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Railmaster on Second PC for design work only

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I have got a copy of RailMaster Pro on the PC in the garage, it would be nice to have a limited use version for designing and editing layouts that could be installed on a PC in the house without having the pay the full amount. 

The price is to high for a second copy that I just want for designing and editing layouts. Transfering licence between PC's is a a pain when you have got the Pro Version. Why can't we have a copy that has the ability to to control trains removed.

This could a free for everyone or those who have already bought RailMaster or even a extra for those who have bought Pro. Even a percentage of the full price would be great.


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You could use 'Team Viewer' - free for personal use. Sure, the garage PC would need to be turned on and RM running, plus it would have to be LAN networked to the second PC in the house. But once those minor obstacles are dealt with, 'Team Viewer' gives you control of the Garage PC as if you are sitting in front of it. And since the Garage PC version is RM Pro, the 'Team Viewer' interface on the house PC will still be the Pro version of RM that you are controlling.



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While that may be a bargain to some it is a lot to others unfortunately this day and age. It shouldn't be but there you go.

At least the software mentioned above can alleviate the issue somewhat if the relevant hardware is available to utilise it.

One rather drastic method would be to deactivate each time the software is used on the other machine, activate on the second and vice versa when done. As I said, drastic. But then... how many times do you want to design a layout?

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Why is it then hattons are selling railmaster for £5, must be hornby are trying to get more people to use railmaster.

surely licensing could be done better to encourage people to buy it.

maybe the licensing should be based around controller connection. Evaluation could be for those wanting to test it with trains. 

But anyone can download it and use it for design and setup, but you have to licence it to use with your trains. Surely this would help sell more and improve profits from the sell of railmaster.

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... you have to licence it to use with your trains ...

No, you do not have to licence it to use it with your trains.  You can have 2 trains and a few points (I don't know off hand how many) but the evaluation period last a limited number of days.

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Why is it then hattons are selling railmaster for £5, must be hornby are trying to get more people to use railmaster.


If it was a Hornby selling initiative, then all the RM retailers would be offering RM at a similar price. AFAIK it is ONLY Hattons that have this offer price. More likely that Hattons have had the same 100 (pure guesstimate) or so copies of RM sitting on their shelves gathering dust for the last 3 years and have not been shifting. They are just pricing to sell. However, that said the £5 offer has been in place for getting on for a year, so they have either huge unsold stocks to shift, or they are still not selling at this low price. I would be interested to know what software version the Hattons stock is, not that it matters as the installation routines checks for and downloads the current version.


In fact, if you buy the Hatton's CD. Just leave the actual physical CD in the case and just use the printed "CD Key" code with an installation of the downloaded version from this forum.

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RDS i’m suggesting a alternative way of licensing it and not how it’s licenced now. what do other people think?

Railmaster is a good product, what pro gives you for £29 is not bad but doubt people really understand what they will get to encourage them to spend is questionable. Glad I spent the money but when I was looking I was 50/50 it was worth doing. If hornby spend money on railmaster it will come a really good product, if competitors come out with a better product I can see railmaster going into decline as it stands.

Having the ability to use railmaster on a second PC for design work would be a positive option to help sell railmaster.

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I really don't know why this topic is dragging on.

Chris told you about the free program "Team Viewer" in his first response, which lets you access your PC from your laptop.

Anything you then do on your laptop also takes place in real time and is saved if your happy with it on your PC.

If your not happy with it you can edit it on either the laptop or PC at any time.

All you have to do is go to the garage and turn on your PC.

If you get a separate version of RM then you would have to save your designs to a portable drive then install it onto your PC.

Team viewer, I believe, lets you access everything on your PC on any device that you link to it.

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...Forums are places where the manufacturers can find out what the customers are thinking....


Hornby does not usually directly participate in this forum other than in an Admin 'supervisory' or 'announcement' capacity and much of that task is 'subbed-out' to the Mods, so do not expect them to pick up on your comment and run with it towards a conclusion.


Railmaster forum is another ball game where HRMS does keep an eye on things and make response at times, but they are 3rd-Party Support - not Hornby direct.


These forums are mainly for the common folk to air their views and glean knowledge from others.


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It's a shame you feel that way Peter. The vast majority of members, mods or not, are only too glad to offer help and encourage debate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. If you think anyone is discouraging debate then my thoughts are to swerve around that view and continue.

Each member has a view on anything going on in this world and no two people are going to agree with a specific view in a smaller environment such as this one.

When reading back my own reply to you on your original question I did put the point over about "how many times do you want to design a layout anyway" but it was in no way pointed to either yourself or anyone else. It is a general statement and can be taken many ways. Hopefully it was not one of the reasons for your thoughts of leaving the forum.

I do note, with all due respect to Norman_Q4, that it was he who couldn't understand why this question/topic was being continued. It doesn't matter that it is... that is the whole point of a forum. We cannot suggest stopping talking about something just because it either doesn't relate to one or that the subject in hand appears to have an answer. How boring a forum that would be 😮.

A forum is about questions and answers and, importantly, debate. The idea being to encourage members to ask questions, open that debate and discuss all we want to with them. It is not, and again all due respect to everyone, for a member to stop a topic in its tracks and ask everyone to move on. This post is to encourage Peter to stay on the forum and is not in any way a gripe or anyhting other than the former stated purpose.

Writing content and posting it cannot be matched to the original poster's thought process when typing it and will read differently to what the intended purpose was sometimes. 😉

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Well described, A.C.,  I very much enjoy reading and, occasionally participating, in the various topics being aired .  We all have our own way of participating in debates, and respecting other posters’ views is, I think, paramount.  And, the knowledge and expertise available to us all here is gratefully received.


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I would like to point out to Peter that the vast majority of my posts are as a normal member not a Mod.


The fact that Mods have a visible red tag just indicates to other users that we have a job that requires me to sweep up the forum, report in problems, remove spam posts, moving posts to the most correct forum area, etc. Most of the background work Mods do is never even noticed by members - especially spam removal.


You can be assured every post I make (officially) as a Mod will be clearly indicated to the member involved. Other Mods also clearly state when they are acting in role - e.g. moving a post from forum A to forum B.


I could quite happily carry out the role behind the scenes without the red tag but Hornby wishes us to be clearly flagged as Moderators for the members benefit.


You can go on the other Hornby Hobbies Group forums - Scalextric, Corgi, Airfix, Humbrol, etc and you will see that the Mods on there are also prolific posters, indicating to me at least they have an avid interest in their branch of the hobby and are keen to pass on knowledge to other forum members.


Finally I would ask Peter to read the first rule of the Forums:

The Hornby Forum is intended for discussion of all things model railways. Primarily a place for newcomers to ask questions and seek assistance from like-minded individuals, the Hornby Forum offers a user community for all those interested in railways.







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