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Dead spots on track

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I have thoroughly cleaned my track and my Scotsman goes around like a dream, BUT, my P2 Prince of Wales seems to stop at the same spot in about 3 places. The wheels are spinning and sound, steam and flickering firebox works ok, but it needs a "nudge" to get going again. My Scotsman runs without hickup, as does my Deltic. I am wondering whether there may be little "rise" in the track and with 4 driving wheels each side, it is losing grip. I can't see it visually, but it is there when I put a steel rule on the rails. It sometimes happens on radius 2 bends as well. Does this mean I have to rearrange my track corners to bigger radius's or will slow speed help on these bends, as suggested by earlier threads (back in 2013), or worse is my P2 just an expensive static display. Another point on this was that when my track was "dirty", and I tested the loco when I got it back in April, it ran well without any problems, even on those corners?

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I'm wondering, with the P2 having four driving axles whether the wheels, or some of them are getting jammed on the corners preventing it from moving smoothly, especially as it runs again with a nudge. Does it run OK on larger radius bends, rad 3 or 4?

Edited by Brew Man
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The P2 is a long wheelbase, it wouldn't surprise me if it does get upset by any unevenness, twisting. dog-legs in the track, or if the curve radius is too tight.   If the wheels are spinning and it's slipping then possibly the wheels are being lifted or rocking and losing grip.   Check the non-driven wheels and the tender wheels are free running, and check the pony wheels or tender coupling aren't lifting the loco body at all?  

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This slipping occurs with my Silver King only, not Blink Bonny, unless I crank the speed up a bit. This is on R3 curves and I have used Traksetta [?] guides to check. R-

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Scotsman works. That means that the track is completely powered. Check for a loose joint. Sound steam and flickering firebox also suggests that it isn't a power issue aas such. The bump in the track by the ruler is probably is a cause, but the scotsman works ok. I would actually suspect some misalligned pickups on the loco. XYZ

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Just tried my POW again today and found that by having at about 50% or more throttle, no problems getting around track. Obviously the speed allows the loco to get past the dead spots without stopping.

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