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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. My only advise would be to make sure both pieces of track being joined are on a flat surface. Don’t try and join the track when airborne.
  2. @mar Mallard Think you’ll find the majority of people on here don’t run locos with traction tyres or change the wheels. None of my 100+ locos have them. 😀 Daft question. You have put them on the correct wheels?
  3. Should say I don’t think the gun was self propelled, the model isn’t.
  4. Considering that some small wagons are £30, 50 for the gun is a bargain. The gun was not self propelled. The Germans shelled the English coast from across the channel with theirs.
  5. Peco ST points are an exact match for the Hornby versions. As I said before my Peco curved points work faultlessly.
  6. I have two Peco curved points and they work exactly the same as straight points. All of my locos cross them without problems. I think the secret is the make.
  7. Which is almost identical to the length stated for the HO plastic kit 37. I was amazed how it managed tight curves where small, in comparison, modern locos struggle.
  8. Well it isn’t, I borrowed one years ago and a metre long would have been ridiculous. 😆 Was big but managed my loft layout with its second rad curves. I've seen other adverts where it says over 1000mm but that must be the box. On the plastic kit box it says 46.4cm
  9. That is a very good point, and even though my count is far too large I have no locos that M-R could help me with.
  10. That looks good but Doc. Bet they lose a few balls in the turntable.
  11. M-R you add the bit about incorrect track gauge to just about every reply. We all know that it is wrong but so are many other things with all model railways what ever gauge, tenders to far from the footplate, unrealistic couplings the list is endless. 😆
  12. I owned my CL50 for about 10 years before I knew about the opening doors. In all that time I’ve never seen anybody use them. Is it the Accurascale 92 you are getting?
  13. The only importand dimension is the 22 yards between the stumps. Model Scene and Langley Models make cricketers. https://www.modelrailwaysdirect.co.uk/buildings-and-people-n/model-scene-5300-cricket-team/
  14. I doubt any layout will be large enough to have a County size ground, you'd need about 6 X 5 ft. Village green is more like it and that depends on the size available. https://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrJQ4zk.GNcAkcAU2qA3YlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTByZmVxM3N0BGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=cricket+ground+dimensions&back=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dcricket%2Bground%2Bdimensions%26ei%3DUTF-8%26_tsrc%3Dyfp-hrtab%26fp%3D1&no=1&fr=yfp-hrtab&h=521&w=602&imgurl=i.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fc2%2Ff7%2F6e%2Fc2f76ef9aecf612802635324a923fec8.png&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.co.uk%2Fpin%2F700802391987508696%2F&size=79KB&name=Image+result+for+cricket+pitch+dimensions+%7C+Cricket+...&oid=OIP.DdKORaliuTCjO2-fipo5PwHaGa&tt=Image+result+for+cricket+pitch+dimensions+%7C+Cricket+...&sigr=11jk2dqa3&sigi=124rh36qc&sigb=12s6t3vus&sign=11n1cfi70&sigt=11n1cfi70
  15. Well it's 22 yards between the wickets so divide that by 76, that’s 10 1/2 inches so that’s sorted. The rest depends on the size of the village green, stadium or where ever the pitch is situated.
  16. First thing I noticed when I saw the real loco was the different colour green. Much lighter than other Halls, so it would be wrong on the Hornby version as I reckon the Bachmann one is as preserved. Not sure why Bachmann use such large lamp irons. Almost big enough to take real lamps. Does look very nice.
  17. None of my locos judder at ant speed and many have 3 pole motors.
  18. Jj, BB has a Southern Region layout. Their non steam hauled trains were/are electric and pick up the power from a third rail next to the running rails. Surely you have seen that before.
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