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M. Matthews

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Everything posted by M. Matthews

  1. Hi All I’m looking for the number of the part that is the dummy bogies for the railroad class 67. Just the part that has the coupling attached to it, clips off fairly easily. This is where it gets a bit more complicated. This version of the 67 that I have is definitely an old Lima tooling which has clip on couplings that are definitely not NEM. Now before this railroad version came out, I understand there was another version of the 67 which had NEM couplers despite being railroad standard. This is the one found in the EWS managers train pack. So I’m specifically looking for the clip on bogie that has the NEM pocket on the off chance that it could be found somewhere! Failing that, if anyone knows a good way to transform this type of coupling, please share your wisdom. I’m just really not a fan of the D-Loop couplings. Cheers!
  2. Ok, no worries. Many thanks for your help!
  3. Right, so I’ve changed CV19 to 67 (it’s a pair of class 67’s). So how do I then get the app the control the address of 67? I can only select individual locos.
  4. Sorry to come back to this but I cannot find anything in the manual regarding this. Any pointers? EDIT: I found the page regarding CV19. Is it currently possible to connect to more than one decoder at a time though?
  5. How is everyone getting on with this? I’m planning on having a play tomorrow. Any videos yet? Usually the YouTube crew would have been all over this by now.
  6. Waheyyy!!! Finally! Shame I’ve got to go to work now. Maybe I should call in sick.
  7. I didn’t even think of those that don’t already have a dcc controller. Another argument for Hornby releasing the app before the hardware!
  8. How long do pre-orders tend to stay in the processing phase before being shipped?
  9. I currently have a few trains that are always top and tail (e.g NR test train with Class 73 at the front and back). At the moment, I manage this by having both locos on the same address and it works quite nicely. Just wondering if the Bluetooth decoders would be able to do this? I understand there will probably be some sort of consist option but I find that having the two on the same address saves the hassle of having to set the consist up.
  10. Personally, a big part of the hobby for me is the social side. Whilst TT is a great option, one of the advantages I’ve found with 00 is that most clubs have an 00 layout. It gives me a chance to run those long full length trains that just can’t stretch their legs on my home layout.
  11. That is a brilliant shout! Many thanks!
  12. In addition to my previous posts, it’s proving rather difficult to find wheel sets without traction tyres. If I bought a set with tyres, do the individual wheels come off of the axles so that I can replace them separately?
  13. Just to confirm the quality, these are the Evemodel figures I speak of. These are ones I’ve bought, literally in front of me now. For me, they’re decent enough to be used inside coaches although maybe not so much in scenes where they’re prominent.
  14. Have a look at the Evemodel figures. Not as detailed as bachmann but much better than most of the Chinese figures. Think you get 60 figures for around £20 on Amazon, or slightly cheaper on eBay.
  15. I have to say, my Lima 67’s are some of the best running locos I have. Thinking of sticking some Hornby 67 bodies on them. Usually the other way round!
  16. This is a question that I asked on their last TT120 live stream. The answer that I got was pretty inconclusive. At about 01:30
  17. I just picked up a couple of the longer strips for mk3 coaches to light up one of my DMU’s. It doesn’t seem nearly long enough to light the whole coach?
  18. No worries, worked it out. Unfortunately snapped wires in the process but hopefully a simple fix!
  19. I’m trying to swap the wheel sets out on my class 73 for ones without traction tyres. Being a bit of a newbie, I can’t work out how to get the wheel sets out. I thought it would be a case of popping a plate off of the bottom of the power bogie but it seems not. If anyone can give me so info on this, it would be much appreciated!
  20. I wonder if it’s a possibility that on board power could be supplied and then operate without any power to the track at all?
  21. So let me get this straight… I can now take my DCC locos and put them on my clubs DC layout and all I need is the Bluetooth chips and HM7000 app?
  22. Hi All Sorry if this has been asked before, I did do a quick search but didn’t find anything relevant. Does the 10% discount include pre-orders? So if a pre-order a loco in 2023 and let the membership lapse but the loco is delivered in 2025, would that 10% still count? Thanks
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