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Coaching stock delivery . . .

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Nice surprise when I went to my Tuesday Walking Group today at Whitwell and Reepham Railway. They had a coach delivered by road.



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A lot of heritage lines across the UK are not connected to the main line, or stock is not certified to run on the mainline for whatever reason and so it is often delivered by road. My local heratige line has no acess to the national network and so we have all our Locomotives and rollingstock delivered or taken away by road. My local line is the Swindon and Cricklade Railway.XYZ

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You have obviously not watched the program on the "Yesterday" channel called Train Truckers. According to the program it is quite often it is cheaper to send locos by road rather than use the main network tracks. I assume Network Rail charges them a fortune. I think the North Yorks Moors Railway said the same during one of their programs.

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6 minutes ago, ModelerXYZ said:

...stock is not certified to run on the mainline for whatever reason ...

In the US, it is typically the bearing type.  

Even with modern stock, the railroads have "hot box" detectors.  This sensor sits by the rail and detects each axle as it goes by.  It measures the temperature on each.  It then reports, over radio audible to the engineman, the number of axles and if any are over temperature.

The Winans enclosed friction wheels were oil bath and reported to keep the temperature lower.  The railways were aware of the issue, even in the 1820s and 30s.

The temperature rise is due to insufficient lubrication.  As the locomotive continues to drag the consist, the surfaces can heat to melting, causing instant derailment.  It simply isn't worth the disruption in traffic to permit antiquated stock on the mainline.


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That carriage looks for all the world like a magnified Triang product . Rovex certainly got some things spot on - apart from buffers.

Edited by threelink
wording omitted
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19 hours ago, What About The Bee said:

We have them in the UK too. The main difference is that a hot box detector being triggered would alert the appropriate signalbox and they would then inform the driver, either by radio or stopping the train at a signal. Can't say it ever happened to one of my trains though.

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