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Everything posted by walkingthedog

  1. I often give bits and pieces away. You'll have to join the other forum if you want anything when it becomes available.
  2. Sorry Mecalfe. I sent them to somebody on the other forum. No charge.
  3. It was a Metcafe station. One platform with the main building and an island platform with a smaller building.
  4. PP you are perfectly correct. Jacob it was a small station two platforms. Spent most of its time with goods trains parked in it.
  5. Exactly the same as me Roger. Great minds etc.
  6. I don't have any passengers, all my passenger coaches are empty stock going to or from the sidings.
  7. I had a station until a few weeks ago but got rid of it. Replaced it with another goods yard.
  8. Thank you Peter. My trouble is I don't know when to stop when it comes to detail. I shall have a look at yours. 😀
  9. Thanks Jacob. Just over 100 locos about 100 wagons and 9 passenger coaches. Not a lot compared to some. 😆 Got to go out now to a meeting. Good bye. 😀
  10. Jacob these are for you 😆 /media/tinymce_upload/e0f02832bad9ea80e1942e24be7396e9.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/67781b2ecd29d83dffedc8529548fec4.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/6cd6deb8b96f75abd13350a5cc4749ce.JPG
  11. Of course not Jacob, what have you got to do with me being logged out and not being able to post pictures. The problem has been around long before your posts appeared. Not your fault. 😀
  12. Just having a moan about using an iPad on this forum. Have no problems on any other sites. 😉
  13. Same here RAF. If I use the Take a picture choice I keep getting the there was a problem with this page and it is being reloaded message every time I try, and then suddenly it will work. Then the same thing happens again. I really can't be bothered. This forum is so frustrating, logging you out, pictures not working, pictures the incorrect format and on and on and on. Rant over 😆 P.S. This is on the iPad. Not tried on the laptop. Prefer the iPad, Everything else works a treat.
  14. You can read every post without being logged on. Just tap the picture and the contents of the forum will appear. Read away to your hearts content.
  15. Everything related to model railways including wiring, baseboard contruction, kit building, power tools, DC, DCC, N O OO Z 009 gauge and everything in between.
  16. Oh well never mind. Excellent forum to discuss any type of model railways
  17. This might work. If it does you can look at all my pictures by selecting previous or next. http://modelrailwayforum.co.uk/album.php?albumid=61&pictureid=1403
  18. I can do that but can't be bothered to switch on the laptop. Like I said I posted lots of layout pictures on the other forum. I'll have a go when we get back from Holland next month.
  19. Trouble is I have pictures of the layout on my ipad but it says they're the wrong type of picture when I try to download them. There's plenty on the Model Railway Forum.
  20. Sorry Jacob it has taken me two days and about 60 attempts to get the picture of the J15 on here. I'll have a go later.
  21. Hornby J15. It is an absolute beauty. /media/tinymce_upload/5f0cb8dd6ee99e3bf6ffacf0573e96b7.jpg
  22. Yes they've been planting explosives under buildings and people for many years. 😆
  23. They use miners in WW1 to dig under the enemy to plant explosives. Trouble is the enemy did the same. Sometimes they could hear each other passing by. Officially a sapper is a soldier who lays, detects or disarms mines but became the common name for a Royal Engineer. Going back to mines dropped from aircraft, they were usually attached to a parachute otherwise they were likely to detonate when hitting the ground, then it would be a bomb.
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