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Jimyjames Model Rail/Working Roundhouse/other Railway Videos :)


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I was not aware of your channel, but have now subscribed.I actually enjoy the efforts of people like you as much as actually playing trains.

There can never be too many of you guys.

Two of my favourites are no longer running their channels, InterCity82 (gone again??) and the very interesting Barrie Davies (I really miss him).

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People should be free to make their own choices as and when they want to without others suggesting what they should be doing. If they want to watch i am sure they will do so.

I can see both sides of this particular coin. I don't think there's anything wrong with showing support for someone and I understand that the motive is out of kindness, but equally I don't agree with attempting to use guilt as a motivating factor to try and push others into supporting them.


Does the video poster want people to watch his videos because they genuinely enjoy them or does he want people to watch them effectively because they feel sorry for him? Although well-intentioned, isn't the latter more than a little patronising?


Personally I have neither the time nor the interest to watch people take model trains out of boxes. But if the chap making the videos wants to carry on making them, then I fully support his choice and wish him well.


However, just because someone happens to like real ale doesn't mean they should accept feeling pressured into liking or supporting every other beer drinker. The same is true of model railways (and any other pastime). This rather tribal "you're either with us or against us" mentality displayed by quite a few people who like railways (both real and toy) is something that I have never understood.



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I have watched quite a few of Jj's videos and they don’t really interest me I’m afraid. Nothing particularly wrong with them just not my scene. I have thousands of photos I could post on here but wouldn’t expect anybody to be interested in them just because I am a member of the forum.


Jj you carry on making your videos, you love making them and I’m sure many people enjoy them.  😆

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Arrrrrrrrrrrr thanks every one for your kind words - I'm moved  😀 😎 Thank you every who has sub to me 


Not sure about Intercity82 - looks like he made his last Vid 2 months ago (just checked) - never heard of Barrie Davies (never heard of him) - also looks like he made his last vid 3 days ago (just checked)

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Just also want to say When I 1st started out on Y.T. back in December 2008 for the 1st few years I had no Editor  ☹️ so that is why my 1st lot of vids have a lot of shalll we say "awkward silences", but then I found that Y.T. had an Editor, so then I started to use that for a good few years, but then about a year ago - they got rid of it - so then I found on "Photos" on my computer had a basic type of editor so I used that for a while, but then lately some 1 on here started talking asbout VideoPad Video Editor by NCH Software, so I tried it out & it worked really well - so thjat is why I feel my vids (at the mo) are a whole lot better then when I 1st started out - thanks you every 1 for reading my replys & watching my vids!!!  😀

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Jimmy..........I have just watched the beginning 5 minutes of you unboxing the East Coast Highlander........what struck me immediately was the lack of light, in that room you need at least two 100watt light bulbs to help your video camera resolve what it sees and this would also help the focussing which was a bit out.........also, may I suggest you write a prepared script to describe each component in a logical order to make your commentary flow smoothly.........you've done several now so you should find it quite easy.......hope this helps and keep practising.......HB.

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Jimyjames, I also agree with HB's comment, with regards that good light is indeed to produce a good video. This could be a good reason why you don't get many views. Get good light bulbs and turn them on and that should help you get the views you want.


This is help, not criticism.  😀



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To HB & Jacob

I did have a good light - it was a standind lamp but it broke so I couldn't really use it for the making of the vid  ☹️ vbut I have got myself a new standing lamp from  B&Q so hopefully it should be better :) Some times I make ut up as I go along & others I think about it in days advance & have an Idea in my head what I want to do...Thanks for watching 😀 

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A script and a storyboard is always a good idea JJ. It allows you to pre plan your video and gives it pace. Having the script alongside your video table lets you refer to it if you happen to forget the words along the way. I am no good at these off the cuff narrations although I admire folk who can ramble on cohesively for hours without notes. I much prefer the short statement style seen in death by powerpoint.


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A script and a storyboard is always a good idea JJ. It allows you to pre plan your video and gives it pace. Having the script alongside your video table lets you refer to it if you happen to forget the words along the way.




Very few people have the gift of being able to ad-lib well. Planning makes perfect.

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To Raf & R. 1 A.


I don't think I'll be any good with a script from word to word - I could make some notes & try remember that I suppose - like I said earlier - I do days ealier think abbout what I want to do & say on the vid - so if you like my script is in my head!!!


To Jacob


Yes me too ;)

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Who's your demographic? Young / old  new to the hobby or the established modelers  make your comets towards them and their interests.


Think History do some research on the prototype and compare is the number of spokes right how about complicated detail etc? Where did the locomotive run.


Plane your video draw some storyboards think of the video as a journey. This will a aid in the video. And b if you do a second you can follow the same format this will give you your own style. also help you find anything that dosent work and then you can change it in future videos.

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As I can't find my thread called "Exclusive" I'm going to say it here...

I have made another 2 Premier Vids...

1st Vid is called "Linacre Reservoirs" - it is about my bike ride (1st time there) exploring around the beautiful scenery around the Reservoirs - it will be shown on the Thurs 27th December @ 9pm


2nd Vid is called "Britain's Lost Railways - A Review" a book about 50 of our long lost Railways long since gone  - it will be shown on the 2nd January @ 8pm


Thank you in advance

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