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What did you receive today?

South Coast Flyer

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I received The Eastener digital set from Frizinghall models and three blood and custard carriages from Hornby. Not bad, it took less than 24 hours to get the set from payment to delivery.



Yay! Pleased that they arrived quickly. I've been holding off buying anything and have not been doing much as I've been in a redundancy process for the past few weeks. That was resolved yesterday, so may well treat myself to something with my 20% discount from the Digital Exec HST cancellation debacle!



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I wasn’t even aware there was a debacle with HST orders?

It’s good that your situation has improved, you definitely deserve a gift to yourself… that’s why I bought the set in the end, it’s been a crummy few weeks. Go ahead!

I have to say the blood and custard coaches are my favourite thing from TT so far! I think I may be needing some more… and perhaps an era 4 loco …

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I wasn’t even aware there was a debacle with HST orders?

Sorry you've had a bad time too.

You missed all the fun. Hornby cancelled pre-orders for the HM7000 TXS fitted Exec liveried HST and removed the product from the range. Cynics amongst us noted that when they raised prices a few months ago, for some reason they didn't increase the price of that item (which led to a flurry of new pre-orders). Those affected got a one-time use 20% discount code as an apology (it works across all the range and not just TT120).

Ironically, if I had been made redundant, I'd have (briefly) had more money with which to treat myself. Having now committed to going to Manchester for the weekend at the end of the month, that treat might have to wait a bit longer.

To try to keep on-topic, I could say "today I received confirmation that I am no longer at risk of redundancy"

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I definitely missed that. I do hope Hornby can get themselves sorted out soon, it’s all seemed a bit messy for a while. It’s quite good that they offered a discount in exchange though, they need to try and look after those who are eager for their TT project to succeed.

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Peter, I am glad to hear you received the Not Redundant delivery 😁



Thanks @RM - it was a close-call, despite being very busy working on a new Very Big Trainset. Expect an entry in this thread in about a month’s time after the credit card ticks over into the next statement period

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  • 2 weeks later...

A BR Blue 08 arrived today. I really want a green one but somehow doubt they will appear before my TT club subscription expires (still undecided whether or not to continue with that).

It seems a nice enough model. I notice one buffer isn't quite horizontal so might need careful removal and re-fitting. It was a little jerky to begin with but is settling with a bit of running-in. I'm pleased to find it's geared appropriately and doesn't have a stupidly high top speed. I'm not impressed with the way the pickups are bent into alignment - or rather, they're not bent consistently and not aligned properly with the backs of the wheels so that the little punched protrusion in the wiper is the contact point. I'll re-work them when I'm in the mood to fiddle, they'll be no problem as I'm used to adjusting N gauge locos grinning

I'm surprised the instruction sheet says it's not designed for less than R2 - I'd expect a short wheelbase 0-6-0 to be happy on R1 otherwise what's the point of having that radius in the range?

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Got my used Hornby Select controller today. Made sure it worked, confirmed it was on an old firmware as expected (v1.1) so promptly packaged it back up ready to send to Hornby for an upgrade.

Judging by the condition, it’s been sat in someone’s cupboard for years as it looks brand new and the track connection wires hadn’t been opened. Not bad for £50 including the upgrade cost.

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@moswkward What a find! I have one in my loft, I hadn’t thought about using it, I just nabbed the power cable to run my track. The Bluetooth can be a bit annoying if you want to be using your phone for something else so I might look into that 🤔.



I just find I prefer the physical controls over a touchscreen, and yes unless you have a dedicated device it’s annoying to keep the app open.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Third batch of TT stuff due here this morning, that will be forwarded straight to Australia to get round the ludicrous SMS situation, where they have nominated a limited number of retailers with little or no stock in country, sky high prices and no access to the Club.

Edit - Well done Hornby/DPD. Despatched yesterday, here today and on its way to Australia this afternoon.

Edit 2 - Royal Fail strikes again. Your parcel is 11 grams overweight for the payment. Please go home, cancel the transaction and pay again at the correct tariff. I said maybe the box is sweating in the heat and when it’s dry it will be within limits. The counter dragon was not amused. Would the average Jumbo cargo plane notice 11 grams extra. I certainly noticed an extra £2.80 on the postage, plus 2 round trips to the post office.

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I just got my third and last £200 order (for free shipping to Canada). Night Hawk with three blood and custard coaches. They look great.

I’m expecting to have to wait at least a year before the items I’m looking for next are available like a steam shunter so I’ll focus on scenery for now.

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A sound fitted Trigo. This is the first model to work straight out of the box without having to reinstall the sound file. Just had to update the firmware. It does need the black tape removing and the front steps sorting though to get it to go around bends. Got a free 2023 OO gauge catalogue too, it's a shame I bought one back in January.

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Today I received 6 x hm7000-n18txs decoders. I have also been taking advantage of Hattons offer on these which I must say is a bit of a bargain. I'm anticipating a large diesel fleet come the end of Phase 2!

I also received a BR blue 08 bought when they where temporarily showing as last few which came with a free copy of the Hornby catalogue which they are currently offloading. I guess it gives me a chance to see how the other half live (OO) grinning

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