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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. By the way, the Vulcan isn't my latest acquisition, can't quite afford it. Is the picture upside down?
  2. Must be an iPad thing. At least it'll be the right way up for fishy.
  3. It's not keen on curves. I'm not going to run it, it's in one if my display cabinets.
  4. /media/tinymce_upload/image.jpgThought I'd try and add a picture
  5. Did they know you wanted it by a certain date? I'm waiting for a blue box loco that was a birthday present from 2 1/2 years ago. Hope yours arrives soon, probably before mine.
  6. Do you have a Wonder Woman fetish PP. You can't stop mentioning her. I don't remember seeing her. Did she live locally to you?
  7. I don't get angry about things that don't affect me. Neither FS or Nellie are part of my life, just think they're a waste of time. Takes a lot to make me get angry.
  8. Very droll. There probably will be if the bloke who owns the 9F Cock Of The North buys one.
  9. 'fraid not Graskie, two different things. Concorde was streamlined, VC10 was air smoothed.
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