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Model Railway - What's your latest acquisition?

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@Jeff Mennell



I always ask if the loco is a good runner , if they haven't already put that in the description. I also request to see a video of it running too.


That was cheeky of the seller, asking you to send it First Class. That would just cost you more, especially when they were not going to pay you, as well.






If I make their rating drop, they will make mine drop too, which I don't want.

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I returned a loco recently that had been bought on eBay. I requested a refund based on it not being as advertised as it did not run well or hardly at all. As part of the process eBay provide you with a link/email that contains a return postage label that you print out and take the parcel to the post office. You don't have to pay for the postage up front, eBay chase the seller for it. 

As for my latest purchase I bought some Woodland Scenics figures who are in a jazz band playing instruments. I'm intending to put them in a observation car that has lighting. And also add additional figures for an audience so it looks like a jazz train. I was thinking of maybe adding the headboards and coach boards and make it either The Cunarder or The Cunard Special. 

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The longer you leave it, the more difficult it becomes to report a problem item to eBay.  I bought a Solenoid Operated 22mm Plumbing Valve on eBay recently.  The packaging was not damaged but the Valve inside was damaged because the Solenoid cover was bent.  I could have straightened it but my view was, Why should I have to do that?

I contacted the seller and provided pictures and he immediately stated he would send me a replacement and he did not even want the first one back again.  It was not cheap either.


Lots of people on this thread, with vast combined eBay experience have suggested you contact eBay and that would have been my next option if the Seller had not sent me a replacement.  My view is that eBay are very good at protecting the customer because at the end of the day, if they didn't have a tremendous number of satisifed customers, eBay would not be what it is today.  I do have a bit of eBay experience myself (current rating 1767, 100% +ve).

Just do it!


(must get around to fitting that valve sometime!)

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With me the seller was refusing accept 2nd class postage so I didn't print the label.  I usually do ask for confirmation that the loco runs... (sometimes it's worth checking the loco actually has a motor), but this time I slipped up!  ☹️




We,  the united forum (or Forum United?) are right behind you Jacob. If the thought of contacting ebay seems daunting why not ask a family member to help with the process? We can only provide moral support from afar but we all want the best for you!

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I'm probably splitting hairs but I thought it is a feedback count, i.e. the number of feedbacks received from either Buyers or Sellers. The score is the percentage! Not every Buyer or Seller leaves feedback so you can have more transactions than the feedback count.

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That's about 30 posts discussing Ebay on the "What's your latest acquisition"  topic...........should've been a seperate thread in "Off Topic" ...........a classic case of going "off topic"..........just saying......... 🤔..........HB

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Just got myself a secondhand (but looks unused) Gaugemaster Tech 6 controller off ebay, going for a song.  I have about 50 locos in my collection, all of which were analogue until I got Gadwall with TTS sound for Christmas.  I'm not going to convert digital overnight, and probably never will, but if some of my favourite locos are made with affordable sound then I will seriously consider buying them.  For those who don't know, the Tech 6 is a compromise between analogue and digital.  In analogue mode it acts as a standard controller with built in inertia, but in digital mode (at the flick of a switch) it will operate a single digital loco (address 3).  So it doesn't have all the advantages of digital but it is ideal for someone like me who has no intention of rewiring their layout, chipping all their locos etc.  

I've just tried it out with Gadwall and I am more than happy with it.

I'm looking forward to the Class 20 TTS when that appears in the shops, and maybe also the class 40, but in both cases I'll either have to repaint them in BR green or look for some secondhand Lima bodies.  I also fancy getting a TTS decoder for my A3 as well.  Better get saving.

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Hi all

Mine is 2 X R6754 London brick open wagons

This means I now have the Triang bogie ones the Hornby hoppers and the wooden open wagons so definitely having a brick works on the layout somewhere.

Just need to work out which is carrying the anthracite to go into the bricks and which is carrying the kiln fuel thinking maybe wood fired bricks the bogies carry the bricks out may need to find more hoppers and wooden opens.

Thinking of building the same style of kilns J Aherne did only out of 3mm MDF instead of card?? and using brass I-beam instead of rail

these would be a mass effect model rather than a super detail job as I want six of them to represent part of a big operation.

regards John

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/media/tinymce_upload/e3e8d583326135a0d636b2410a8a9371.jpgLatest Purchase for 99p is 500 3mm S.H.E. Super High Efficiency LED's. They take less than a milliamp to get a good light so you could light 500 of them for less than half an Amp. They are going to be handy!  Looking for some yellow ones at a good price now.


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Just received and electrotren  Steam locomotive “L.Aguirre” from Lendons of Cardiff a lovely looking moded (just need to test it and fit a decoder). I bought it because it has a nice antiquated light railway look about it and despite being HO the buffers are about the right width for OO (is it because this is fa model of a Spanish broad gauge loco?)




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