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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. Great so you have one, so does it have the big square hole where the firebox doors would normally be.
  2. Thank you I had not thought of doing that.
  3. I know, I did exactly that to mine yesterday. It was really useful as it has a slot behind it to fit the PCB. What I was asking was whether the latest one they are selling had the same. It is an incredibly expensive model so I was just wondering if they had covered the hole up because it does look a bit unsightly. Now if you are going to fit smokebox glow then perhaps it is ok, but it really is too big. My model is old so it didn't matter.
  4. No they don't, I know that, but did they remove the square hole in the cab for it, say from R3565. My one R2249 still had the hole from when they did fit years ago. I suspect it was a bulb in those days.
  5. Do you know I started this post to see if the model was worth buying and whether it was worth the incredibly inflated price. I also started the same thread on RMWeb. It appears this is a major production mess up by Hornby regressing to parts from a Railroad model. So it appears it isn't worth buying at the current price and even at half price the decision is questionable but I suppose we will see. I was looking at my one yesterday (it is DCC ready but quite old) and I noticed a very large square hole in the cab where on the really old versions it has firebox glow (with a bulb I imagine). Does anyone know if Hornby removed this on the later versions and this latest one.
  6. That is probably not a good idea. The administrators lock any thread that is controversial at the moment so they would be busy 24/7 if we had an off topic chat. Even with the current system the posts are declining, so that would probably alienate even more.
  7. Its all in the title, what sound profile is closest to an 8F?
  8. This is not a criticism, I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed this sort of behaviour. I bought a sound decoder for my Hornby 8F and it sounds really good but every so often when it starts up there is sound but no loco drive. Change the loco direction on DCC and suddenly loco drive works, it will now work in both directions properly. Now I have noticed that when it does this it does seem to be on a dirty bit of track, but then it is so random that it is hard to tell. Once it is running it works perfectly ok but it is just a bit weird what it is doing. I will add the loco previously contained a Zimo normal decoder (not sound) and I had non of these issues even on the same pieces of "dirty" track. To me it doesn't look like there is anything wrong with the decoder, more like a software initialisation error, so I don't think it is worth sending it back and the sound is great. I just wondered if anyone else had noticed this behaviour. Every other decoder make I have had issues with it is normally the sound that disappears whilst the motor is running.
  9. I suppose I should ask, does the "Quote" button now work? On the old system we were told not to use it.
  10. Most of the time on RMWeb I hardly notice the adverts, in fact sometimes they have shown me something I didn't know about. There is always the "x" button somewhere to get rid of it. RMWeb is ok, you do get the passionate ones that get wound up over something trivia, I even had a couple complaining about the use of "stay alive", but that is life there are always people around like that. This upgrade works, I don't think it is much of an improvement over the old one. It is harder to get started and not so easy to do a quick scan to see what is going on. The plus point is it seems faster. Trouble is, IT guys think differently to most and what they think is easy is generally not. What they should do is take them away for 6 months to do something different and then bring them back to use the product they wrote, then they would understand.
  11. That is a shame, he knew an awful lot especially about old Hornby locos. He was also a good source for videos on how to fix them and things like decent traction tyres. He also knew a lot of practical things about BR and Underground trains identifying lighting, a lot from his personal experience. I think he will be sadly missed.
  12. It is ok, seems to be a lot faster but there could be many reasons for that. I wouldn't have classed it as brilliant.
  13. I am a great believer that software should make things easier but adding an extra step, to me doesn't help things. Mod Edit: Your post has been edited to remove impolite comment. R-
  14. Yes the guy that highlighted that needs a medal. On RMWeb people are wondering what happens next. That really is a serious failure.
  15. Perhaps the easiest solution is to replace the 21 pin socket with an 8 pin. likewise with the HM7000. Normally I wouldn't suggest such a thing but it might just give you sufficient room. Alternatively put the HM7000 into another loco and buy an alternative sound decoder that will fit. To me they seem the only two alternatives. I must admit I find it surprising that sound profiles that existed on TTS are not replicated on HM7000, whether it involves getting new recordings or not. I also find it surprising that Hornby don't class sounds for the current range of locos above others. I recently was looking for sound for an 8F, in the end I bought one from a competitor.
  16. I asked the same question on RMWeb, same old design. I assume they has moved decoder to tender with 4 pin connector and made the pickups pickup from both wheels rather than use the chassis. Someone even said that it doesn't have NEM pockets which I find difficult to believe. So basically a very old design.
  17. I looked about a week ago and it wasn't there. He did mentioned he was scheduled to go into hospital for an op, so perhaps that is the reason.
  18. It seems to have lost my original post. I use these motors in a lot of my old Railroad locos, a simple upgrade for the 3 pole ones. You can take them apart I have done it a couple of times. On the ones I bought there was an issue where the clip that holds the pole pieces on fell off. This may well be the issue. Once this clip has unclipped itself it jams the motors occasionally. It is worth a try what have you got to lose, if it fails buy a new one.
  19. Someone on RMWeb pointed me to a review and it sounds like it is just a rerelease still with traction tyres. I couldn't find out if they had improved the pickups.
  20. Has anyone bought this model? I am thinking of getting one to replace my old Airfix one that is terrible. I read somewhere that this latest version has some improvements and as I have about £30.00 of points off Hornby, I can get it quite cheap. The trouble is I don't want to buy it, if is bad as its predecessor (traction tyres etc). Trouble is it is a Railroad model so probably not that many sensible reviews out there. I know it is not DCC ready but I can sort that.
  21. After all that it still derailed but not so often, it was even worse with coaches. The final fix for me was to change the washer underneath the nut that the bogie bolt screws into. I think it is too thin so stops the bogie moving properly. I replaced it with a thin copper one and that seems to have fixed it completely, so it may well be that is all that is needed or use a thicker silicone washer. I don't know if Hornby has changed from the one fitted to R3404 or whether it just that the supply was different, either way it seems to work for me. I don't want to dismantle R3404 so I will leave well alone. Trouble is it is one of those things very difficult to find, so on a perfectly level track probably no issues. I am sure I have done this fix before, perhaps that is why the other locos run alright.
  22. Is there one for an 8F seeing as Hornby has just rereleased it? I couldn't find it in the list.
  23. And sometimes he seems to get the duffest model out there the 9F Evening Star being a prime example. Actually for all his perceived faults Hornby should be very thankful, I have lost count of the locos he has tested that I had never seen and finally bought.
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