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This weekend theme ..... The oldest (built) model in your collection


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Here are some veterans from my collection, still going strong. The Airfix Super Mystere, Frog Dagger, and Airfix Draken are all from 1971 or 72, the Airfix MRCA is from 1975. The Super Mystere is still in its original state apart from a coat of varnish applied a few years ago to stop the decals from flaking off. The other three have had some restoration, especially the weapons on the MRCA, but are still largely as they were when first built. 



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I was thinking that my oldest built kit is an Airfix 1/72 Grumman Hellcat from about Christmas 2002 but I just noticed that I still have my 1/1 scale Kentucky Rifle (yes, its a model kit) built about 1969 or 1970-ish. And the flintlock mechanism still works.

I forgot about it as its become part of the fixtures, yet its in front of me everyday!

I must get it down and dust it off so maybe a photo (or two or three) of it later

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