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What did you receive today?

South Coast Flyer

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I’m sure there is a ‘liquid glaze’ material available. Would be worth trying to give them that extra little bit 😁

Addition: Deluxe Materials make one that they say will bridge 6mm gaps to create glazing.

Dave, up your neck of the woods there was a chap (owned a taxi business) who rallied an Anglia, he made that really fly… including the Taxi sign in roof of his rally car … only in Scotland 😁

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Nowt! But I am so excited cos just had email that my package will soon be delivered by DPD. The package being the Easterner set with sound. Oh joy unbridled. But could I ask on here please, has anyone got the link to download the HM7000 app? Also, do you have to have the train stuff all ready and wired up?

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Well done Hornby and DPD.
Train set despatched yesterday mid afternoon, due delivery within the hour.



I'm jealous. Had to reschedule my delivery for Monday as today is my annual pilgrimage to the GBBF and the risk of a new trainset awaiting my return was too much joy

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Well done Hornby and DPD.
Train set despatched yesterday mid afternoon, due delivery within the hour.

That's your day sorted then. Don't forget to read the instructions first....



It’s not for me, it’s getting sent on to Oz to by-pass SMS sanctions.

Instructions are very clear.


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Today DPD brought me a 7 plank wagon and 2 tankers to add to the rolling stock. I also picked up from Scoonie Hobbies a Peco Goods building and a Peco Station plus some bits and pieces. Mr Postman also delivered today a set of track gauges as I’ve not been happy with the straightness of my track. I think I’ll be busy this weekend 😂


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