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Sound profile for a DMU


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The plans that Hornby have published cover the next fifteen months and are available to view at the top of this forum section.
After that, who knows?



I assume that you mean in here, in which case I can see planned releases until Q2 2024.



I would hope that we see further announcements of more sound profiles when Hornby announce their 2024 program.

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Planned release of profiles needs to be updated on new profiles that will be done in the next 12month and not just ticking off those which have been completed on the present list. By now we should know what sound files will be developed up to Q4 of next year.

The HM7000 system shouldn't be linked to model releases because it needs to also cater for older models and models done by other manufacturers. If you go down the HM7000 then you really need all your model running on the HM7000 otherwise the Bluetooth control is pointless long term.

PS. DMU profile must be a priority as there is absolutely none on the list.

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With the best will in the world, its unreasonable to expect Hornby to put in place a sound profile for every loco model that exists……none of the other sound decoder manufacturers do that !

At the end of the day, we’ll all have to compromise with our loco fleets, and install those profiles that approximate those not provided for.

Clearly, I have no inside knowledge of what Hornby plans for the future. I’m sure they’ll be adding to the list as it stands, but it’s unrealistic (imo) to expect them to cover everything.

Remember that………..‘good things come to those that wait’ 🙂

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I wholeheartedly agree with pendragon’s comment.

I would expect Hornby to provide, in time, a reasonable selection of profiles to cover the models they produce. Maybe, given the time and more importantly the budget, profiles may become available for Hornby models no longer in the current catalogue.

Remember also that the sounds are generally recorded from the real thing and producing profiles for locos that no longer exist is a much more time consuming and expensive process.

Maybe, just maybe, the range of sounds will expand beyond the confines of Hornby but I suspect that would be considered as a ‘nice to do’ rather than a ‘need to do’ project.

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I haven't followed which DMUs Hornby has or recently had in their catalogue. I know the 156 had a refreshed DCC ready chassis and isn't there a Hornby 155 which has the same engines? The class 150s had the same engines too I think.



There is a railroad 110 in the catalogue and available for pre order. Given this maybe there is hope of sound to come for this.

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From my perspective, it is reasonable that Hornby give priority to the locos they produce or are about to produce with sound fitted. Whether or not it is "fair" to say, they are only likely or it is only reasonable for them to produce sound files for their own locos is perhaps another matter.

Unlike many of the others, they are selling decoders as a stand alone item. In my view, it is perhaps "right" they should support those. Just a thought but the likes of Bachmann use ESU for their decoders and there are many profiles available for free download from ESU rather than Bachmann. However, my understanding is that you need a programmer to be able to use them.

The big "advantage" of the traditional system is that it is universal and standardized to a certain extent. You can use different controllers with different decoders and you can mix and match decoders with different makes of loco and it all runs together. I just feel that for the system to be a long term success, it has to match that. Perhaps Hornby need to think about licensing others to use the system. It would then be up to the likes of Bachmann, Heyjan and others to source/provide the sound files for the locos they sell ready fitted.


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