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Mountcastle layout


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Looking good there Backafter5.

I have found Metcalfe N kits to be a pretty good fit, they do appear overscale for N, but a little shy of TT120. However they don't leap out as disproportionate and my village area will feature several of them amongst some 3D printed buildings to scale.

Loving the castle, I wanted to do a castle or some ruins on my layout but it doesn't work with the rest of my layout, yours looks right at home sunglasses

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I periodically get this as well, it shows correctly in my post as I add them but when they become live on a thread stuff has turned 90 degrees sometimes. I appreciate it’s probably my fault but like you would love to know how to do it properly 😁

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If it is wrong when approved it is because that is how it is when queued. The mods cannot change a post, only approve or reject it at that stage.

There has been much previous discussion about why this happens including one thread where the OP tried all the suggested device orientation methods and they still came out wrong.

Something in the forum software maybe, but likely a user end device problem.

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My only criticism is that if the track with the nearer of the two trains is the inner of two main line loops for a UK train it is on the wrong track. UK trains travel on the left, like UK road vehicles. If the further of the two trains is on the inner loop then it is correct. Sorry, sounds pedantic when I read it back.

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