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Who's a Silly Billy?


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Me, that's who. Connected layout up to my DC controller. Ran my little tank engine. Everythings fine.  Put my K.Bay electric loco on the track. Nothing. Not a peep. I'd forgotten it was DCC with DC disabled. 🫨 What a maroon.

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 Ages WTD. Most of my old European locos are DC, so I had it in my mind that this old loco was DC too, except the loco isn't that old. It's just based on a very old prototype. Checked my database and sure enough, it was DCC. 🤔

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Digressing slightly, but the silliest 'I done that" by me was to shorten the flex on a bedside lamp.


This was plugged into a socket without a switch (as they were in those days) so it was 240V AC live at the time. 


Said lamp had yards of wire from aan old house and I elected to shorten this to suit the new situation.


Bulb was removed, shade removed and bulb holder unscrewed from the lamp base, taking care not to over twist the wire.


Using a mains-tester type screw-driver I disconnect the twin core cable and pulled the extra flex through the lamp untill it was the desired length.


(this was where I obviously missed the obvious neon indication when using the mains-tester screwdriver to disconnect the flex)


Taking side cutting pliers to the wire I chop off the excess flex.


I wonder why there was a loud bang, a big flash and my pliers gave off a funny smell and eroded in the jaws area.


Of course I had chopped off a live cable plugged into the mains - how I didn't instantly dead myself prior to this I have no idea but the burning smell stays with me to this day.


The moral to the story is when ever you work from the live end to the dead end when you are doing stuff like this. i.e. unplug it first, but best advice is to shorten it from the plug end not the appliance end.


To this day I assume this methodology for all things electric You work backwards from the live source.

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A lesson for all of us, Rob............my numpty moment was in 1965, first house, novice DIYer, bathroom refit.......connected hot & cold to new bath, put plug in, turned on water supplies, ran hot & cold to check for leaks, all perfik..............10 minutes later, little tot comes upstairs and says " Daddy, why is it raining in the hall?"........I'd pulled the plug out before connecting the waste, doh..... 😆... HB

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My numpty moment was when in my teens as a budding electrical engineer. Checking out a faulty table lamp I removed the bulb and stuck my finger in the bulb socket to test the spring pressure on the bulb connector. You guessed it. I had forgotten to unplug it from the wall.


It was only a blown bulb discovered the hard painful way......240VAC straight up the arm really smarts. I had curly hair for a week.... 😉

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That reminds me of another Homer Simpson moment.


Kids wanted to play in the paddling pool in the garden so I connect the Y pipe pipe to both taps and adjust to a compromise so it will fill with warm water for them.


15 minutes later I had the same - 'Daddy why is it raining in the hall' question.


The tank in the loft had overflowed due to mains pressure on the cold tap being greater than loft tank pressure on the hot tank, therefore the cold main back filled the loft tank via the Y pice and we all got wet, albeit with warm water.


In those days loft insulation was mica-fill granules so this stuff was floating about for ages.

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 I think you'll find that Denis Healey never actually said it. The expression came about when Mike Yarwood, the impressionist, used it when impersonating Healey. Most impressionists of the era then picked up on it and you had the scenario of an impressionist impersonating Yarwood, impersonating Healey.


This happened with several 'catch phrases' although I can't remember any more. Well, it was a long time ago!!

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 Re my last, according to one of the Mike Yarwood websites, Healey did use the phrase although I've seen other items in the newspapers, and on chat-shows which say he didn't.


Yer pays yer money.........................!!!


Sorry for the original, maybe duff, information

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