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Posts posted by NWR-Gordon-4

  1. Great images everyone.ย  ๐Ÿ˜‰ย  ๐Ÿ˜€


    I reckon the Hornby Hobbies admin team are working at home, as they have been approving images over at the Hornby Forum in the past few days on the weekend and from 19:00 onwards to just after 01:00 the following morning. All of which are unusual times, that images never usually get approved during these hours.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

  2. The trouble with starting an auction at 99p, is that in the rarerย occurrence that only bidder places a bid; Once you have made you listing fees, you will end up with little or no money left for yourself. I recommend you start at around ยฃ5.00 and perhaps add an auction reserve price aswell. If that does not sell, you can always reduce the starting price until it sells. There is never a limit of how many times a product can be listed by the same seller.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

  3. You are correct, LC&DR. The only way to buy something that you want, that is dicontinued and has become rare is to keep searching here, there and everywhere. There could be a model shop somehwere, that is not widely know that has this product in stock. Who knows.


    I have some good rare products in small and not very well known model shops over the years and usually their prices were as they sold for, when they were a current release!


    GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

  4. Oh sorry, I did not recognise that post. That must have been one that I had missed. If I had noticed it when it was new thread, I probably would have commented on it. I don't want to comment on a 9 months old thread. I dislike resurrecting old threads, due to past experience. It looks good nevertheless, Ratch.ย  ๐Ÿ˜€


    Clickable hyperlink, to Ratch's thread from June 2019: Airfix Forum - 1/600 HMS Belfast.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

  5. Of course, I know that. It is just a little odd, as to why there are some images of non-Airfix kits on the Airfix Forum and other images of non-Airfix kits are not allowed. This does not make a lot of sense to me.


    GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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