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Everything posted by ColinB

  1. The connector is a JST type. I think it is their micro range, generally a search of EBay gives you more information. They come in various pitches but that doesn't matter if you are just buying the pins. I think I have tried crimping them in the past but they are so small and the crimp never seems to work that well, so I think I crimped them and soldered them. Generally I tend to just buy a new lead as I can never get the ones I fix to be reliable. I did a quick look on EBay but I couldn't find the pins on their own but I will leave you to look.
  2. Well Sam of Sam's Trains did say it was getting very expensive. Perhaps that is reflected in the cost of hiring the facility.
  3. I was going to say use the Hush Hush as I used a Zimo V2 for my Hush Hush but looking down the list Hornby don't at the moment do a Hush Hush.
  4. Thanks 96RAF. I figured F12 as the app has a picture of them but I didn't know about F23. I will print it and include with the instructions for my HST.
  5. I got there in the end by doing a lot of very different things, it now works on DCC and Bluetooth. The original one I reprogrammed went without any issues, for some reason this one didn't. The reason I delete the app is to make sure it isn't using any stale data. I will probably be doing an A4 tomorrow perhaps that will work better.
  6. Would you believe did all that, it now has the profile in it but doing a scan I still get resettable device. Works on DCC though with the right profile though just can't get it to do bluetooth. So is this a fault with the decoder?
  7. Did all that. In the end I deleted the app transferred the decoder to the power car and it is now programming. To say I am not impressed ,would be an understatement. Oh and the fans don't work as in the instruction manual.
  8. I have 2 HM7000s one in the power car, one in the dummy car. I can load a profile for the power car no problem at all, every time I do a scan on the dummy car it finds the device but it comes up as a resettable Devices. I put in the reset code but keeps asking me to reset the device. I did it once but it continues to ask, so what am I doing wrong? These are both brand new decoders. Is it because the dummy car does not have a motor?
  9. The Digikeijs DR5000 when I bought it was substantially cheaper than an Elite. The Elite is something I used to design in the 1990s, interestingly with all the faults I avoided, like the press to select which frequently changes the value you want to enter. The trouble with the Elite it isn't a true twin track controller. The Digikeijs allows me to control as many loco as I want with a separate window for each loco, just point to the relevant window on the PC and you have control. If you want to do remote there is a wireless interface to run ITrains on your phone. I suppose it is what you are used to, I am an ex Windows Programmer so to me the Digikeijs is the way I would do it if I wrote an app. Previous to the Digikeijs I had a Fleishmann twin track controller which I had to bin as it didn't work with the latest Zimo sound decoders, but it was a true twin track controller and handled accessories really well. The Fleishmann as well as the Elite I got cheap as they were broken, hence why I have them, I bought the Digikeijs full price directly from them and I must admit I think it is brilliant. I do find the Elite is great for programming locos because the menus are quite easy to use, but the press to accept is really annoying when it increments the value. They should have used a separate "Enter" key or disabled the rotary action when entering CV values, it would have solved that. I suppose one of the issues with the Digikeijs is it needs a laptop, but they are really cheap these days if you buy an old one. As I store all the loco ids in Excel the laptop is really useful for easily looking up the id of a particular loco. As I say it is what you are comfortable with.
  10. I have Digikeijs DR5000 that I use for running my layout and an Elite for testing and programming locos on a metre of track. I suppose Hornby will make some more. HM7000 was supposed to be the great saviour but try fitting one of those in a Pecket. The Elite works but the technology is so old and the box itself is mega expensive. They would have been better to have made a DCC pod that talked to a phone/tablet/pc via wireless, they already had the pod but it talked over USB. I don't know, to me I would ditch the Select and just concentrate on one DCC controller thus reducing the software overheads. Who knows where they are going?
  11. If you haven't yet, take out the HM7000 and put back the DC header and see if it works on DC. Generally with DCC if the decoder is dead nothing works but it sounds like in your case the bluetooth interface is working. Send it back to Hornby, if it is only 2 months old then they need to fix it for free.
  12. Do you know I have still not received a reply from Hornby Technical. Fortunately with Hattons sale I bought two HM7000s and will test it myself. Just as a guide, I mailed Bachmann with a request on something to do with one of their locos that they haven't made in a couple of years, two hours later I got a reply explaining everything.
  13. I have just got the EMail at 20:33.
  14. I know Rallymatt after someone picked me up for not reading an EMail I didn't receive, I went back to their website and read all the entries. I must admit the Genesis coaches aren't that important, not compared to someone losing their job. I was hoping they would make some of them in Caledonian colours but obviously that is never going to happen now. Perhaps they have been thinking about this for a while, they did offload their class 66 design to Accurscale, but who knows.
  15. I didn't get the email but I have just scanned their site and yes they promise to fulfill existing orders but surely that depends on how long it will take them to close. Very sad news after they got dropped off the tier system I haven't bought that much from them except their own brands, class 66s and Genesis coaches, but still sad to see them go. I don't see how Hornby's point system is better than the 10% discount we got previously, I thought we proved earlier that it was not such a good deal.
  16. I did wonder how long they would last, the damage the tier system did to them was probably difficult to recover from. If like me you used get all your preorders from them and then you got all the mails saying that they couldn't meet the obligation because Hornby wouldn't supply them with enough models. Even now that they are beginning to get models from Hornby again that loss of confidence from the public is extremely difficult to recover from. Of course they had lost the Bachmann franchise earlier. Thanks Hornby for killing off them off. I wonder what happens to all those Genesis coaches that were pre ordered.
  17. Interesting video it sounds too complicated there is a history here :-https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Rail_10100
  18. The Bachmann Birkenhead Corporation double decker tram is 60mm from flange on wheel to the top. This does not include collector pole which is about another 4 mm. It might work. Really nice tram
  19. I know 96RAF after I posted I thought about trying it on the Elite then realised you can only put in 9999. Weird configuration though for CV17, they obviously have their reasons for setting it that way but it would be interesting to find out why. I couldn't understand why you add 192 on the algorithm but then realised it is 128 + 64 (bits 7 and 6). Either way it doesn't matter unless you are designing a DCC controller but interesting none the less.
  20. I was just looking at the specification it appears there is a maximum number as the top two bits of CV17 are always set at 1. Not that I suspect anyone will ever set it, but it is 10239 if my maths are correct.
  21. Thanks 96RAF for the information, whoever designed it must have had their reasons.
  22. I have an Elite so I just number my locos from 3 onwards and have a spreadsheet to tell which one is which. Interesting that it is only 1 to 127 for CV1, instead of 255 did they expect to be using negative numbers or is the most significant bit (MSB) of CV1 used for something else. Either way for me the Elite handles it.
  23. Next time look at Road and Rails products, they do really small and thin speakers, I use their products all the time. They do an incredible range.
  24. Actually I have just read the manual again and it does state that the functionality is available with Hornby sound decoders. Fan turns on with 30% loco speed Fan will switch off 10 seconds after the loco is bought to a stop When the loco is stationary the fan will switch on every 30 seconds for a period of 10 seconds. I assume that it is referring to HM7000 as the instruction manual was written after TTS was released. Now the manual says it does it but does HM7000 currently support it, or is this a feature for the future. I have not heard it mentioned in any reviews. I doubt you could get this functionality by setting CVs in any other make of decoder, it is a bit too specific.
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