see is people not knowing quite where to start which is when a track plan book can really help to inspire. 
I know there are a number of experienced layout builders and I wonder as there isn’t anything specifically for TT:120 yet, if we can do it ourselves within the forum. Some data might be worth passing back to Hornby if they have intentions of creating a Track Plan Book. 
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  • 66 replies

This guide was written by late forum Moderator Chrissaf and provided as a remote download, which is no longer available. The content of the tutorial is republished as a local PDF following:

Note that due to the method of capture any hyperlinks in the tutorial to track parts, etc no longer work.

Edit - it has been noted that some train-sets do not come with the 'standard' 3rd radius oval and siding. Some are 2nd radius. If you are using this guide to expand your train-set then please take this into account before ordering parts.

  • 0 replies

Rub the pencil over the number and smudge it with your finger, looks metallic and catches the light nicely.  Caveat, only tried it on the classics green sprues.


How can I delete or edit an Activity Stream which I've created?
  • 5 replies

FAQ 1 – This tutorial originally written by Son of Triangman [Margate Richmond] describes the best way to convert the old Triang Hornby X.03 / X.04 locomotive motor to DCC.
FAQ - Making the X03 and X04 motor DCC fitted the proper way.
FAQ 2 – This tutorial provides guidance on how to install a ‘Stay Alive’ to a Hornby decoder. The documented and described principle can be applied to any decoder and decoder brand – physical size and member soldering skill level permitting.
FAQ - How Do I add a 'Stay Alive' to Hornby decoders?
FAQ 3 – This tutorial describes in great detail the issues with installing the Hornby DC Analogue turntables on a DCC powered layout and how to overcome them.
FAQ - What are my options for installing a DC Analogue R070 Turntable on a Digital DCC layout?
FAQ 4 - This tutorial describes how to recognise if your layout has a reverse loop and how to deal with them in a DCC scenario.
FAQ - Do I need a Reverse Loop Module and how do I install one. :: Hornby Hobbies
FAQ 5 - This links to the Hornby Elite firmware update download area, which contains all the information you need to help update your Elite.
  • 0 replies

Another great event,  fabulous place. Purchased a firenza from pendel and t. Kabys Avant 240 rs from weevils slots two great companies. 

Firenza looks interesting, I think Will Sparrow gr1 rally car will that be.

Avant make some great cars but some are not accurately scanned.  The 240 rs is one poorly model.  Great to have thought. 
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Flashback to 1978.jpg
Flashback to 1978.jpg
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Hi - I would like to set up a good semi permanent track on my full sized pool table.

does anyone have any ideas or a good app to download??


thanks and happy slotting 
  • 4 replies

Post in 1/600 Belfast conversion to HMS Sheffield
Gidday All, here she is, the Shiny Sheff done! I scratch built the masts but they're fairly simple affairs. The fore tripod and topmast were constructed separately but the main tripod and topmast was a single assembly. I decided the void space between the funnels needed filling so I fitted the Walrus aircraft too. The plane is a kit item(s) but I replaced the launching trolley with one I scratch built, slightly narrower. I have no idea what the colour scheme of the Walrus was in late 1941 but she looked incomplete without some kind of disruptive pattern. Another modification I did was to the anchors. Most of the large cruisers initially had three anchors forward but the third, the sheet anchor, was often removed to save weight and the hawse pipe plated over. The Belfast kit is molded in this state but I'm depicting Sheffield in an earlier configuration, with three anchors. Getting another anchor fitted was no problem but it needed a matching hawse pipe and cable (but no cable winch). So I found an unused kit foc'sle I had (I've bought a number of these kits as a source of spare parts) and carefully sliced off the molded starboard hawse and cable, and glued it to this model.

       Anyway, here she is, HMS Sheffield, the Shiny Sheff in late 1941.

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It’s done. Having reworked the Panzer IV side skirt fittings included in the kit, I then found an archive picture of an 17. SS- Pz.Gren.Div "Götz von Berlichingen Stug IV in Normandy wearing the same range of numbers as one of the sets of decals Airfix have provided for a totally different unit serving on the Eastern front. 

I’m not on this occasion - after my D-Day Tempest rebuff - going to look into nor comment any further on this other than to say “what a great result for my build !” 😁

I’m now thinking of what to build next. I’ve got quite a stash of D-Day related kits but while I have an Airfix DC3 it doesn’t seem long enough since building Italeri’s and the Sherman and P38 Lightning I’m keen to make a start on, are not Airfix. So, I may now have to go dark for a bit 🤷‍♂️  

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