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Layout progress (1 year and beyond)


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Hello everyone, it’s been awhile since my last layout update; once again took time away from the layout in pursuit of other matters and interests. However, today marks exactly one year since getting into the hobby and beginning this project, and I hence thought that now would be a great time to show off what has culminated  so far, as shown below. I suppose the layout could have been a lot closer to completion had I worked more consistently throughout the year (given that it’s only a 6x4), but it’s certainly a convincing transformation from not just the start, but even over the past couple of weeks of which I am fairly pleased of. 

Originally, I was going to continue off my previous update thread (“My first layout after 2 months starting”), but the thread title itself is now irrelevant (unless there’s an option to edit thread titles that I was not aware of?). In any case, this new thread will be where all future updates shall dedicate to.

For the layout itself, the only things that need to be immediately done is signal relocation (which I said I was going to do a long while ago but continued to leave off) and to finish off track weathering in certain places, followed by a reclean. This now leaves off one main section of layout to finish which is the fiddle/shunting yard. The plan is to strip out the rest of the original siding in place of a revised version according to my track plan ( which I may later post). An idea may be to electrically isolate this section and power it via a separate controller to allow operation of a third loco. This would also represent a final opportunity to perhaps explore point motors which had not been attempted on the rest of the layout, in part due to initial lack of familarity and because of the way the table frame underneath is designed, making surface mounts the only option. I’m still debating whether or not that would even be a worthwhile investment, based on my proposed idea. Light installation and wiring is also on my things to do. Oh, and I still haven’t thought of a name for this layout after all this time...

Anyway, enjoy the pics, and I appreciate any form of interest whether that’s praise, questions, friendly criticism, or tips. Cheers.  😀








The little men and women have been taced on rather than glued for the time being.








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Well done Ackers!!! - In the 1st & 3rd Photo - it looks like after driving through the Level Crossing - they just drive off the edgeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! he he  😆

Also on the 6th  Photo looks like Dr. Beechem has already closed 1 line going through the Station & just after you have finished it!!!


How about "The Staion Island" for a name - b/c instead of being surrounded by water - it is being surround by track!!!

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It looks like you have done a really great job, and considering the size of board you have used, the layout looks remarkably spacious with the buildings and scenery blending together well.


I look forward to seeing the goods yard once complete.......


Thanks for putting up the pictures.

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Yes! Its actually quite surprising that everything I’ve so far envisaged for the layout has managed to fit on without causing much of issue in terms of clutter or simple lack of space. If anything, the actual challenge has been more so to consistently devise ways of filling up the available space effectively and to make everything look purposeful and situated, rather than padded and arbitrary. I wouldn’t personally say that has been fully achieved (I’ll leave that to the opinions of others), but it’s certainly been the main end goal. If I also had to quantifly the amount of empty layout space left, I’d say it’s around 35%, more than enough for a sizeable and detailed goods yard. As you said, blending everything together in such a way can create the illusion of a larger space than there actually is. I also wanted to somewhat obstruct the view of the back via the buildings and trees to partiall  diminish the roundly-roundly appearance of the layout when viewed at or slightly above eye-level. 


I’m very much eager to see how it all comes together when the final section is done. I think even with  just the lighting installed, the layout will look totally different once more. Thanks to the recent discussions about DC lighting and chrissaf’s expertise, I now have an idea of how do that. However, I must admit, it’s quite tiring to have thay ghastly garage wall always in my sight when viewing the layout, so a fittng backsceme I think is also justified (assuming it still isn’t too late to install one; the idea perhaps is to have it fitted on both the left side and rear length of the table, which seems the most logical way to me). Even just a wash of blue would be an improvement.


As for layout names, I may just inspire it off one of the settlements in south Devon, since this is where the layout is meant to be inspired off. Could be a play-on of one of the names, although Ashburton is a particular curiosity. Just north of buckfastleigh and — as far as I’m aware — still hasn’t managed to reopen its disused railway station. 

Anyway, thanks for the comment  😀

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Hi ackers 5861 .  I am very impressed with your layout.Can you tell me how many trains do you run on the layout, how many controllers do you use, how many stations have you and how long are they and how are your trains.           moggie

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Thanks for th comment, Moggie. Currently, the layout has the capacity to only old and run two locos (one per track loop). As I like my layout to be GWR-themed, those two locos are my 57xx Pannier and city class 440 (both Bachmann). However, the siding/fiddle yard of which I’m rebuilding, will intend to store an extra two locos, and provide separate operation of a third for basic shunting, meaning three total locos would be technically run at once. I use the one controller to power both loops of the layout which is a Model D from gaugemaster. The layout yet uses no other electronics for a separate controller/transformer. I haven’t gauged the exact platform length of the central station, but it essentially spans the two BR MK1 coaches than can be observed in the photos. As you can see, train length is quite limited, and the station is a one-way route. Even just the one loco and two coaches chokes up the siding; an overall design limitation of the station perhaps, but this is an inevitable issue with such a small layout I think. I may just devote one loco to the station at a time when running.


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  • 4 months later...

Layout update,

Made first big progress on layout in a while, which was by installing the backscene and doing some touch-ups to the scenery in places. Quite pleased with the difference it’s overall made. Backscene boards can be removed in sections if absolutely needed, but my arms are fortunately long enough, particularly with stand, to reach for the layout centre and still model. Next up on the list would be my lighting system and completing the fiddle yard. Cheers.















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  • 2 weeks later...

Layout update:

Started work on the goods/fiddle yard by relaying the track according to the revised trackplan. Just needs to be glued down and wired up now. Further got my hands on a Peco Ratio 534 GWR goods shed, and I have to say, it’s not a bade little model. My painting skills are novice level at best, but Inthought it turned out reasonably alright for my standards. Should make a good and relevant addition to the layout.





Further some developments to the lighting system. The plan is to power up to 13 3v or 12v led units via a 16/0.2mm power distribution circuit and DC adpater. I’m not the most competent solder so I wanted to minimise this as much as possible via terminal block usage; the only thing that should require soldering are the resistors for the 3v led street lamps. My intention was to hook them up to the circuit via 7/0.2mm wire, but the wires on the lamps are extremely thin somim not quite sure how to approach them. I have at least tested, and they do at least work with the resistors bought.

Lights were successfully installed into the station main building - not an easy task considering that the building was not made with less originally in mind (beginner mistake). The gable end of the building was not accessible so interior lights we added only in the center. Although not that visingle, some interior deco was added to increase realism. Single white leds (1 on entrance side and 2 on platform side) were installed for under-canopy lighting.  

Given the limits I had, I think it was a fairly successful project, but the lack of full interior lighting I admit does let it down. I couldn’t get the background light levels right for my camera, but the images should hopefully demonstrate the difference made to the station with the leds on. Cheers.








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Figured I might as well try and light up some of the other buildings, including the signal box, which I felt needed lights of some kind if every other building was going to include such. Signal box had a sealed roof so I had to basically partially destroy it to fit in the led. The cottage was repainted externally and internally as the ceramic walls and roof were deceptively translucent. An accidental pinkish, whitish brown was first coated, which I actually thought looked quite nice and therefore kept on. Overall, quite happy with the result.








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Thanks Gordon. Yes, accounting for all the breaks i've had up to this point (starting back in late July 2018, so nearly 1 year and 5 months), i'd say it's almost been exactly or just over a year that i've spent working on the layout. While I know a layout can never be 'truly finished' I suppose, I project to have this layout reach a near enough finishable state by the end of winter, as long as I can keep managing my time. 

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