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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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@Bulver @WTD@choralc   I must admit to "cheating" a bit. The No. 22 Railcar body is from an expired Lima loco which I fiited to a brand new Hornby frame and engine as I noticed an article mentioning both firms used the same chassis. So I now have a new Hornby Crimson body which I shall be selling on Fleabay sometime soon. Also the dead Lima ensemble (which I doubt anyone wants).

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 A kind donation of 14 Wrenn BR 21 ton  hopper wagons from a friend who is downsizing his collection arrived yesterday. These are fairly crude compared to later versions but will look OK as a rake behind my Hornby Dublo or  Wrenn 8F, with a Wrenn LMR Guards van.

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 A kind donation of 14 Wrenn BR 21 ton  hopper wagons from a friend who is downsizing his collection arrived yesterday. These are fairly crude compared to later versions but will look OK as a rake behind my Hornby Dublo or  Wrenn 8F, with a Wrenn LMR Guards van.


They'll look good behind the Q6, as well.

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 The new Hornby Railroad 'Deltic'  on two tone green arrived yesterday, and for its price I think it is excellent.


I have carried out a few little 'improvements' to it. I have painted in red where the cut out for the buffer beam would be, and the shanks of the buffer guides too. Also I have painted the four triangular windows on the cab side black. Ideally these should be cut out, but a bit of black paint actually looks, from  normal viewing distance, like they are glazed.


My only 'complaint' was the packaging. Why does there have to be so much of it!?  The outer cardboard box  it came in was about ten times bigger than the actual locomotive box, and was chock full of those giant plastic 'Wotsits' . The actual  locomotive box was wrapped round in a double layer of bubble wrap. The insert which contains the model in the locomotive box is expanded polystyrene and is a snug fit. I do appreciate the effort to ensure the model arrives at me in good condition, but surely this can be achieved using slightly fewer resources? On the same day Morgan Computers sent me a new Tablet and a Forward Facing Camera for the car, and these too arrived in boxes at least ten times bigger that the object they enclosed so Hornby is not alone in this. (They used air bags not Wotsits, but the result was the same!), so I couldn't move in my entrance hall for boxes!


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 Just a few more words about the Railroad Deltic.

The model retains many of the Lima features including the moulded warning horns on the bonnet and the HO scale bogies. The story goes that Lima originally wanted to make the Deltic in HO scale because they already had a Class 33, a King and a LMS 4F in HO scale but changed their policy while the Deltic was under development and decided to make everything in OO in future.  They had already tooled up the bogies for the Deltic and so rather than scrap them they moulded the body in OO but kept the bogies as they were. Unless you compare them to a scale drawing they are hardly noticable.

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Sadly, my beautiful 'Duchess' , received yesterday, has to be returned, as one of the metal tyres on the fixed Cartazzi truck is loose - thought I'd got 3 wheels instead of 2!  Customer services were great, fixed up collection for replacement,   Shame really, as I had mistakenly ordered 2 on different dates during December without realising the fact (pre joining the club) and they went straight back yesterday.    This model was ordered to allow me to take advantage of the 10% club discount.

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 A couple of 'Lionheart' gauge O wagons arrived in the afternoon post. A 'Berry Wiggins' tank wagon and a BR 1/109 mineral wagon. Returning to the theme of packaging, the wagons are in a similar box to those used by Hornby, with a cardboard outer and a moulded clear plastic inner. This inner grips the model tightly  The two boxes were contained in a single corrugated cardboard box which simply enclosed the wagon packaging, with no bubble wrap, 'Wotsits' or any other padding. They both arrived safe and sound by Royal Mail, despite some minor damage to the cardboard outer packaging.

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A Hornby R4633 BR Mk 3 coach with lights, the last one that was in stock, you could tell too because the box was covered in black dust from the warehouse. Purchased with my 10% discount online, but actually would have been £1.24 cheaper if I had purchased from Fenwick of Canterbury with the concession doscount. That said it gave me a box full of wotsits I can re-use when selling one of my duplicates !

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Last Saturday, an Oxford Radial Tank. Excellent model with all earlier nigglesmentioned in the model press, fixed.I also got a bottle of Micro Kristal Klear to attempt to make windows for a couple of locos. We will se how that goes.

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2 Dapol Kitmaster blood & custard Stanier kits, plus some rather nice coach wheels from DCC Concepts, and Pat Hammond's fine 2 part British Model Trains catalogue.  All from the Ally Pally show today, couldn't justify £120 for 3 LMS Coronation coaches, much as I would have loved to have them!  Also met some nice people from Southampton MRS, who knew my late brother, took a picture to show my sis-in-law next week.  Their display was one of the best at the show, along with the 3 rail HD layout but the standard was, to me, as high as ever with all the displays. The Hornby stand had 2 nice layouts, but seemed smaller than when I last went, as did the Bachmann and Dapol stands, perhaps a sign of the pressures these companies are under.

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I went to the model shop today and bought 4 x Railroaf MK1s in maroon for £12.95 each. (2 composites, 1 open second and 1 tourist open second). Also 2 R6712A packs of 3 BR 5 plank wagons.  Bargain at £16.50 for each pack.

That will have to be all I spend for a good while now as I have spent £220 in the last 3 weeks and its too nuch really.

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Well over the last couple of days I have got myself 3 Bachmann Fish vans to go with my Hornby Blue Spot fish vans. I remember them well when train spotting as a youngster and the fishy smell they left behind. I also got my hands on a donor Britannia class Western Star, that will soon be Rising Star. I paid a bit over the odds for it but so what? If I want it I will buy it. I researched it fully to make sure that it was suitable and that took two days of looking at photos. Nearly all the earlier pictures I found had either smoke deflectors with hand rails or the WR deflectors but with a reversed later logo. The logo on the tender that the lion and wheel pointed forward. Eventually I found a photo of the logo facing to the rear as per the model. Luckily the real loco was never fitted with a speedo as per the model donor. Neither was it fitted with AWS, which I found rather strange being allocated to the WR. Small details but all that better. I was looking for a donor for Coeur De Lion 70007 and Royal Star 70028, The latter was fitted with LMR hand holds in the smoke deflectors. The donor loco, that I purchased just may have ended up as Polar Star but I plumped for Rising Star and ordered the nameplates. I am going to paint the brass handholds on the smoke delectors with brass paint as I cannot make out (YET) whether they later got painted black or left polished brass, that the WR seemed to like.

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Hi Vespa


Having seen a couple of Western Brits litrally within hours of coming out of Doncaster works. I recall them having polished brass handholds.


I've seen the same thing in photos. I'm not saying they all were polished by any means but the scenario is established. The 2 I saw were 70016 and 70018. 


Hope that helps

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Hello PP,  I have quite a few research photos and the vast majority show the hand holds as polished brass on the WR altered smoke deflectors, as you say. I also have some photos of Rising Star with, what looks like, the brass painted over in black. I think that I will be having my model with brass finish. I am not 100% certain but in my trainspotting days I think I got a photo of the loco that turned out blurred with camera shake, from my Brownie 127. I just wish I had all my Nikon gear then.

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