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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. I believe Rod Stewarts is Grand Central Station. He was interviewed in his house a few years ago but refused to let the reporters into his train room. He said he was a very public figure but the layout room was for him. Phil Colins, Neil Young and Frank Sinatra all have/had layouts.
  2. If you watch his show on the BBC he drives a car on his layout and runs along the top of a train in the opening sequences.
  3. Not quite Jacob. I got mine years ago. Just pointing out that he has great taste.
  4. That’s the problem Rob, everything is designed by computer so they all look the same. Has anybody let a computer design a steam loco. Would be interesting.
  5. Not latest but they are spendid. /media/tinymce_upload/4495d4b9cbcc63fe253b093bd8ae0d43.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/8460040715d508d660a4c46f9741592b.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/e3c6d7c04dca83a07ff3f51ac73e9276.JPG
  6. How about this Jimbo. /media/tinymce_upload/21001f7a1b72f30e07930881795268f1.JPG
  7. I have watched quite a few of Jj's videos and they don’t really interest me I’m afraid. Nothing particularly wrong with them just not my scene. I have thousands of photos I could post on here but wouldn’t expect anybody to be interested in them just because I am a member of the forum. Jj you carry on making your videos, you love making them and I’m sure many people enjoy them. 😆
  8. DC locos and carriages only ever light up once moving as there is no power to the track until you turn the power knob, unlike DCC where power is constantly on the track.
  9. But it says it’s DCC ready not DCC. Once you add your decoders then it will light up all the time.
  10. Only if it’s DCC BB. DC or DCC ready will only light up once in motion. No power on the track when loco stationary.
  11. Is that not because they are DCC ready.
  12. There are loads on Yahoo or Google. An example. https://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrJ3s_8Zf1bvSUAkEPy3olQ;_ylu=X3oDMTIybHFxMnE1BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANjMTNmZjg0YjM1YTc1YWQwNTkyYmYzMGMxZDlkZTNlNgRncG9zAzMEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fuk.images.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dhornby%2Br9706%26n%3D60%26ei%3DUTF-8%26fr%3Dyfp-hrtab%26fr2%3Dsb-top-uk.images.search.yahoo.com%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D3&w=800&h=246&imgurl=hattonsimages.blob.core.windows.net%2Fproducts%2FR9706_1045610_Qty1_3.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hattons.co.uk%2F51184%2FHornby_R9706_3_x_open_wagons_S_C_Ruffey_Sodor_Scrap_brake_van_Thomas_the_Tank_range_%2FStockDetail.aspx&size=50.5KB&name=hattons.co.uk+-+%3Cb%3EHornby+R9706%3C%2Fb%3E+3+x+open+wagons+-+S+C+Ruffey+...&p=hornby+r9706&oid=c13ff84b35a75ad0592bf30c1d9de3e6&fr2=sb-top-uk.images.search.yahoo.com&fr=yfp-hrtab&tt=hattons.co.uk+-+%3Cb%3EHornby+R9706%3C%2Fb%3E+3+x+open+wagons+-+S+C+Ruffey+...&b=0&ni=60&no=3&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=144so9b5g&sigb=14hpcmn20&sigi=125cpdeqr&sigt=124v3qo27&sign=124v3qo27&.crumb=O4nyPZVPFoN&fr=yfp-hrtab&fr2=sb-top-uk.images.search.yahoo.com
  13. Why don’t you just compare them on line Jacob. Poor old new lad might not have the time to keep posting pictures. 😉
  14. Just found this "-the horizontal split is just below the cab doors,just outboard of which you should see a small circular hole,-this is where a small peg on the underframe clips into the body,you may have to gently lever the body away from the underframe by inserting a small screwdriver from below up the side of the power bogie frame so that it bears on the inside of the body..."
  15. Have a go at doing your own a post a picture on here.
  16. On my Duchess the bulb cooked the plastic causing it to crack. Best removed.
  17. As far as I can remember you just slide some thin plastic between the body and chassis.
  18. I think it's OK Al, looks like it has had a busy week.
  19. I pretty sure Jacob must work for Hornby as he always has inside info.
  20. Rob don’t worry about the designer label shops but do stay away from the dubious bars.
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