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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. I wouldn't say there are any ballasting or baseboard rules. There are ideal ways of doing things but if you are happy with your way that's fine. Surely the idea is for a family to have fun together making a simple layout.
  2. Surely the big difference is Hornby uses bulbs and the other LEDs so in my view the latter is superior. However if you have the Hornby version use it. It was way ahead if everything when it came out.
  3. Are they new locos, if so the front coupling may well be in the accessory bag.
  4. In my view the TTS decoder is such incredible value that it should come without a speaker and leave it to the purchaser to fit a speaker of their choice.
  5. Sarah I had slready sent him a link to DCC Supplies.
  6. You can buy NEM pockets from DCC Supplies that can be fitted with a screw. Will need a bit of mini engineering but that is what railway modelling is all about. https://www.dccsupplies.com/search/results/?search=Nem+pockets
  7. Welcome to the forum. Does this help? /media/tinymce_upload/583fbfe923d5e3fe45260eab459d5dc3.JPG
  8. No I'd have thought the post has run its course for now, anyway whoever us moderating the photos might be out of action gor obvious reasons.
  9. Don't think so that's why it is called 1st rad. Flexi isn't difficult just needs a bit of care. Might be something available with overseas HO track.
  10. My new layout is definitely less. There isn't enough room for more.
  11. 14 feet? Doesn't take a lot of caculating does it. A coach is about 11 inches long plus a bit for the couplings say 12 inches. Mmm multiply that by 14 and you get...........14 feet.
  12. An attached wagon makes absolutely no difference unless it supplies power to the loco via pickups and wire. Put a track pin as close to the centre of the points as possible. Having the points perfectly flat can make a difference.
  13. I looked it up and as far as I can see it would need a physically large capacitor that wouldn't fit in an OO loco. I might be wrong but that is how read it. I would imagine if it worked on DC it would have been thought of years ago long before DCC.
  14. Stay alive assumes Keiths layout is DCC, which it may well be.
  15. You could permanently attach a wagon with added pickups. Like this. /media/tinymce_upload/37201aceec5687b063530e7eeec4d370.JPG
  16. EMU's don't actually make enough noise to warrent sound do they?
  17. Apparently John it is a Class 60 and its name is Dowlow. I had no idea and I doubt we are alone.
  18. M-R we all know that you prefer the early Triang/Hornby locos so perhaps they have had to commission a special membership card for you on a slate. More likely they have shut down the running of the club for now.
  19. I used to plug my passenger in with a piece of handrail wire fitted into a foot. The most important thing is to make sure all figures are not modelled as if they are walking or running.
  20. Bit negative Chrissaf. One persons view. My mate had the twin track version and we used it in all the different modes with modern locos. Can't say it made much difference what was selected. Locos ran just fine. Have a play and see how the locos react.
  21. Which direction is the loco going. Do the points still have the springs that hold the blades in place.
  22. A lot of us have no interest in computers or decoders . Just avoid the second and fourth section.
  23. Only the administrator can approve photos so I would imagine if he/she is off sick or the company is short staffed this forum will be very low priority.
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