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Hornby Steam Generator locos, where are they


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I was told by a Hornby staff member at Warley that the Scotsman would be out this June.

I'm still waiting for that and the Black 5, both of which I ordered as soon as they were announced.

I did notice something about 2024/5 too, which is a bit of a mickey take in my opinion, especially as I ordered the Black 5 in January of last year.

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They will arrive when they are made. Hopefully accurate, without quality issues, well packaged and undamaged. I would advise you to ignore any dates given, as these are continually being moved backwards with no explanation, usually just before you get to the expected date / quarter / season. I refer you to the 2MT model, announced January 2020, still not here, many changes in delivery date.

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Who else has prepaid for a 2022 Hornby Steam Generator Loco and sees the date pushed out to Winter 24/25
Have these become Vapourware or as retired as SK.



If you "pre-paid" you bought from the wrong shopsleepy

It is common knowledge that when Hornby and others decide to make a 2-10-10-2 loco, from the moment of inception until it hits the shop shelves is a minimum of three years. Some models, which may be a change of livery, or minor tool work, appear sooner probably because the mold is already in existence, so production is not starting from scratch.

Hornby have for very many years, rightly or wrongly, said when models will appear, they are very often late - I look at it this way, it will arrive when it arrives, having pre-ordered from Hornby, I know I will get it - and at the stated price when announced.

A degree of patience is required.yum

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I assume some model shops do charge up front but generally with a lot of Hornby locos it is better to buy from them. They have so many price rises that ordering from Hornby is the only way you get it for the price quoted. I must admit though I do think Hornby have reached the limit at the moment for a model loco they are generally more expensive than the competition. As to the delay yes it really annoys me which is why I was shocked when they released the HM7000 before the release date with it not meeting the initial requirements (we all now know it doesn't at this moment in time work with Android).

RDS Mod Note: Your post has been edited crossing out parts that are completely incorrect, as 96RAF states below. I have also removed completely your efforts to show Hornby in a bad light. I suggest you are very very careful with any future postings.

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Look 96RAF the released version doesn't, the version you are testing probably does. At the current moment the general public cannot download it, so it does not work with Android. When I worked on engine management, by your definition all those prototype vehicles I tested were available to the general public, which obviously they weren't. One day Hornby will release it as an Android App then it will meet the definition of working.

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The question asked "Who pays upfront for a pre-order" - unfortunately we in Australia have to pay upfront for pre-orders, either that or be put on a notification list for when it comes into stock and usually "sold out" before it hits the shelves here. I was burned badly when a shop i used regularly went bust in Feb 2022 after I had paid for a pre-order (which still hasn't been released) and the liquidator leeches told me to go whistle for my money.

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No problem with Hornby and pre-orders. My Aust pre-order for TT:120 track placed in January required full payment and remains unfilled. No problem with the model shop, they are hanging out too. There is no TT:120 available in Aust currently although Hornby have said despatched.

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Going back to original post. New products take a lot of development, which can take years, plus items have to meet safety regulations and go through various approvals by a multitude of bodies. A steam generator even in model form will have to meet stringent British Standards and around the World. These things take years. Manufacturers sometimes announce products early in order to get ahead of rivals that might be working on the same idea. I am sure Hornby will have it in the shops as soon as it is fully tested, meets the necessary standards and are in stock ready.

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We have been through this subject before, model railways seems a bit unique where a manufacturer announces a model for it not to appear until 3 years later. I know of no other industry that gets away with it. Hornby every January brings out the new catalogue of which few items will be released in that calendar year . Even Bachmann has dispensed with the concept. Trouble is it isn't that good an idea for Hornby, all us seasoned buyers know that if we order from Hornby the price is fixed, so if during the 3 year development cycle the price of raw materials rises or Hornby have an expensive production slot, then they Hornby are stuffed.

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Colin, I believe that Hornby use the early announcement as a legitimate tactic to gauge demand for a particular product. After they, or any manufacturer for that matter, announce a new model, they will get immediate feedback on its popularity through preorders. That, coupled with many years of experience from previous models, would I imagine present them with a fairly accurate projection for overall sales.

That allows them to make an informed decision on whether the model will make a return on the investment made in design, production and distribution or whether it is likely to sit on the shelf eg Steampunk.

With information like that Hornby can minimise the risk of making the wrong models at the wrong time and losing money into the bargain. And I have no doubt that changes in materials and production costs will be factored into the calculations.

Now that ‘tactic’ works well with existing product lines - Hornby make locos so to announce a new loco well in advance of production is not going to come as any great surprise to the rest of the industry - ultimately they are not giving away any state secrets. However, they can’t really take that route with ‘innovative’ products as announcing them too soon potentially allows other players in the market to get a head start on rival products. In this regard think of HM7K and TT120 - they had been in development for a few years before any announcement was made and in both cases initial examples were available within a very short period of time. Both represent a significant gamble on the part of the company for products where solid sales forecasts could be speculative at best.

So if an early announcement reduces risk to the company, then I am all for it and quite happy to wait until it’s ready for release.

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Not in Australia, you pre-order and prepay or miss out. The indicated date has blown out considerable so patience may well be a virtue but if it really is 2025 that stretching it. What I wonder is, and I'm obviously not as experienced with the Hornby way, is that all of the fan fare and clouds of steam announcement's it has gone very quiet. Why I asked the question because I don't see anything new or any talk of these locos. I have ordered both the Black 5 and Scotsman and it was published in Jan 22 "Release is anticipated in late 2022"

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