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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. No not like that at all Jj. Ravenhook says his has yellow ends and a grey roof not silver.
  2. You have put doubt in my mind. What looks like light grey could well be silver. Could the roof have been repainted or even the ends?
  3. Do you really need the clips. Fencing can be glued in place with PVA.
  4. Sometimes it is just a matter of using the best text. Often people say they've searched everywhere without luck and I can find it straight away. Perhaps I should get out more.
  5. Try Kadee couplings. Very realistic .
  6. Thanks for that Chris. Glad I use an Ipad and the Image Resize app. Put picture in Photos. Go to Image Resize. Download picture. Resize 100x100. Save. Download as avatar on here.
  7. Are you sure your order went through. Have you contacted them. Have they taken any payment?
  8. It means you have a short circuit somewhere. Are you using Hornby points? A track diagram would help.
  9. We all have different tastes Jacob. Some people don't know when to stop and keep adding more and more drivel. 😉
  10. Most things will run happily at full speed, think the last thing I ran flat out was the dock shunter. Trouble is we constantly have people on here with motors that have stopped working, connecting rods have come adrift and destroyed the wheels, even sets of wheels falling apart and I bet you my bottom dollar they are flat out. 😉
  11. No not since I was about 12 and then only if my dad wasn't looking. Probably why I don't come on here saying the motor has stopped working 😆
  12. Not an end of an era but the end, hopefully, of some really silly posts that got dafter and dafter.
  13. Yes but no need for full power, just compare speeds at half power. 😉
  14. Yes Rob but the OP says it is Hornby so is a Hornby top with a kit chassis, a Hornby chassis with a kit top, all kit or all Hornby.
  15. It was ruined by ridiculous posts I'm afraid. I'm all for a bit of humour but............
  16. I might be missing something but how can it be Hornby and Kit built?
  17. To be honest it would be worth never running it at full power. If a Ringfield loco is generally run in one direction thd brushes will wear so that it runs faster in that direction. Running it at full power is not recommended. The loco is probably doing a scale soeed of several hundred miles per hour.
  18. A constant 30 minutes in each direction is what I do. Strangely Hornby don't mention running in but it does make a huge difference. Keep it running as it gives everything a chance to warm up and bed in.
  19. I have both types. Never really thought about them being different apart from insulating the frog rails on electrofrog.
  20. Have you tried running it in 30 minutes in each direction medium speed. Might just need bedding in. Worth a try. New locos should always be run in? Are you running it on a tight circle?
  21. Do you mean the tender wheels. If so does the loco without the tender attached roll along the track freely if you give it a push?
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