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Hornby Dublo Flying Scotsman series


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Lots of forum members offer their thoughts/criticism on Hornby's business strategy, and as some National recent events have shown things are not always done correctly, but I really hope they have done their market research to support a price like that.

For me that is simply not value for money, even if I had the spare cash.

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It is a bit weird, even weirder that they are producing four. They are producing these at the same time as marketing the one with steam, then there are the Railroad models. I assume they are targeted at the collector. I could afford it but I would much rather have the Sir Nigel Gresley and it is cheaper.

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That's certainly a lot of money.

I already have an older Scotsman from my last LMS layout, it a sentimental one for me as I drove it up and down Trafford Park sheds with my Dad when it was there during an Alan Pegler tour.

Then this week I aquired another one, DCC sound fitted, when I bought a job lot.

Plus, I've already got the new smoke model on order.

So, I'll give this one a miss.

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It’s very interesting how the vast majority, if not all that have commented in this thread have shown little to no interest.

I understand this train is one of the most famous trains and that the name alone is worth it to some people, but I’d like to see Hornby deliver on stuff we’re already waiting for, dramatically improve their spares department and look at developing new locos and rolling stock rather than redoing a loco that as many have pointed out, is already out there in several different variations.

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I agree with you DarkRedCape but sadly it is not going to happen. Next year is the Flying Scotsman's centenary so they need to do something special which is what they have done. My criticism is why four versions, it dilutes the selling opportunity especially as they are so expensive. I doubt we will see the one with steam until 2024 so I can understand why they want to produce another one but it does imply not joined up thinking. I don't know if they will have their 21 pin TTS decoders by then, if so it might have made the package more palatable if it included one.

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I have preordered the US Version. I bought then original US pack that was released early to mid 2010’s that included the Pullman car, but was alway disappointed it didn’t have the headlight. Then the gold plated one was announced and I have no interest in running a loco that’s gonna wear off its decoration. So this one is a definite must have for me. Not bothered about the price. If that’s what I have to pay then that’s what I have to pay. Simple really.

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I have three, R2441 LNER in Apple Green, R3443 BR in Brunswick Green and an old tender drive model from the R1039 Set. The first two are super detail, and I cannot imagine there to be a lot of difference between these two and what is about to be produced, other than metal bodies, so why would I want another?

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@ColinB there are actually six versions which gives you more choice to buy the Flying Scotsman model that best represents the period you want to model. Your comment about more versions diluting the selling opportunity puzzles me as most people on here don't buy them to sell on and surely if it does as you say dilute the selling opportunity it will surely put off the scalpers who just want to make a quick profit on ebay which as to be a good thing.

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I think Hornby are now looking at a smaller customer base of 500 worldwide. At the current price surge I will pop a few quid away for a new Bentley which will eventually be cheaper compared to 00 Hornby models. Perhaps the TT venture is being funded by 00 mugs. Oh Dear! model railways is a dying hobby with these daft prices. The Railroad Scotsman is now over £100. Saving my pocket money as a 12 YO it would take 2 years to get one and by then bike racing and girls will use up that money as the intrest wains.

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The beauty of all these FS is that you can only ever run one at a time on your layout as there is only one albeit in a change of clothes over the years.

You cannot warp time even under Rule 1 to line them all up on parade like you can the remaining A4s or other marques.

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Im not put off by the price even though they have jumped up @£50 compared to the other models in the Hornby Dublo range but I am sure that the previous models had a diecast loco body but the tender was plastic which I think is just a cheapskate way of producing something,i might be wrong so correct me if I am other wise I think they would be a nice model to have.

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Vespa, the doubleO range is the top of the range with limited numbers, it’s not aimed at a 12 year old.

Has for saving up, kids today have more pocket money. Yes it would take some time to save up.

when I was a kid it took time to save up just for a wagon never mind a loco.

Locos where Christmas or birthday present’s only.

So railroad Scotsman would have been for Christmas. (if A, I’d been good & B, my parents could afford it that year)

The double O Scotsman would have been the dream. One day I’ll get one, if you are lucky a Neighbour or friend may have one.


Last year a loaf of bread I do like was £1,10. Saw it yesterday in Tesco’s £2.00! (No I didn’t buy it) but if a loaf as nearly doubled. Then to expect a toy train not to is unrealistic.

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Well Yelrow according to some people on this site, they would be happy to pay it. Personally I am not, I would have thought something nearer the Hornby Dublo Sir Nigel Gresley price would be more realistic. Hornby Dublos, I assumed were developed for collectors, hence my comment of watering down the market by making too many different versions. I haven't really analysed my Evening Star but I gather that it has a diecast boiler, so you are really paying all the extra because it is an HD model. I have 3 of the previous HD models, I bought them to replace my Wrenns, but they were considerably cheaper than the current prices. When it comes to it though, on your layout you really wouldn't notice the difference.

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I hope that comment is not aimed at me. £320 or what ever it is, is a lot of money. No way will I buy one, it’s not my chosen modelling period or area of interest. So as far has the cost is it has no effect on me what so ever.

However Hornby is stuck in a tight spot the hobby is divided into two types of buyers. The modeller what ever their skill level and the collector.

The modeller obviously wants a reasonable model that works. The collector wants the detail and collectibility.

Hornby obviously needs income from both sides of the market to keep going. So what do you do.

railroad budget (not so cheap now but that’s not Hornbys fault)

the main rage which sort of crosses both sides of the market. Admittedly it’s not perfect for either side but it’s not bad when Hornby gets it right.

double O range the more collectors side but still trying to keep the price down to let the modeller be able to buy one if he really wants a particular model. ( and can afford it)

trying to keep the price down you say? Well cheaper motor cheaper dcc socket plastic tender ( though this aids pulling power to) etc.

Hornby could pull out a even higher quality model to the standards found in Europe. All metal repairable motors all the bells and whistles but the cost would equal the European models.

£1000 for a Flying Scotsman! That would be worth seeing. still wouldn’t buy one mind.

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  • 1 month later...
This loco must have been added today or yesterday, because I checked yesterday night and it wasn’t listed. This one wasn’t in the announcement when it was just four. I’m quite interested in this one.




There were always 6 versions listed right from the start (I pre-ordered it on the 1st day) - at one point the design of the webpage made it difficult to find the later 2 versions, so it did look like only 4 were available.



Also when that specific model was originally announced the displayed image did not show the extra tender even though the text description did mention it (so it was less obvious compared with the other versions)

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