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TXS Sound File creation


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I've got my first HM7000 sound decoder on order and looking forward to the new experience of Bluetooth control.

I'm planning to fit this first one in an old Class 37 as I've been working on a battery-powered Bluetooth control system for a while but Hornby seem to have saved me the bother...

Only snag is, there's no Class 37 sound profile!

I have appropriate sound recordings but I can't find a definition for the TXS file format or any software for creating a new profile.

Anyone out there able topoint me to appropriate tools/documentation?


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Anything that was in the old TTS library will no doubt be reworked to become TXS but it’s not a simple roll-over due to the additional functionality and other features.

At this stage Hornby have stated they may expand the TXS library to include loco types not in their inventory, but making provision in the app to import your own sound files may be above and beyond. The proviso would likely be those files would have to become freely available to all, thus they would have to meet a strict TXS specification and interface criteria, such as CVs, functions, motor control, etc per the decoder manual.

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HM7K offers an enormous range of possibilities for future developments but let’s not forget that the system is less than a week old (public release) so there are still many things on Hornby’s must do list before they even look at the nice to do items.

No doubt others outside the company will already be investigating what may be developed as far as aftermarket add ons are concerned but in the meantime let’s just be patient and allow the developments to roll out.

The developers know what is and isn’t possible, they also know what it will take to get some of the more esoteric features into production and more importantly how much that would cost. Then you’re into the debate around spending £xxx on developing a particular feature balanced against the additional income it may or may not generate.

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Anything that was in the old TTS library will no doubt be reworked to become TXS but it’s not a simple roll-over due to the additional functionality and other features.
At this stage Hornby have stated they may expand the TXS library to include loco types not in their inventory, but making provision in the app to import your own sound files may be above and beyond. The proviso would likely be those files would have to become freely available to all, thus they would have to meet a strict TXS specification and interface criteria, such as CVs, functions, motor control, etc per the decoder manual.



Really hope the class 20 makes the TXS range as it was one of the best TTS sounds

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@Brew Man

The 'HM | DCC Manuals on this site' sticky at the very top of the forum, documents where the sound file live list is located. It is referred to as the "Profile Maps" which is probably why it is not obvious regarding the sound file information it contains. Status will depend upon how often it is updated.

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Is there an up-to-date list of currently available sound files? Although the Android App isn't yet available, I would find it useful to see what's currently on the list. It would be good if there was a live list available.



This lot so far…note some are 00 and repeated in TT.





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@Brew Man
The 'HM | DCC Manuals on this site' sticky at the very top of the forum, documents where the sound file live list is located. It is referred to as the "Profile Maps" which is probably why it is not obvious regarding the sound file information it contains. Status will depend upon how often it is updated.



Thanks, PH, I knew there was one somewhere and how unintuitive it was to find.

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Thanks to you all for the feedback about this.

I guess that it will be a long while before Hornby have a large sound library similar to what YouChoos / Coastal DCC / Legomanbiffo can offer on Zimo or ESU decoders which is a shame.

I'm sure that a wider international library like ESU offer would dramatically increase the market presence for Hornby but lets hope the lack of content and content providers doesn't kill the market for them instead.

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As my old Mum used to say - I want never gets. Please may I have sometimes works better if you are lucky.

It is a sad reflection of modern times that many folk want everything now, when the practicalities of product lead time, production runs, and other marketing factors are ignored in favour of me, me, me syndrome. Things are not magically pulled out of nowhere, someone has to sit at a bench and spend hours and hours of effort to produce them.

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There is a crude but effective way of creating your own sound file. I was disappointed that the 3 locos I have with TXS decoders all have the same issue as the old TTS decoders that they resemble a one cylinder engine as half at least of the exhaust beats are missing. I had hoped that the new decoders would resolve or improve this but the new sound files don't as the files originate with the TSS files so I suppose that was wishful thinking.

However thanks to the idea from Plomax on RMweb forum it is possible to make a much better job of synchronising the wheel revolutions to the exhaust beat. First choose the most appropriate hornby sound file to download. Then in your TXS decoder enable in CV29 a user configured complex speed curve by adding 16 to the value.

Then by changing the default values for the speed curve in CV's 67 to 94 to reduce the values at the start of the curve you can get 4 chuffs per wheel revolution. The app wont let you change CV's 67 to 94 so another dcc controller is required . Railmaster with an elite or elink both work fine.

This solution works very well for a shunting type layout or the slower locomotives. My layout is a bit bigger so top end speed is an issue with some locos. So you need to set up a curve which suits your loco and layout. I have set up a Hornby 4MT with a top value of 160 in the speed curve which gives 4 even beats at the start and a maximum speed of around 60 with great sounds at that speed. You play around to your hearts content with sound levels on individual sounds or by moving the speed curve. The default values are set out on page 59 of the manual. If its of any interest I will post a note of a couple of CV choices.

Overall I found adjusting the TXS to set up the chuff rate no more hassle than setting up an ESU or Zimo decoder. The overall sound effect is perhaps not quite as good as those in my view. But only an expert could tell the difference and at half the price and all the other features the TXS decoders are simply world class for value for money. 

Must order some more before they sell out!


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Thanks to Plomax doing the spadework he has saved me hours. By taking the start of his speed profile and then changing the upper end of the speed curve a very good result can be quickly achieved. I now have profiles for a goods engine, mixed traffic engine and an express. I think the last one for 46211 Queen Maud took me all of 10 minutes from start to finish. Its been romping round with 10 coaches and I think sounds great at all speeds.

The individual speed steps are not particularly critical beyond the first dozen or so .

I had wondered if you could reverse the process for a TTS decoder but its clearly not set up the same way.

Credit is due to Hornby for the capability of the decoders and because I do think that the decoder manual is excellent in depth of detail and unusually clear descriptions of what everything does.

I will write out a neater list of the 3 profiles I have so far and post a picture.

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At the end of the day, Hornby is a business and needs to make money. Creating profiles is undoubtedly time consuming and costly, and clearly, current and upcoming models are a priority. Profiles also need to cover cost in terms of sales. What will help is a schedule of releases as promised in the earlier live broadcast, which sets expectations. HM7000 is really brilliant and people just want profiles to use and experiment with.

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At the end of the day, Hornby is a business and needs to make money. Creating profiles is undoubtedly time consuming and costly, and clearly, current and upcoming models are a priority. Profiles also need to cover cost in terms of sales. What will help is a schedule of releases as promised in the earlier live broadcast, which sets expectations. HM7000 is really brilliant and people just want profiles to use and experiment with.

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